_ - �.
<br /> � ` . �
<br /> tU. That as addiuorra,`sa;+.►*ny,Trus�t hereb-,t Q:�^es ta and confera upaR Se*�af�3�:�the right Gowe:,and autAariry,during the corrtinwn�e Ot this TrusR to
<br /> cotteC�th�pvaperty ir.ctm*.�res2:��ng m Tnr�ce-tt,P rig.�;prior to any deia:�tt hy Ta�tor in paymert ot any�rtdebtedness secured hereby or ta pertormartCe ot
<br /> ' • any agreem8nt hereunder,to coitect aad rea_�si:ch propOrty tnco�n@ as ii baea:r�sfue artd Qayable.U�on any stch 8�taui�Benetic;sry tnay at arry tima.
<br /> withou:notice.eitt�:sr in;serson,by agent or py a receiver to be appointed tty E�cou4 aats wittk0u't tegard to tfie a6§qw�cy of any security tor the inde0tedness .
<br /> heret�y secure0,enter uDan a^d take pGSSess�an o�sa�Q property oe any pare�he.�al�ire tESS o+m name sua tar or ot�erwise aouect suc1�psapertf(ncor�a
<br /> includirt�tCetpe��t�s and�r�id,art6 appfy�ae s,asr:e,less casts artd ezperises oi a�eratian anQ coi:ectiort,inctudiny reasor.abte attorney's tees,upan any
<br /> � _ �nd�tYleqpe��dt��lhesetry:e:�Q in sucr.�r�er as Benef�ary may determEn�Ths eat°rirGg upon and taktn�possessaon ot said property,the coltectian Qt ,
<br /> such propeRy incor*e,antl tfe appticahan thereai as afaresaid.aRail rot cure 0r waive any detautt ar notice of Trustes's sale hereursder ar tnrra!:cfate any a�:t
<br /> darte pursuar-t tosueh rtofir.� • •
<br /> t�. Tr.at:rtauid Trust�c��t.eesnrey.transter or aispase o�oe tucttres enr.usabec ftrs prcpertf,or any pan therao!withau!the writte[s c�onsen!oi Beneficia�{
<br /> �einc��rst had ar:C otiairte3,then BaneF.sfary at�.atl h.av�e ttie righX at its aqho�to dactare ati sums secured here6y immeQiate►y due artd payab{e. .
<br /> t� Fhai upart delautt by Trustar in Ute paymerti Ot Sny isidebtednpss seCUted here�y or in�eR�mance af any e�reemen!h�reundei Bane�ciat�ertay�fter
<br /> no8ce of ngf+t to cu►e and fa:ture ta cuc�i�appticaSsf�dectare sif sums secured hereEy tmme�dia3p:y Que an�payaDie by deGvery tn?rus6es of wMlen�06tb
<br /> tl-ereof,seitirtg iortri the nature ti�ereot,and oteleetiari ta cause ta be aald sa[d property undsr ti►is Qeed a!Tn�sC Bene�iaary atso al�ail tleposit with Trustee �
<br /> tnis Deed of Trust,said nate(s).artd aH doeum�nts evtdenGng eupendimres secured tereby:
<br /> Trusree shalt record and gi fe noGce of Trual�eC a aace in Sie manner tequired dy taw.ar,G afh_s tl�e fapse pt sutt�time as may fher►be ra�ired by faw;
<br /> Tn:stee shal�sel1.in!he manne�required Qy::.va,said property at pubiie auetran at che tirrts ar:Q piace fixed by it in said notice o!Tnistee's aatatathe A3ghest
<br /> bidde�for cash in!a,Muf maney ot theUnited Sta�s.payabte at 6me af sate.Trustea may perst�orte or cantinu�Bre sate by giving notice ol pos�onemerstar
<br /> , cortnruar.ce by p4bsic3ec�araton atthe time andpface last ap{svince�!tor tt.�sate.Trustee shal�deliver ro such purchaser iis Deed aomeykf�tlsa properrysb
<br /> said,but witfsa�tany coysnart or v,rar[anty, e�ressed or impl[gd.Any persons.includir.g Trustor Tnrst2e,aa.Bersefictary.may purchase at suCh Sate.
<br /> : � After Ceducnr•�s.:casts.tees,and e�cpenses o!7rustee and af this Trust.�nciu�r.g cos!ot avsderce ot Cto in cOnfleCtion with eate and reasanabfe '
<br /> attomey's tees ta�-�exten:permitted tsy law,Trustee sha�t appiy tna pcaceea�of sa'e t�payr.�nt a�-AI!sums then secutCd hereby artd ai!other sums duF
<br /> urtder the terrrs r.P�at,with sccrued interesk ar d�e cemainder,if any,tQ the pecsore ar pessons tega::�entiUed therelo,os as provlded in N_RS.§TB-141 t.To
<br /> the exter+t per.r,it[�ag(aw,art actiort may he ma�airted by Bene:iciary tw cec✓ive:a def.•��xc�l j.:dg�en:frv arry b�tance due ttereunde�_ - • - -
<br /> 13. That in the ev�.r::di�:�taatk the remedies pravi�'eC m this Deed are not exci ls���e of other renedi�ara`_a�:'�to Herterc:ary and Tnisiee uader the law.
<br /> 14. That Benefiaar�r.a/appoiri a succ�sar'frustee iz the mar.rrer presuibed by law. A succesaac Tr�,�e herein sha11,withou4 canveyencs frOm tl�e
<br /> predecessor Trustee,succeed to�°t'!e predecessors Utte.rigrits.powecs,and duties.Trustee may resign by"na��o:det;vering notice the�eotto Berteficiary
<br /> end Trustor.
<br /> 15. 'ChaL fhis Oeed o(Trust applies to, +nu�es to thB benetst ot, ar,d binds alt pa�ties he�eto, their heirs, legatees,�davis�►s,adn+inishators„executors.
<br /> sucCessors,and assigns.The term Beneficiary shall mean the o�wttec 8nd hoider'ot the noteisj secured hereBy,whether or not rtamed es Benefisiary het8ta tn -
<br /> this Oeed of Trust whenever the co�text so requires,ths mascu�,ne gender includes the teminine and neuter,and theeingular number inciuQe�the pturak �
<br /> 18. ThS!Tntsfee 8ccepts ttti3?�3t N7�en this Deed of T►usk du�f executad and acknowfedged,is made a publtc record as proviQed by taw.Trustee is trat
<br /> obligated to noti(y a:y party I�ar�io ot penQing sate unAer any other Deed af Trust a�a�any action or proceeding in which Trustor,Beneficiary,or Trustee
<br /> . . shall be a party unte�s br�ught.by Trustee. - � ' �
<br /> , . . , ,. , .
<br /> The underaigned Tfustor requasts that a copy ot any r.otice ot Trustee's sate hereunder be mait�d to him at tr.s address set forhh abov� ` , ,
<br /> . 't
<br /> ��ry� .
<br /> " • �"%��� . �� , T C- . ' ._'.
<br /> J Y BELG i �or -` ' , Trusior
<br /> . :�_
<br /> , • �r.
<br /> STATE OP NEBRASKA > . ' " . � .. �
<br /> , )SS � , ' � -
<br /> COUNTY OF ) ' ��
<br /> :��
<br /> • � ��,
<br /> ±�.
<br /> On thia 3U day of_Marct� ,t9 3�,tsefore me,the undersignwfi a ntcLvy L?t,btio. ��
<br /> dul commisaionedand ualifledforandlnsaldsteteandcoun ter Be um a si ¢le pn ;�;�
<br /> y Q ty.Personally came Yy��g � I ,.p�S�....
<br /> ��>�:�
<br /> to me known to bs tht IQentleal ¢. "
<br /> penon or pe►aons whose name ia or names are aHixed to the foregoing lnatrument And�c1?�awr,��t�.�0 executlon theroo! � ,
<br /> to bm t,��,her or tl�sir voluntary aet end deed � � � `-
<br /> . . , .:�..
<br /> Witr�eas my har,d a��r2+tVotarlal Seal the day and year laat abpve wrltten. -- - , �...-y��l f1 :.�� "I� `-��'
<br /> ' f� ` � 'L ! f R k � . '
<br /> �.__ NOT Y I�UBLIC � .
<br /> i � �� ,
<br /> My commission�xAirq the�=�'�day o! ��t � i•e�_!�_- •
<br /> �. . ���Rlr M rui
<br /> . .. ,. ....NE-1501..1iev.11l83....._..--------------� --�--- --...------- .. .._.._ .. . --�- ��-------- --- ... --�--�-��--�---.... �IN�1�0#A.P'OtAK .- -. . ..... .. . ........ _ ....- ---
<br /> 11r+� Exp Nry?2,1991
<br /> . •
<br /> P�' BY: . ,
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<br /> �� "° J ex ' t� '� :, ,�,�, ' �
<br /> ` 03 West Seoond Street : ,' � �,-� . . �p ;-__-==-_
<br />. � �P. O. B�x 1068 , , ' '�' •'"�'��� ; O �, .
<br /> Grand IslancY, NE 68842 •� ^" - ..`,
<br /> � . (308) 3$2-4520 �� �
<br /> . . _ • . • _ ",.� f'�t , ��y�Qj. �
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