<br />WHEREAS, The Ravenna Bank, a Nebraska Corporation by and through, Dale L. Johnson \T_
<br />it's authorized officer, as trustee under the trust deed dated May 27, 1999, executed by, Timothy Denman S
<br />and Wendy Denman, Husband and Wife, as trustor, in which The Ravenna Bank is named as beneficiary, Q
<br />and said corporation, as trustee, and recorded as Instrument #99- 105573 in the office of the Register of
<br />Deeds of Hall County, State of Nebraska, has received from The Ravenna Bank, the beneficiary
<br />thereunder, a written request to reconvey, reciting that all sums secured by such trust deed have been fully
<br />paid and that such trust deed and the note secured thereby have been surrendered to the undersigned, as
<br />trustee, for cancellation;
<br />NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with such request and the provisions of such trust deed, the
<br />said corporation, The Ravenna Bank, by and through it's authorized officer, as trustee, does hereby
<br />reconvey, without warranty, to the person or persons entitled thereto, namely: Timothy Denman and
<br />Wendy Denman, Husband and Wife, the estate now held by it thereunder, to -wit:
<br />The North half of the Northwest Quarter (NI/2 NW1 /4) of Section Thirty (30), Township Ten
<br />(10) North, Range Ten (10), West of the 6TH P.M., Hall County, Nebraska except that tract of
<br />land conveyed to the County of Hall, State of Nebraska, by deed recorded in Book 125, Page 551
<br />and excepting therefrom tracts of land more particularly described in Plat recorded as Document
<br />No. 92- 107345 and return of appraisers recorded as Document No. 92- 109950.
<br />In witness whereof, the undersigned has executed this deed of reconveyance at Ravenna,
<br />Nebraska on June 21, 2000.
<br />The Ravenna Bank , a Nebraska Corporation
<br />By: V. P
<br />uthorized Officer
<br />State of Nebraska )
<br />) SS:
<br />County of Buffalo )
<br />On this 21th day of June , 2000 , before me, a Notary Public, duly
<br />commissioned, qualified for and residing in said County, personally came Dale. L. Johnson, Vice
<br />President, The Ravenna Bank, known to me to be the identical person whose name is affixed to the
<br />foregoing instrument and acknowledged the execution thereof to be their voluntary act and deed and the
<br />voluntary act and deed of said corporation.
<br />WITNESS my hand and notarial seal the day and year last above written.
<br />GENERAL NOTARY -State of Nebraska
<br />My Comm. Exp. JM 23.2001 Notary Public
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<br />WHEREAS, The Ravenna Bank, a Nebraska Corporation by and through, Dale L. Johnson \T_
<br />it's authorized officer, as trustee under the trust deed dated May 27, 1999, executed by, Timothy Denman S
<br />and Wendy Denman, Husband and Wife, as trustor, in which The Ravenna Bank is named as beneficiary, Q
<br />and said corporation, as trustee, and recorded as Instrument #99- 105573 in the office of the Register of
<br />Deeds of Hall County, State of Nebraska, has received from The Ravenna Bank, the beneficiary
<br />thereunder, a written request to reconvey, reciting that all sums secured by such trust deed have been fully
<br />paid and that such trust deed and the note secured thereby have been surrendered to the undersigned, as
<br />trustee, for cancellation;
<br />NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with such request and the provisions of such trust deed, the
<br />said corporation, The Ravenna Bank, by and through it's authorized officer, as trustee, does hereby
<br />reconvey, without warranty, to the person or persons entitled thereto, namely: Timothy Denman and
<br />Wendy Denman, Husband and Wife, the estate now held by it thereunder, to -wit:
<br />The North half of the Northwest Quarter (NI/2 NW1 /4) of Section Thirty (30), Township Ten
<br />(10) North, Range Ten (10), West of the 6TH P.M., Hall County, Nebraska except that tract of
<br />land conveyed to the County of Hall, State of Nebraska, by deed recorded in Book 125, Page 551
<br />and excepting therefrom tracts of land more particularly described in Plat recorded as Document
<br />No. 92- 107345 and return of appraisers recorded as Document No. 92- 109950.
<br />In witness whereof, the undersigned has executed this deed of reconveyance at Ravenna,
<br />Nebraska on June 21, 2000.
<br />The Ravenna Bank , a Nebraska Corporation
<br />By: V. P
<br />uthorized Officer
<br />State of Nebraska )
<br />) SS:
<br />County of Buffalo )
<br />On this 21th day of June , 2000 , before me, a Notary Public, duly
<br />commissioned, qualified for and residing in said County, personally came Dale. L. Johnson, Vice
<br />President, The Ravenna Bank, known to me to be the identical person whose name is affixed to the
<br />foregoing instrument and acknowledged the execution thereof to be their voluntary act and deed and the
<br />voluntary act and deed of said corporation.
<br />WITNESS my hand and notarial seal the day and year last above written.
<br />GENERAL NOTARY -State of Nebraska
<br />My Comm. Exp. JM 23.2001 Notary Public
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