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<br /> 6 �eR Ooen(ef.L.enAer is tse"r�rj;ossignHN�al�ompen;aitnn.awards.Qarrcag?es�od:oUter•iN'iYRt�s ar re;�et�neremattet"Proteeds"1�n tcn�kon w�th .
<br /> cois6emnation er olhertaking ot the Property ar partt��1•a►�orconveyapcein lieunl cnndEmnaS�ort.�Eisha��be ent,tted atits optan ta commence.apaear m aRC
<br /> prosecute�n�tsownnamearryactionorprateea�ngs-a�ss3MallatsaGeeMqlc�ftatn8k�anycvmpronnse5rsetttementmconnettianw,th5uthtakingorCamage fnthe •
<br /> evertt any portion ot tne Properry is so taken oc damaged.Lenefer siisil#isve_tne npticm:ih�ts sote and aEsotute d�sc�etion.to appty a�t sucte Proceeds.after dednctm4
<br /> � tRerelrOmsfftCSt98ndexpenseSinGUrred6yitinconnecUOnw�thSUChpi4�C8ed9.upartarrymQebteQne5S5ecu24hereDy8n0�nsuChorderaslende«t�dyQelermine.ortp
<br /> • ay�ty alT sucn ProceeCS.aiter sueti Cedun�ons.to tr+�resTOration o1 ttie Rroperry uoon such cond�t�ons as tenCer may determme Any appt�canon of Prateeds to
<br /> mdebte�[ess st�atl�oS eoct2nd or postpone ffis QuBdate of any paymentsunCe�the Note.or cure any Ceiautt MB�eunder or hereunQec
<br /> ' 7. RNfOreYnCSbyiMd�r.tntReeveotot$arrower'sfe[IUretOperfarmanyotthecouenentsheremormakeanypayme�tSreflu�redner80y.onfanyact�stakenor
<br /> � �egatDfoteed�ngwmmenceAwhieRmatetialtyatteslslenQeis�ntere5t�ntheProperty.LertQermaymdsownd�5csehon.butwdhoutobt�gat�ontoCOSO.arcdwithoutnotice
<br /> to or Qemand upon Borrdwer and w�t�ou!rete�srng 8orrawerirom any oDt:gation.do any act wMCh t�e 8or►owe�has agreee Out ta�fs to Qo 8�d may atso do any otneract�t
<br /> deemsrtecesSSrytoO►otectthesecurrtyf+ereof Bonowershalt,immeQ�atetyupO�tlemandff+erefo.CylenCer.paytolertdera��costSanQe:nenses�ncunedanCSUms
<br /> exp�,d�ypy Lender,n canrtecUas�a,trttettraxerusen�l.enQerettneta�ego�ng ngnta cogother w�m�nceresi thereon az the rate o�ow�Qep�n the tVOte.w�ucrt snall�e added to
<br /> the mdebtedneu SBCUreO�oreEy�ender snatl not�ncur any pe�sonall�abel�ty eewuse ot onytmng a may ao or am�t to da h��eunder
<br /> g Evinbp{pKfull,Thefoltowing sna��eonsUtuie an event of Qefauit under tn�s Oeea qf Trust
<br /> [a) Faduretopayanyinstallmentotprmc�pa�o��nterestoranyotnersumse�ureCherebywhendue.ortaduretopaywhendueanyotnennde6tednessol
<br /> � Borrower td lenQer, _ . . •
<br /> fD) A breaeh at or�efault urtde�any prov�s�on cantaEnetl�n the Note.thrs Oeea ot�Trust_any 0ocument wh�c�seeursrs the Note.an0 a�ry otner
<br /> � _ ' encumb►ance'upon tne Property: . �
<br /> � (C) Awntote+eCUt�onorattacAmentosa�yS�mdarproeessst�allbeentere0aga�nslBoRawerwhichSnali6etameatienanthePrapertyorgnypOrt�On ,
<br /> .' � thereotor�nteresttnerE�n. • "
<br /> � tp► There shall be t�1e0 by or aga�nst Bar►ower an action unQer any present�r future teCeral.state or other statute.�aw or�eguiat�on retating to
<br /> , Dankruytcy,msotvencyorottferretief torQehtars:armereshalibeappomcedenytrustee,rece�veror I�qu�da[or ol Borrawer oratalt oranypartof thePruyerty.or
<br /> � the rent�,issues or protits ther8of,or 6arrower shall make any genera!assignment tor the benefit of credrtors
<br /> ' (e) The sat@,t�anster,assignmenl.con�eyance or turther encumb►ance of atl or any part ot or any mterest tn the Property.either aolu�tanly or -
<br /> O mvotuntanty,without the express wntten consent of Lender.
<br /> .� (fy If Barrower is not an mCrv�dual.the sale.transter.assignment.canveyance o�e�faumbrance ot more than percent o[(it a Corparation�its ___ _..._ .
<br /> �ssued and autatandi�g stoCk or(it a partnership►-.--percent af parmership mterests
<br /> 9 R�AaeNrrifan Upon DNauH.tntrte evant of any Evem ot Oefault LenCer may Cectare aU indebtedness secured hereby to Ce Aceand payab�e anQ the
<br /> eameshatl the2upon 6ecame due and Dayebte w�thaut any presentment,Gemand,protast or notice ot any kind.Thereafter LenCer may�
<br /> (a) Oemandt�atTrusteeexerasethePOWEROFSALEgraatedhere�n.andTrusteesflattthereattercauseBortower's+nterest�rtthePropertyto6es��
<br /> and t�e proceeds to be d�strivuteA.aIt�n tde manner prov�ded m the Nebraska Trost Qeeds A�: •
<br /> (b) Edher m person ar by agent.w�th or wdhaut 6ringmg any acUOn or procesCm� aT Dy a receiver appointed by a court and without regara to ttie, ._ , _
<br /> adeQuacyofnssecurdy.enterWonartAWMepassess�onottAeProperty.oranyparttnerent.:::snwnnameonnthenameotth@Trustee,andQoanyactswhicn .. .
<br /> d Q8em5 neCessaty oi desrcabte to pr65Brve t�C value:marketabdity or rentabil�ty of th0 Pr�Derty.or peR thHreOf or�nterest therein.mCrease the�ncame .
<br /> � lhetetrOm or proteCt the sec�• -y hereotand,w�th or wrthout takmq posSess�on ot the Prapery/_s.�e for or otherw�se collect the rents,issuesand profitsthereot. .,
<br /> ��etu0ing those past due anC�npai0.andapply the same.tess costs ana expenses ot opera;i�r.�nGCOilect�on including attorneys feeS.upon any�adebtednE�-•:.
<br /> SECUted hereby,all m such�rd�r as Lender may detertmne T`+e eatenng upon aaA tak�n�pa�a5s�on ot the Property.the coltect�on nf such rents,issueSanC - .
<br /> prafitsandtheapptrcanontae.eptasaSoresa��f.shallnatcu!aa�wa�veanydefaWtarno'ceaEle(autthereunOerormvatidateanyactdonemresponsetosucr�:
<br /> . default ar pursuant to sucn naYic'e of Qefautt an0,notwdhs.�nemg the conUn•,.ar:ce��p�sszssion ot tne Propertyr or fhe eollectan.rece�At and applicat�an a`�-
<br /> rents.�SSUes orprotrts.Trusiee ar Lender sha11 deentdled to exercise e+rerg s:ght pavi�e�t�r m any o1 the Loan Instruments or by taw upon accurence ot any '
<br /> event o1 Jetaulx��cNmng t^�e nght to exerase the power ot Sate,ana �
<br /> � (c) Commence an a�iion to fareclose tn�s Oeed of Trnst as a mortgaq�'ay0a�'�t a r�ce�ver,or spec�f�ca0y enf�rce any o1 the covenants hereol: •
<br /> ' NDt¢mst3yheremtonterr¢OuponorresenedtoTrusleeorLBndensintandedtobeesclusiveotanyotne�rameGyheremor6ylawprov�d¢30rperm�tted,buteachshallbe ,,; ;
<br /> eumufative.8hal1 be in dCd�t�pn to every oti�tr teme0y g+ven hereunder o�now or hereatter ex�sting at lev`or in eqwty o�ay statute.anC may�e e:erc�sgd concurrently.
<br /> independently or aucCessrvety. : "'
<br /> 10. TNfMl.Th8 Ttustea may res�gn at any pme w�thout causo.anC Lender may at any time anp w�lhout cause appoint a successor ar substnute'(rust80 TrostOa � '
<br />' s�all n01081iabtg for any loss ordama$e unless tlue to actionable negligence or w�lltut m�sconduct.anA shall not be reqwred to take any action m connection wit�the {
<br /> enforc8ment o1 this DeeO ot Trust untess irtCemrnf�ed.�n wnt�ng.for all cos2s,compensat�on or expenses which may be assoc�ated therewith In aCd�t�o�.Trustee may , �
<br /> . beeomea�u�cAase►afanysate0ttfiePropeny(jud�c�alorunOerthepowerotsalegrantedhere�n).postvonethesateolaUOranypornonofthepropeny,asprov�dedbylaw:
<br /> ot sell the Property es a wh0te,or�n sepa�ale parcels Or Iots ' ,
<br /> 11. iuhHtAdrMC�a.Upon req�estof BortOwer.Lender may.at�is opt�on,make add�t�onal and future advances an0 readvantes to Borrowar Suc�advances and
<br /> roadvance�,w�th mteTest thereon,shal►be seCUred oy th�s Ueea of Trusi At no t�me shafl the vnuc�pas amount ot the�nCeDieOness secu�ed by th�s Oned N Trusf.not m- __
<br /> eluCingaumsadvanc2Cloproiectth858CUntyofthisOeotlolTrost.exCeedtheonginalpnnciDalamountstatedhere,n.or;_�Q�QQ..IIQ._�- _-`�whichevens _
<br /> greater q _
<br /> ' 12 Nhe�Nsn�vu��ovMb�s. '
<br /> (a) �arro�wrNol RtiNNd-Exters:un ol the hme tor payment or moadicaUOn o�a�non�zat�on o1 tne sum�secured dy th�s Deed of Trust g+ante0 bY !
<br /> 4end0r t0 any SucCBSSO�in intet85i ot Barrow er s�all nOt ope�ate to reloasB.m any manner.the liabilrty ot the ong�nal8orrower and BOrrOwOfa suCCesSOrs�n
<br /> ' interest.LBnOBr Sffell n01 be reQuued ta Cornmence proceetl�ngs against such successor or refuse to extentl t�me tor paymant or otherw�s0 modify amortuation
<br /> ' ot the sum9 seCUred by this i)eed ot Trust try reason ot any demands made by tbe ong�nal Borrower and Borrowei s suecessors in mterost. y
<br /> (b) L�nA�r�%wr�.1A��1h0utaflect+ngthel�aG�lityofanyot��rDersonl�ableforlhepaymentptanyobligat�on�ore�nriment�oned.enAw�thoutaffeCtin9 F
<br /> � the lien or c�arg9 01 tA�s 0eed 41 Trust upon any portion of tne Property not lnen or theretof�r�released as secunty foi the tull amount of aIl unpa�d obl�gat�oas f
<br /> LenCer may,trom time tat�me anC w�tnout noucv Iq re�ease en�person so oabte.ti��e•rena tne matumy ar aitor eny of the terms of any sucn oDUgatians.i��`�
<br /> g�ant other indutgence9.(�v)release or recOnvey.or Cause to bo reloaseG ar reconveyetl at any fime at lendor's optionsany parcel.portion or all of the P►pper,y.
<br /> (v)tekeo/re18a5eanyotheroraECit�onalSecurdyforanyobngaUUnhereinmentioned.ortv��makecompos�uonsorot�erarrangemflntswdhdeDtO�smrefat�on . ,
<br /> lheret0 �
<br /> �W ForOf�tatlG�by��eMfr NOta Watvar.AnyfarDeatance by Lontlo��n exerns�^g aay nght or remvdy hercrunder.or otherw�se aftortl°0 by da0���a=��@ ''�•,
<br /> Iaw,shaflnotbeawa+verato�brecludetnee�eiciseo�anysuchr�ghloirome0y Tneprocu��msntofmsurancoo►thopaymentoltaxeso►othefuensorc"a�.�' "�
<br /> by LEnEer shali not be a wa�usr o1 LenCe�s nght to acCelerate the matunty o11�0�ndeDSe�-�ess securetl by th�s DeeO ol Trust
<br /> (d) �9cc�wots�As�ns eound:JOInI and 8�v�a1�qWUfy:Captlons.Tne co.enants ana agreemonts hete�n conta�netl shali pr-.�and the n�r�°s •
<br /> hereunQev�t�a�%inureto.IhC�esAZCt�vesusaessorsandass�gn9ofLenderanOBorrower s.�o�ecttptneprov�s�onsofparagraph8(elhereo• 4:!:ove�a�tsa��
<br /> Bg�aEmEnt9tlI80�rOw@r5tigtab6J0��t8nOSeveral TheCaption3anOheaGmgsoflhvp3�a3�6ptiso�lh�sDeedolTrusteroforC4nvonianceonlyanaaronotto"e
<br /> r
<br /> usea to mferpret or det�ne tMe prov�l�ons hereo�
<br /> . ..__.__ . _.__, . .(e� RpwaltallofFC�f.7heparl�eshoroDy_raguestlhatacopyotanynoUCeofQeraasihnroun0e�ondacopyofanynoticealsalohorounderbemaiteCTC '
<br /> aaehpartytoth��0ee0o�7iustaltheaddresssetfohnabovo�nlhemannerprosc��ba0�vaaa��aAblelaw'Exceptforanyotherno��cerequuedundorapphcab�o -��-- - - -
<br /> 18w t0 Ee gw9��n enOthor menner.8ny nOt�CO pfov�dCd t0�in this�eetl o�Tru91 Shall Qe��aon by maitmy sucn not�ce by cert�}iod mad adAressed lo tho other
<br /> psrt�es,at tne addrvss set fo►tn above.
<br /> , • Any noLCe ptontled for 1n th�s OoeO Of 7rust shau no deemed to havv baon grven to 8or�ower or londer wnen grvoo�n tho manner Cos�gnatatl nerem
<br /> � (q feq�etlOn.LenQermeymakeorcausotobomaae�aaso�abteentnesuponand�nspecuonsottneVroperty.prov�QOdfnatLOndershallgiyoBorrowor •
<br /> notice D��or to eny sucfi in3DaC�ion spec�tying teasonebtp Cause t�e�ofor rv�ated to Lendoi 9�ntarest�n Ihe PropeNY .
<br /> • (g� �����,Uponpaymenlo18119um9securedbythi�Deedo�TruSt.LendorshallrequeStTrusteofurotdnveythoProportyandshallsurronder
<br /> , th�s Ueed ot trust en0 rltl note9ov�denc��g��debtednass securpd Cy this Deed o�Trust to Trustoe Trustee shetl rvconvoy f�o Prpporty w�lhout warrenty and
<br /> without charg9 fo t�e pB�sOry or persons tEtgatly entrtleA tnerpto Svch pefson or persorrg shaN pay a!t tosts ot rocardut�on,d tlny .
<br /> (�) V�nonNP�op�►ty,SfEUAtyAp�N11H�1.A98dtl�trOnalsecunlyforlhopdym0MOltheNotee�If��turpS.o4wDmoM.ando}horporsonalprope�tyusod
<br /> m�onneCliOn w�th tho realestafeo►�mprovements toCated th0reon.and not otherwiso Ceclarod or deemod to bo e D�rt ot f he roat estato sacurad hv►oby.sha11 bv
<br /> sub�aCttoasecurAymtere9tiMavorofthoLenOOrunQP�!hhHebraskeUmtprmCommerae►Code Th�smstrumqnlShallbeconslruedaea5ecuntyAgreomom ,--,-__-__
<br /> unde►Said CoQe.anAthe:91td0�9h0t1 hevo 8111hB r�ght9anv�CmCtl�e9 Ot e SecurCd p0rty u^d0r said Codo in additwnto th6��ghts and�emedies create0 undor .
<br /> and aceorQeQ tne Ler.C�-aursuant to tms baed o�Trus�
<br /> S�wr�Ciit�.ntheoventthalenyprovis�ono}th�sOeAtlofTruStconfi�ctwrtnaCp��cablelaworerodeclaredmoa4tlorothe�w:se4 entbrceablv.such ,
<br /> . ronfb.ne.:c�-raf,d�!ss�ettnolalleettheoth6tpr4w9ion90tthi9�e8dotTr 3torfheNoleNh�chcai�bog�vone�tectwdhoutt�eco�}��ct�ngprov�s�on.andtath�5 i
<br /> en0 th0 p►ov�s�ons ot-�w Jaed of Trust e�d Ihe Note ere declareA to be sovorabfe '
<br /> �3�oir6we�h8!@�cBtut@tl t��s U@Bd ol Trust tno dato wrNton abbv0 , �� , •
<br />. , �( e'_ I . �
<br /> 1,,,., � (Jos L. Trausch)��«��E��
<br /> ,/J����A'� ~t .
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