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<br /> � LicExsE A�x��rr . � ,
<br /> This License Agreement is made by and�betweer� the CITY OF �
<br /> � � GRANb ISLAND, NEBRASKA, a Muiticipal Corpota�fon, $erein referred to
<br /> t: as the "City° and HAROLD J. BUNGE and JACQtJELYN 2. BIINGE, Husband
<br /> and Wife, hereinafter referred to as ��he "Licensee". �
<br /> ,. .
<br /> 1. STATII�NT OF PURPOSE. The purpose of this License . �
<br /> � Aqreement is to set forth the terms and,+�onditions uader which the . � ..
<br /> I.icensee may constr.tict, maintain, repair, and utilize the fol3.owing
<br /> described improvemeat which wi11 infringe upon real estate owned by� � � �
<br /> the City: � . � � _ �
<br /> � � : _ "Hydro Cleaning Systems" sign ' ��ta�d to the �
<br /> � � premises at 1505-150? West North Fr��.i .,���t� Grand ��
<br /> �� F�land, Nebraska, which encroaches intci�':� �%r� space of , ' ' _
<br /> � � ��`�.p West North Front Street right-of-wa��Lg'L`�.� Feet Ten ' -
<br /> � �:::�i:�hes E 4'10!') . . .
<br /> ' 2. •� II�SCRIPTION OF LICENSEE'S REAL ESTATE. The €t��ensee owns
<br /> � the follar�rf..�s.g described real estate adjacent to the ��ty's real � �
<br /> esta�te to wI�ich this License Agreement shall apglys
<br /> � , . Lot 2, Bloc?� 18, Borinie Brae Addition to the City of � ��'
<br /> . . Grand Island, H�i County, Nel��aska. . : . � � , � �.
<br /> .. 3. LICENSEE'S DUTIES AND RISKS. It is ur.¢���stoor3 aad agreed � � � . �
<br /> that the Licensee may construct, maintain, repair and utilize the � �`
<br /> ' above described improvement at the Licensee's sole risk. The ,� `=
<br /> Licensee hereby waives any claim for damages against the City, its �
<br /> officers, employees, agents and indepeadent contractors for any '' -
<br /> : dartag� �or iajury t�zat may result to said improvement. . If the City, � _ -
<br /> , in ��s sole dfsaretion, determi�es that any part or all of the � -
<br /> � . impz�vement must� be rer�a�red or is damaqed by the City, its -
<br /> � employess, �g�nts, or i.nc���ndent contractors working �dr the City "
<br /> � during th� course of their employment or duties w;th the City, the
<br /> Li�eusee agrees to _assume and pay all costs relating to the .
<br /> , , . rep�acement er repair of the improvement. ' . �
<br /> , 4. EFFECTIVE DATE. This �icense agreement shall take effect '�� .��
<br /> , on th� date it is executed by the Mayor of the C3.ty of Grand island
<br /> , as da��ed below. It shall contiaue for an indefinite' term urz�il � °
<br /> such �ime as it is terminated as �rovided hereafter. ����'
<br /> � 5. T�RMiNAT�0�1. This license agreement shall ter�inate upon �
<br /> , one or more of th� tollowing occurrences: , . -
<br /> � ... .. .--.-- ...... _..--.--.-. a. --.-_--The._._ser_v_.ice__of.---sixty_.._.days._.written.. _notice......of . .� .. ....- .---. -- .
<br /> intention to terminate by any party upon the other party.
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