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<br /> . . Nci�'�3tt,�;C�iv�KAri7s.Borr+nw�saitd:Leaderi"ut�-tai.�tt and agree as foltov�s:
<br /> . �4.Acoeie+s�`R�m�Fe�:..I�e�t�ier,�iali:Bfi�e aatice to Borrower prIor to aooelcration foAoRing Borrowe�"s
<br /> Ixeu�of any coEenaat or sgerem�tt:in:tltis�5eivuity Iastrament(but not prioi to acceten�Fon aader puagr�p6s 13 an�17
<br /> ,_ �mless ipp�cable taw prorides btffi�il3el.?6e nut�ce sh�ll specify:(a)the defaul�tb)ttia sctton reqnired to cure the
<br /> j'� � def:at�(c)a dat�nnt t�ts t�an 30 days from tbe date the notice is 8�en to Borrower.bl%�r�icb the drtauit�nast be curedr
<br /> i a�d id)tbst fail�e to care the BefiWt an or befure tbe date specified in tbe aotFce m�yresgit ia sccetersttua of the�
<br /> seearcd Dy t63s Secu�ity Instrum�nt and sale of the Property.The aoti�e slu�ll farther inforn�Sorrower of t��fght to
<br /> � rebatate aftu acateration�and tLe rtg�t to bring a rnart acttoo to assest t�e non�xistence of�detautt nr an�r oilr�r �
<br /> � dtfsase of�orrower to�cxelenNon and ssl�If t6e detauit�S aotcured oa ar 6cfure ttu dat�spec[fled te the eati��r �
<br /> ' �t Its�pUos msy require imeiedl�te�ay�eent in tWl ot W sums sftwred by this Secariqr Ieitrament wtthou!furR6er �.
<br /> demsnd and m�y iavoke t6e power o!sate aed aey ot6sr remedies permltted by�pplt..abte tas.Lendtr adall be entiHed ta • �
<br /> . colfect all e:penses iacnrred in pi�esuing We.re�eedtes provided in tl�ts pua��Dh 19, including; but not limited to. �
<br /> reasona6le tKorneys'fees and cosbaf title e�ideece. .
<br /> � It tAe po�ver oi sale Is taroked,Tsusite ahatl record a natEce of dehult in each caunty in wbich any put af tlte
<br /> Frooerty is locatcd and s6a11 rosil coptes of srcc6 aoitce in tbe maeaer prescribed by spplica6it Isx to BorroKer and to tLe
<br /> other persons prescri6ed b�applieable ta�.Aftw the time reqntred by appiic4bte la�.�'eastee shall g[ve pubiic notfce of
<br /> � sale to t6e persons antd'ur-tlie a�anaer prescrfbed hy app!€cabte Istw.Truste��vithout demand on Borrbwer,s6a11 se!!the
<br /> Property at pubtic auctian ta the 6ig6est b�dder a!the time aad place�nd andee tlie terms destgaated in t6e noHce af sate in
<br /> � oae ar mare p�rcels and ih�ny order Trustee determtaes.Tcustee awy posqwne sate of alt or aay parcel af the Propertg h�
<br /> � pablic announceeseai at the time and place of any previousIy schedaled sale.Ixnder or its destgnee may purch�.se tbe ,
<br /> Prnperty att any sale.
<br /> Upon receipt of�aymeet oi the price 6idR Trustee shall deliver to t6e purchaser�rustee's deed conveyfag the
<br /> Psoperty.'I'he recitsts in t6e Tr►zstee's deed s�aII tie pri�facie evidence of the trnth of the smtearents atade thereia. � �
<br /> Trastee shalE�ppty the praceeds of the sate ie the follawtug order:tA)to ail e:penses of the sale,inctc�din�,6at aat limited
<br /> to.Trustee's fees as perm[tted by app[icabie laW and reasoaa�e attorneys•fees;(b)to s!1 sunts sec�red by thi�Security
<br /> Iasirumen�And(c1 any e=cess w the person or persoas legallc eamded ta i�
<br /> 20.Ieuder in Pos�esstoa Upon acceteration uttder�aragraph 19 nr abandonmeni of the Property,_f:�der(in ,
<br /> ' person,by agent or by judiciatly appointed receiver)shatl be entitled to enter upon,take possessi�n of and ma>-�e the .
<br /> Property aca�to eollect the rents of the Property including Li.�ar past due. Any rents collected by Lender or tY2��ceiver .
<br /> shall be ap�l`ced first to payment af the costs of managerr�rt of the Property and collection of renis,includi�g;�bnt not
<br /> limited tc�.�reiver's fees.premiums s�r.receives's bon,�x aad zeasonable attorneys'fees,and then to the sums s�:z.rred by .
<br /> t!usSecusityInstcument. �::= r
<br /> '��'.�Y:�,'
<br /> IL It�conveyance.Upon payment of aIl s�s�s s�u��d by this Security Instrament,Lender shall request Trustee to .
<br /> reconvey t�ac Property and shall surre.�der this Secvrity Is�st�ument and a11 notes evidertcing debt secured by this Security , � -
<br /> Instrumc�t to�Trustee.Trustee shal�r»°onvey the Propertg witliout warranty and without�charge to the person or persons . ,
<br /> legally entit4ed to it.Such person or persons shall pay any recp��ation casts.
<br /> 22.Sa6stitute Trustee.Lender,at its option,may from tsme to time remave Tnsstee and appoint a successor trustee ' �
<br /> , ta any Trustee�ppointed hereunder by an instrument recordett in tha caunty in which this Security Instrucnent is recorded.
<br /> ; Without consre�ance of the Praperty;the successor trustee sl�s�lYsucceed td a�l t�te tit�e,power and duties canfcrred upon �
<br /> . Trustee hereia and by applicable law., =
<br /> Z3.Request to�Notiees. Borrower retJues�s that copies of the notices of default and sale be sent to I�otrower's °,:;'.;�.-
<br /> address which is the Property Address. '��'-�����`•
<br /> ,,,,
<br /> ?A.Ridsrs to tl�s Secarity Instramen�If one or more riders are executed by Horrower and recorded togethes with :�f;�—
<br />' this Securiar�I�strument,the covenants and agreements os earh such rider shall be incorporated into and sha�E�-�end and ';
<br /> snpplement t�e covenants and agreements of this Security lastrument as iP the rid��) were a part of t1h'ss.Security :
<br /> Instrument.(Check app]icableboa(es)) `�
<br /> .�. ❑ Adjustable �ate Rider [] Condominium Rider � 2� Family Rider r, � �
<br /> , ti .t :.
<br /> �` [',,,� Graduated Payment Rider Q Planneci U�it Development Rider � •.
<br /> i
<br /> ' : �..:,:
<br /> � [j Other(s) [specify) •
<br /> ' BY S1rNING BELbW, �orrower accepts and ags�es to the terms and covenants cor.xai:;ed in this 5eeurity �' *
<br /> Inslrument and in any rider(s)eaecuted by Borrower and tecar�ted with it.
<br /> . '
<br /> ....................:................................................................... �.... ��r.4r:�"r...�..����.r�-a......R�.....,�,�r..................(Seal)
<br /> Kei�h F. KasseTder '�OfON'e•
<br /> _.._ ...---� ----.. _._. .-�--- -�--. .._..- --�--.......------. .__. _ .. ....---._ ..- -�-- -- - -- � ��- .._ _..... .--- - -._...._....... .._...... . . . .. .
<br /> .. ........................................................................................ ....:��:.%N`:.. ...:'!.'t,;vi.t:fi:i;:t.' . ,.......,....... �(Seal)
<br /> � Carol Sue Kasselder . �o►�o��►
<br /> 51A11•:(IP NI�-HNASKA. Hall ('��uniy ��:
<br /> nn thic 30th dt�y of M�x'Ch .19 90 , hefore me. �hc'uitder�i�ned, a Nottiry Public
<br /> duly commissic�neci and y��ali�ird far said ruunty,per.�►nally ranm Keith F. Kass�ldo�hand Carol Sue .-- ._--_-
<br /> Kasselder, each in his and her awn right, and as spouse of eachj .���»�knv«�n t��hc ihc , �
<br /> identical �revson(s) whc�se name{�) arc wNscribed iv thc furc uin� imtrumcn� ,�ml ��rknotvledged�the crer�uion �
<br /> thrreav t�r be theiT �����:�n1:�ry ac� and decd. �
<br /> ' � �'�:fness my hand and notariat tical at GTand Is�=nd, braska , i" ti.iid cvum>�.thr • �
<br /> '�y:f 3`nfC5�tt�. ; . + �
<br /> :, ` - .My C_�n:mission expires: 9/-�,3 . i�/�- � �i
<br /> � �l�MY,SbMM riifl . . .... .`�;F.,�, i���i,i�.. .. ... . ...
<br /> JOXM.OFJIZtFY Iif: Ut:St.l�OI�t It[it . . �I•Y�iNC! .� �'
<br /> : � Y!�/-��l�19l� � ' t0(
<br /> "in'�K .. . , ��!
<br /> th�untlCf�l�ltcd tt Ihe�tt►1uG't �i1 IhC ►uqi' �r� urrte� y�z�utril In•thr, {7r.•el�+1 lin,1. tiaNt n��tc�v n�ti�r:, I�,et•Uir� ;} a
<br />, 4Ylkll ilis'-,:�Il�[}�IJtIIIiLIkIt'44 tif;�!!ElII Il4�II!!h��CllI4!) r!f!'-�.,_I?-_Ftt'Tti'�'!!(�.11i�!!!�!l�r. ��/!!.lFL'�lL:I!'�li L�!!�'t ft.'f�11�::lfti'!'��.11lE- .
<br /> tYt�tt•ur nulE�o�titd thi: 1�CCd�►f lrUCt, �cbl�Ti ;nc�IE•licc�tcd l�Ctch��. ,�nii t���r���Ir-cc. «Nh�,u! ��.sir:rlttti, .�li ilcc :.��.n�•
<br /> i�r.�+: h;;t�i i�t r,e�u ut�elcr rhi� lTErt1 e.f I�u:E �n tl�t p.e•.e�s�nr pi•�.e�i�. tr�•ell+ ,��i�El:�i �i�e�r�„ • .
<br /> �
<br /> . I�att� ,,.,�
<br /> _..� _�—����_ .���_ —��[:� +.—r��r,..��auraasro 4 — -- `4 - - -- _ ' _ _ --
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<br /> .. �•f�°4`if {-"�� .- - -- -r._�.:_ t ,•t�•= , :fi�'T�i,_ � . . �• . . .. , . .� . . . . , . � -• -
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