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<br /> C'. •
<br /> � __ ._. ' , . , . �. . ".�Y.. _ . - �
<br /> ; . _
<br /> � � WARRANTY DEED , ' '�`:�''
<br /> ������`��� '��:;
<br /> ELEANOR ti. NEDMAYER, a �'si�igle person, herein- called. #Yte .qrantor
<br /> whether ane or m4re, in consideration of ONE HUNDRED T��SRm'.��SE�N � `
<br /> � THOIIS3�ND NINE HUNDRED AND NO/lOQ DOLLARS ($13�,900.00) „�ce�e:�v�d� ,��`rom
<br /> grantee, does grant, bargaa.n�,, seLl,. eonv�f�, and canfirm ��s,��ROB�RT L. _ �
<br /> MADEIt and NANCY �,. MADER,_. hu�band� andJ�.W,�$�•,. as Tenan��;;`it�Coaut[on,, herein �.
<br /> . called the grantee whether ane.a� m�re, the fo]:lc�i,i,�ng described real . '
<br /> propert� in Ha21 County, Nehr.a�isa: . ', � . . .
<br /> . ��-.. , , �.,,,' �
<br /> : A tract of Zand l�iiig 3i.�� of the northerlg Bur 3�ir�;��.�, , _ y`:
<br /> . . Northern, Iac. riql�t-�at=�g line AND west of th�'�►_���:r�y , �
<br /> •. •f .
<br /> . U.S. Highway 28I right-of=way line in the Northeas�,����ter , � .
<br /> � of Seation 1, Tow��ip 11 Narth, Range IO West a����t��e-,��h
<br /> Principal Meridia�.r Ha11 County, Nebraska, bein�:��re par- : '
<br /> �• � �icular].y described as follows: With reference ta the north- . � �
<br /> '� ' "' � eas� .corner of _said _.NE4: thence westerl �
<br /> . .. y on the north l�ne . .. . :: �
<br /> ot said NEQ on an assumed bearing of N 900 00' 00" W a dis-
<br /> ttance of 268.38 fe�� (269.63 feet recorded an Microfilm
<br /> Nc�z 78-006971 in ffa3�.l. County Register of Deeds 4��ice) ta
<br /> ,. , ;� , ',�, �i�he actua2 point af �eginning; thence continuiz��.�.westerly
<br /> <<:�;� , '�: . ,
<br /> � ��:',;,.: �>>,�;;,,on the north Iine of said NE 4 bearing r1 90° OQ L i!0" �a a dis- �
<br /> - .� � . � "�tar�ce of 2378.63 f�t to the northwest corner af �said NE 4;
<br /> � � . � � ���the��e sautherly e� the west line of said NE� be�..�ing �
<br /> " S 0� 23' 47" E a c��stance of 2028.64 feet to. a g��nt on the _
<br /> northerly Burlington Northern, Inc. right-of-wap Iine; thence '.
<br /> ' southeasterly on said Hurlington Northern right,of-way bear- ' ' '� • �
<br /> ,,..�;�,
<br /> inq S ?3� 57' 15" E a distance of 999.82 feet td a point on �
<br /> the westerly U.S. Hiqhway 281 right-of-way lin�, saic] point �� ' �
<br /> bei�g 365.00 feet westerly £rom the north-south center Iine
<br /> of said NE4; thence northerly para12e1 to said center �i�.ne, --
<br /> on said bighway right-of-way line bearing N 0� 2�4' 10" �a a ;�
<br />� distance of 187.42 �feet (187.24 feet recorded) ; thence con- '
<br /> tinuing northerly e�� said highway right-of-way 3ine bearing
<br /> N l0 58•, 50" E a distance of 415.60 feet; thence northe.rly i.
<br />: on said hig�way right-of-way line bearincz N 18� 48' S0" E . , 3 F;;,
<br /> a distance of 372.�6 feet; thence northerly on said highway •• �
<br /> right-oE-way line c�z a 1727.02 foot radius cur�e t� the right, � ��.�•
<br /> def���tion to the ar*�itial tangent bei.ng 00� 03° 3eft, a dis-
<br /> �ance of 14�6.48 feet, subtending a central angle of 98� 39' ; - `'�'
<br /> thence nortTzeasterly on sasd highway right-of-way line on a ` ��
<br /> 1984.86 foot radius curve to the right, deflection to the ��
<br /> initial tangent 1�e�^g 130 26' left, a distance �� 402.97 feet,
<br /> subtending a cenfira�. angle of ll0 38' ; ttzence northwesterly
<br /> . � on said hig�:way righ�-of-way line bearing N 24a 2 3' 10" W, a
<br /> distance of i�.8.8Q feet (121.78 feet recorded) to the actual
<br /> - �- -----� �-� ------- - point-of� beginning; -said ��tr-act --cantaining- 69.59 acres more-or -�� ���- -��-��----�--- - - -- --
<br /> less, the norther�.�r 33 feet beinc county road right-of-way.
<br /> To have and ta hola the above d�scribed pr��isea together with all
<br /> � tenements, �tereditar�ents and appurtenances there�o belonging unto the
<br /> ,qrantee and ta� grantee's i�eirs anc� assigns foze�rer.
<br /> And the grane�r does hereby covenant a�i��i �I�e ,qrantee and with � T
<br />� grantee's heirs ana assigns that grantor �.s lawfully seized of said ;
<br /> premises; that they are free from encur,�lsrance; that grantor has good � �
<br /> - rig�,t -ar�c� iawfui authvrity tv canvey the same; and tha� gYan�or warrants � �
<br /> � and will. defend the title to sai8 premi.ses against the lawful claims of �
<br /> � alZ persons whomsoever. • �
<br /> UATED tltiS 2 N�t day of r`"!�L'/!� . 1973. �y.
<br /> -- �
<br /> �'
<br /> • , F� i
<br /> ,�
<br /> i
<br />.. ~ ��.Q <:') . ,j y i I 1 � I i %J'_� t/ C i,
<br />. " . "'--r°.---""'_.�.,______ 4.._._���.Y.-..�-.. _
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<br />