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<br /> �' ` � �. - �10170i , . .
<br /> : In.the Cit3r of Cs�d Island. �Iebraska � _ - � .
<br /> �
<br /> The undersig�ted, ROBERT B. HARRIE and CAROL L. HARRIE, husband anc€ . . . � ;,
<br />. � � . wife,hereinafter call�d thc Subdividers,as owners of a tract:a€land cvmprising s-P3rt af the� � � ' ' . � •
<br /> South�rest Quarter oE the Soathwest Quarter �s��, ,SV�;j� of Sectin:�.T�venty-one {21�, _ �--�`�<<
<br /> -< � � , .
<br /> . , ,
<br /> . '�'��ns�ip Eleven�{l�l�)�North, Range Nine (9} W�st of the 6th P.M., City o€Grand Islanc�;_ ;
<br /> . �-Ia11 County, N�b�aska, and more particularly de�cnbed as follows: • ,. < , ,. .
<br /> . Beginazing at the Southeast corner of said South�vest Quarter of . . �. . : .
<br /> the�Southwest Quarter (SW'.SW;); thence N 89° 2S' 07" W . .
<br /> (assumed bearirg) along and upon the South line of said ,
<br /> � Soufhwest Quart�r .of.tY�.�. Southwest Quarter (SW;SW�) a � . .
<br /> . �iistance of one hua�re�:��:t�-three and two-hundredths(163.02) �
<br /> ' feet; thenee N Oa'00' ilt►" E a di�tance of one hundred forty � -'
<br /> and�iwelve hundredths (140.12j fee�; thenee S 89° 39' 38" E a , . i-- �
<br />- dtstance of one hundred sixty-three and three•tenths (163.30} �- .
<br /> feet to a poim on the East line of said South�vest Quarter of the , . ,
<br /> Southwest Quarter(SW;W'.) a distance af one hundred forty
<br /> � and ei�ht-tent�s (140.RO) feet to the pnint af beginning, and ;��>>�:: � �
<br /> . containing O.g�� acre, mnre csr less, excepring therefrnm that . �� t,..~
<br /> � ' . , pttrc�l of land deed�d to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, i=
<br /> � �nd� recorded i.�s the a.`fice of the R�ster �f Deeds as ;
<br /> . � Dc�cument N�. ?4-0U070�t; {
<br /> � . :
<br /> desire ta hav�subdivided�s a subdivitiion the f�resc�ing tract �f land which is lac�ted within , .
<br /> . the corporate limits of the City of Granci Island, Nebraska, and hereby submit to the City `�,:
<br /> � �'
<br /> • � Council of suah�City,for�accertance as pravi�!r._tl..by law .in accurate m��p �nd plat c�f such '
<br /> propo�e� subi�ivisian,tn t��known ��s SCHWIE�CR SUBDIVISION, desi�;natin�;ex�lieitly. � ' �
<br /> � 'the land to be laic�}t�ut and pt�rtieul�;i}=c�escrihin�the l�ts,.�asemen��. and strcets belongin� �
<br /> `' tn sucl� subdivision, with��h� lots �i�s:���:ated by numbe�s, easem�nES:by dimensians, and , � � .
<br />. � . street by name, �otd pre�pe,be t�eaus���:� plat c�f sueh subJivisic�n�vhc:n fin�illy ��pprc�ved hy � '
<br /> , . , ,.
<br />: , , . . �.� .
<br /> . . . ,-�,-_::�-:,
<br /> � ' . , i��: ,
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