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������������ <br />~°� � � �� � «v*x � <br />disposition of their funds, considering the probable income <br />as well as the probable safety of their capital. Within the <br />limitations of that standard, the Trustee is authorized to <br />acquire and retain every kind of property, real, personal or <br />mixed, and every kind of investment, specifically including, <br />but not by way of limitation, bonds, debentures and other <br />corporate obligations, and stocks, preferred or common, that <br />persons of prudence, discretion, and intelligence acquire or <br />retain for their own account, even though not otherwise a <br />legal investment for trust funds under the laws and statutes <br />of the United States or the state under which this instrument <br />is administered. <br />D. Retain Assets. To retain any asset, including uninvested <br />cash or original investments, regardless of whether it is of <br />the kind authorized by this instrument for investment and <br />whether it leaves a disproportionately large part of the <br />estate or trust invested in one type of property, for as long <br />as the Trustee deems advisable. <br />E. Dispose of or Encumber Assets. To sell, option, <br />mortgage, pledge, lease, or convey real or personal property, <br />publicly or privately, upon such terms and conditions as may <br />appear to be proper, and to execute all instruments necessary <br />to effect such authority. <br />F. Settle Claims. To compromise, settle, or abandon claims <br />in favor of or against the Trust. <br />G. Manage Property. To manage real estate and personal <br />property, borrow money, exercise options, buy insurance, and <br />register securities as may appear to be proper. <br />H. Allocate Between Principal and Income. To make <br />allocations of charges and credits as between principal and <br />income as in the sole discretion of the Trustee may appear to <br />be proper. <br />I. Employ Professional Assistance. To employ and compensate <br />counsel and other persons deemed necessary for proper <br />administration and to delegate authority when such delegation <br />is advantageous to the trust. <br />J. Distribute Property. To make division or distribution in <br />money or kind, or partly in either, at values to be <br />determined by the Trustee, and the Trustee's judgment shall <br />be binding upon all interested parties. <br />K. Enter Contracts. To bind the Trust by contracts or <br />agreements without assuming individual liability for such <br />contracts. <br />