, . .
<br /> - -- -----=- -- -. _. .. -----=-------- - - - - ---- -- - -- -- - �
<br /> .�
<br /> • - - -- - - --
<br /> � .
<br /> -- - - . --- - -- - : . 9�-'�.Q��3'� _ _ . _
<br /> � - . � REl�L EST��E LIEN .
<br /> WHERE!!3! Patti Sonastgr.,�single oerson . thereinafter usually
<br /> rzeferred to as "Hoateovner") vhether one or more has entezed into a certain •
<br /> written EMERGENCY HOMB REPI�IR 1lt3REEMENT dated the 6th nf Februarv . 199Q .
<br /> with the City. of Graad Island, NebYaska, a muaicfpal corpo�ation , , _
<br /> thereinafter usually referse8 to as "City") ac�ing throuqh its Community
<br /> Development Xgencg, for zehabilita�ian af a dwelling on pzemises owned by
<br /> Ho�eowner vhich is herefnafter desCribed, anci for the qraatinq by City to
<br /> � Ho�eowner af Federal Funcls iA tha a�nount of
<br /> Tvo ThaLSand Nine Hundzed Tver►tv-Two and 65/lb� Do12a�cs [Sa.922.651 to be
<br /> applied in payment of the cost of such =ehabilitation and
<br /> � WHEREIlS, Homeovners have, among other things ag�eed:
<br /> (a� to tepay such amount or, as the case may be, a part thereaf to ,Cftg�
<br /> and �
<br /> tb) to execute and deliver to City an instrument in recerdab2e fczm
<br /> , gtanting to City a lien on the pzemises to secure such ����aayment, : �
<br /> ';,:, , ,;_•-.�._ . . . .
<br /> �:�� ��:� � � ����-NQi�L �HEREFORE, in cons iderat i on of .such AtiREEMEN�.wi th City, �
<br /> �`' � �����" � Patt f ����+�ster does, her�b t+o��the CIT� �OF GRAND I SL�,
<br /> � r.. Y�;4�� ,
<br /> NSHRASKA a� �_Municipal Cor '�� �� "� � � .
<br /> potati.i�i�;: s,ts �uCCes����;and. assigns, a lie�a ugon
<br /> the following described t�a:l.��t�.te'`situated 3:n�:'-EEa11. County, Nebraska:
<br /> .r�,.� .
<br /> Lot 6, Blo�k' -8, .S,carff's Rest Lawn 8ddition
<br /> an addition to tne City cf Grand Island, Nebraska, accosding to the secosd ':�
<br /> � plat thezeaf, � � - �
<br /> to secuze repayn�ez�t to the City of Grand Island, Nebzaska, its successors
<br />` ' and assigns, of t:�te amount of the grant hereinabove refezred to or, as the , � �.;,_�:�:;.-.
<br /> case may be, a part tbereof in accordance �ith the terms and conditio�ns set "�:�t�;r�:��
<br /> . -.,,
<br /> forth in t�ae EMERGENCY HOKE REPAIR AGRE�MENT to which refesence is u�ar�e .-�,. .
<br /> hereinabove. ' �
<br /> The lien here��e granted sha21 run with ttie ..g�zemises unt�3�. such .time as ��:•—
<br /> titge to the property is tsansferrec] to another owne=. At thts tirne, the
<br /> entire amQunt of the lie:n shall become 8ue and payable:. �'
<br /> •� ►
<br /> :
<br /> � Dated thas �_, day of Februarv, 19�(�. � ; "
<br /> . ;
<br />, � i�
<br /> . 3��' ".�-�.-
<br /> , atti Songster � , � �!'���:`:
<br /> $TATE OF �i£�R�lSK1� ) , ..
<br /> , . � ) ss •
<br /> �Cau�nty of Hall ' t) ,
<br /> •' ' ��On this �, 6th,_ �ay of Febzua= � , 19h0, b��ore me, the
<br /> undersigned, duly commissioned and arting in en8 for s�:ch county, personally
<br /> appeaxe8 �,�,��,gster , kno�an to me to L+� the identica2 person
<br /> ' • wTMase signatures are af�ixea ta the �oregofng instrument, �nd she ; --
<br /> � � a���snovledged the execuf.ian� of such instrume�t to be their own voluntary act ;
<br /> ' an8 deed. �
<br /> '
<br /> _ . - . i� t�ttn�sg �hereof o Z haue h�zet�atg set �ny eff ic��l MaQd and sea2 the -
<br /> d��e last written above. ��
<br /> L . �
<br /> � � �t�rwr,rr��wr �_, ` y�� .
<br /> w��r `�,; �1;It1u. f �t�t."� � .
<br /> � � Notary ,� , ��
<br /> t. • �y •.
<br /> . �
<br />