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<br /> . � , .. - , ` � ASSIGNM�I3T OF TRt�ST DEED ` 1�l��� _
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<br /> � RNIUii ALL 1�EN BY THESE PRESENTS, That The Uverland Na[fonal Bank of Grand Island,
<br /> a corparation, the party of tha first part, in consideration. of the sum of �i�ty � � . �
<br /> � thousand one hundred fifty doil.ars aad ao/100----------Dol2ars: to ft fn hand pafd bp
<br /> Ffrst Co�erce Martgage Company a Corparation, the partp of the
<br /> second part, receipt srhereof, is herehy acknawledged, has granted, assigned and
<br /> _ _ transferred and� by these presents does grant, assign and transfer unto 3ts successars � �
<br /> and assigns, a certain Trust Deed wherein the said 7'he Overland National Bank of Grand �
<br /> Islaad�'is Ben�ficiarX, Jeffrey 0. Williams and Randace L. Wi17:iams, husband and wi£e,
<br /> is Trustor, a�nd National Bank of Commezce Trust and Savings Association is Trustee�
<br /> � �whic Trust Deed was.$atpd the 28th day of March , 19 94, aud recorded the
<br /> .day of �r�� , 19. , as Document No. $ of the MORTGAGE �
<br /> � Recards of Aall. Count9, Nsbraska and sI! its right, title and interest ta �
<br /> � the paopertq therein �desczfbed, as follows, to–wit:
<br /> . ;,.:
<br /> :.::;�'.•
<br /> ���.� Lot One H�n�r�d�Fii�–�Ii�� ;�44} fn H��ts�Qi�t� Subdivision t� the �L�.-.:°;a�':=�
<br /> . . Grand Island, AaIl��flunty, Nebraska. .;:,�<<;._;;:':� .. .
<br /> , � � '� ... .. . . � � .���.:
<br /> „
<br /> � To ether wi�th the � :'�:��:°�: ' - ��;;'..:
<br /> . g promissory .aote therein de$cribed, and the maaey due or to . ,,�. � . ,r,��-;;:,
<br /> . ;;�.,
<br /> b�ome due thereunaer, including in�e�est thereon, subject only to the �rr�visions ' ' . ,.;,;:r..;;_
<br /> � c;€ said Trust Deed therein contained:� . , ��:: �.;,.,-'�S},
<br /> � `� � : �. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The Uverland National Bank of Grand Island, a corpora�f�on, ��'` ''
<br /> � has���.;.au,����his Assignment of Trust beed to be executed by its President , ' � ���"?
<br /> and attes�ed by its Sr. Executive Vice President , and its corparate seal to be F '-�.
<br /> hereunto;af� fxed this 28th day of March , 19 90 . '
<br />. � f-� � �(� S� • '
<br /> /
<br /> � . �; ' �I' . . � i'":�..__..
<br /> .. %".. � The Ovprland National Bank of Grand Igland, � �—
<br /> �- - � `� a corpo on �'
<br /> _ �
<br /> � � ; � .� _ ::� � Ry� y
<br />� � � "c � 1� ' ... " • �L�����y��C� ' _ . , ' L
<br /> . AtteSt.�i.�'r`�r'".cfi(��_L ��l�/! �
<br /> � ,' ' ' • "�'{'f
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<br /> � STATE OP hE�RASKA ) � . ' ' . ' ' :�
<br />, )SS • �• . ;. �: ;
<br /> C�C�NTY OF Hall ) •
<br /> On thqs 28th day of March , 1.9 90 , hefare me a not�ry public duly
<br /> commisaioned and qualified !n and for said county and stAte, persanally came the above
<br /> Robert A. Mor�is
<br /> affidf Thomas H. Fgusch of The Overland Na�ional Bank of� , �
<br /> Grand.Island, .who .are��personall�r�kriRs��x;, to me-�to be �the- identical.� erHVna�who�e naMas ���� -- ��- �� -�--�-� -��
<br /> . P
<br /> -� are affixed to the above As$�gament�'a.f�Trust Deed ns the Pxesid:4at
<br /> and Sr. .�r�:ecutive Vice Pres�dent - of said corporation and °�tiey acknomledge the '
<br /> � ' � in�txument� ';o bo thetr voluatary act a�d deed and the voluntary �ict and dsed �of said�
<br /> � c�#'�porati'aa�.
<br /> � ' 1�ITt`�,�5 my hand aud official sea� at Grand Island, Nebraska , in said '
<br /> county, tFte date aforesaid.
<br /> ' � fi�AAl NItAA11•5tri of(I�s1a /� ,,(�,��Y- �
<br /> 101i�.HENKE - Q'�'J �✓•`�^K
<br /> ����Dtlt199D Notary I'ub1iC
<br />: .._. . MY_ CQME4�&SION EXpIRRfi:����"` �� ; _ _ ; . ._
<br /> . �
<br /> � ���U� �a: � , , �
<br /> Crand Island Ab:�trac[ � t�
<br /> P.O. 8ox G'l7 � ' �
<br /> ��
<br /> Gr�n�! IHland. :vF: hA£3b2 � �r :�:
<br /> . � �
<br /> . . . . �
<br />