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<br /> " � ' ' . `771AT WHEREAS. all of U�� jndebtedness securecY by tlie'frust Uecd �x���.�u��1 �
<br /> ' bY $teVP.il D T�l�[tOAB and Chervi R T;i1if}IA�Sy4� Avt��b,�n� ane3 Rifra a.g _ .,_ . _ ; ' . ,
<br /> Joint Tenants , _
<br /> tP— Ffrst American Title Insurance �mn2lT1Y T�"C�.rscu� �
<br /> �O(t�te:bC11CQt Ol SeCUrity PaeffiC PiTtaitefAt 'Scgv�eea n r., r.+c - .
<br /> • �.
<br /> ' tlie Bei�efIc�ary aanied therein�dated Sr2g/6&� � ,aitd recorded ` . ;::�'
<br /> , , . ':,.�<::
<br /> •8/30/88 - - :�;:;::..i;.
<br /> . -. : : �� . �t tit.tha o�ce of the Register of Ueeds af -
<br /> , , � . - "
<br /> Hall Cottttty, 6rart IclanB �N�hrso�rca , � �
<br /> Sntered as'Document No 88-104T52 � �. � � . -
<br /> ' in Sook st Paga �f�been paid;an�said H�s�ciary has r�quested � � . - .
<br /> in wdtinyr tGa�t thts Deed of Reconve�ruic��tte executtd�nd delivered as cQUfimicd 6y its � , , � ` ,.
<br /> . endor�m�nt-below; � . . _�. _. _ . . ' ; . .' „ - :
<br /> � � � . ,. :,'
<br /> • NuW 7'f1EREFORE, in const�er�Eisan of such:paymeut and imaccordance with '� ,•,
<br /> ttte rcquest of the Reneficeary �amed tlierelii, tiu undetstgned as Trustee does By these
<br /> presents, l�rant. reiuise, release and reconvey to the poeson ar persons ta�titfed�tlierata
<br /> � �il tl�e tnt,er+est and eatata dertved tq satd Trustee by oc,throujh sald Trust Deed ln t11e .
<br /> [ollowtn�des�aibed premLQes but only u to such pnnctsea: � � . . . ' .
<br />� The Sodt�;,Oae�-�aZf (S �) of Lot 9, in B1ocls• Ona 41I� in Dodd- and ' . � � , _- ,
<br /> Ma=shal:�°'�:;�ae�tion to the Vfllag� o� Wcod River, Hall Ccunty, ' --
<br /> Nebraska_.
<br /> h f
<br /> TOGET1iER WITH ALL buUd1�, i�xtur�a, improvaments and appurtenances , �. �;�
<br /> 6dond3nj to such pren�ises. � •
<br /> I?ATED• March 20, 1990 Fir erican it e I uranee Co. :�.��
<br /> „ dttest: '' ' ^ ��" •.
<br /> ���.� l' �� ����%c��� . , 3 --
<br /> , E�.len C. Albrecht, Reg. Asst. Sec. Jo h Vt. M ara, Jr. '
<br /> R ional Vi e President � {
<br /> � • i .
<br /> � ' STATE OF Nebraska ) � , � �
<br /> ) SS. �....
<br /> � ��DUNTY OF_ Douc�las . ) . , �
<br /> . Befure ma,�Notary Pu�6'cc qualiGed in satd�ouajty,personalty ca�ne ��
<br /> � .
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<br /> 4 `Joseph W._ Mvl�latgar�z�r,.___...._ ._.. ur ,
<br /> � ,
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