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<br /> r ,Ii Lender required�torigdge insurance as a condition of making the toan seeured by this Security Instrument. �`
<br /> � Bonower sha11 pay the p�emiums required to m�intain the insurance in effect until such time as the requirement for the
<br /> inserance tesmiaates in accordance with'Harrower's and Lertder's written agreement or apptioabte Iaw. ' ,
<br /> 8. Ios�ectioe. Lendes or its agent may make reasenable entries upan and inspections of the Property. I.ender
<br /> shall give Horrower norice ai the time of or prior to an insp�cti�n specifying reasonabte cause for the inspectian.
<br /> 9. Condemru�tion. The proceeds of any award or ctaim for dainages,direet or consequential,in connection with
<br /> any condemnatian ur oiher taking of any part of the Property.or for conveyance in tieu of condemnation,are hereby
<br /> assigrted and shall be paid to Lender. '
<br /> In the e�ent of a tota!�tatcing af Etze Property,the proceeds shall be appfied tQ the snms securod by this Security
<br /> Instrument,�cEsethet nr nat tPie�s due,with any excess paid to Borrower.Irt the event of a gartial taking of the Property,
<br /> unEess Borrowes and Len�z�therwise agree in writ�ng,the sums secnred by this Security Iustrument shall be ceduced by
<br /> � ttfe azttount of the proceeds rnultipHea by the follaR�ing fraction:(a)the total amount of the sums seCUred imraediatety
<br /> , ., befare the ta}ting,divided by(b)the�far market value of the Property immediatet}i 6efore the sa�cing.Any balaace shaU be
<br /> paid to Borr�a-e�.
<br /> If t�.�operty is abandoned b�I�rrower,�s i�after Qotice by Lender to Barraa er fI�at tite coademnor offers to _ __ _ _
<br /> make an a�a.���r setde a cL�for daak�-�,Borrc�u�to respond to Lender within 3Q�ys after the date the notice is .
<br /> given,l,encEe;:�authorize�ca collect�.a�j�3y the i.-c�eds,as�ts option,either to restor�c:h ar Sepair of the Property os �
<br /> to the sums�c�:;.-td by this5ecurity�.���whether or nat:has due. � .
<br /> "' � Unl�s t�der and$orrower c�.ue�:se agree in writir.���^i��pplicatiun of praceecFs i•�principal shali ttot exter��r �
<br /> � past�one the due date of th�mpnthly p�j�ients refened to in�?..r��.--aphs 1 and 2 or change�•�c::e amount of such pa}��sss.
<br /> . '. „ ,,. 10. Borro�ver Nat E�leased; Forbear�tnce_���;!1���t a Waiver. Exten�i�^�f the time far paycnent a�, . .
<br /> � axi�cation of amoriiza�:r�f the sums securec��'Yr.;;:<;�':•�^�}r Instrument granted;�4-:Lender to any successor i�
<br /> � i:,t�.sess of Sec�awer shall no`t a�erate t�-release the:���z:;iw 4:!'brar;'sginal 8orrower or.t�r�Waer's successors in i�4�e�E. � �
<br /> � �der shali r.ot 6e required to co���proc�eF`.�,s���:��'�:�}.successor in ini���:refuse ta eatend tirn�fer � �": �
<br /> ���ent or otherwise mudi'�y�mart'r:.�.:�of tfie s�,s s�;�rea�g^�SECUSi.t}��5�.��.ent b�reason of any @eaean��a� � ; � �, ,
<br /> ��-~�eoriginalBanowerar�`a+-rocrer'ssaccessors�.*��rest.An��c:�ea.��rx[r�9.��3��in`e�ercisinganf righiorre.��}:� . ', :~-';�"�,' : "
<br /> ''l:�.�
<br /> � �kaT aot be a waiver of or Fr���de theefexcise of any ngE�t or rer�eiiv. ;� ; ;�:':.. ;:.' ',:; ' ,
<br /> ' � ' " ` 11. Sucec.ssors and tlssigns�a¢�zd;Joini And Severa!L�-�'� ;Co signers. �e�.�venants and agreerr.e��-af ` '• ' - �
<br /> this Security Instrument sha�i bind and benefit the successors and�:gns of Lender and Borrower.subject to the prov��ans ' � • �
<br /> of'paragraph 17.Borrower's�bvenants and agreements shall be joint and several.Any Borrower who casigns this Security
<br /> lnstrument but dces not exe�.-�ite the Note:(a)is co-signing this 5ecurity Instrument only to mortgage,grant and convey
<br />� , thnt Batrower's interest in the Property under the terms of this Secarity Instrument;(b)is not personally obligated to pay l `
<br /> � the sums secured by this Security Instrument;and(c)agrees that Lendet and any other Borrower may agree ta extend,
<br /> modify,forbear or make any accommadations with regard to the terms oP this Security (nstrument ar the Not�without � • ._
<br /> that Bonower's consent.
<br /> 12. Loan Charges. !f the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subject to a law which sets mAximum loan -� �. .�`
<br /> charges. and that law is finaily interpreted so that the interest or ather loan chs�rges collected ar to be rollected in '_
<br /> , connection with the loan eaceed the permitted limits, then: (a)any snch loan charge shall be reduced by the amount , i;�
<br /> • necessary to redttce the charge to the pecrnitted limit;and(b)any�ums already collected from 8arrawer which exceeded ', �
<br /> permitted limits will be refunded to B�ac��wer. I.ender may choe.�to m3ke this rePund by reducing the principal owcti � • �'
<br /> under the Note or by making a dira�:�cr-yiment to Borrower.If a refund reduces principal,the reducti�n will be treated as a �;`��":�
<br /> partia!prepayment without�n�•�cr�ay-!zent charge under the Note: � '��,�'•� , �
<br /> 13. Legislatton ARectC�g��rader's Rights. If enactmert cr expiratian of.applicable laws has thc effa.K af� K
<br /> rendering any provision of the Note orrL�is Security Instrument unenfarceable accardin�uti its terms,Lender.at its�ptior.; � ;
<br /> may require immediate payment in tirtl�af aA sums tiecured 8y this Security Instrumc-�se.•ai<d may invoke any remedi�s � � ' `. ��:
<br /> permitted by paragraph 19.If Lender exerciscs this optian.Lettder sha11 take the steps spe�i�ed in the second paragrapb of� ' �
<br /> paragrapfi 17. ' .
<br /> 14. Notiees. Any natice ta Horrower provided for in this 5ecurity Instrument shail�i�e given by deliverina it or by �•*";
<br /> mailing it by first class mail unless ap�dicable law reyuires use ol'another method. Th�»��uce shalt be directed�ta the ; �x�
<br /> Pruperty Address ar any other address�H��rrower des�gnates by nctice to Lender.Any nr,ti�e ta Lender shal�be given by , '
<br /> first class m�il ta I.ender's address titated�i�erein or any other uddress Lender�i�;f�natc�'ljy ci�;tice ta Hotrower.Any notice
<br /> provided far in this Security lnstrument shal)he deemed to hbve been given tn[3�irmvper i�r l.endcr tivhen gio•en ac pr�vided
<br /> in this paragraph. � � � .,
<br /> 15. 4nvernio�I.ew:SePerability. This Security lns�rument shall Me governed 6y>e�ier�l law and the!aw of'the
<br /> _ . . .. ._...... .. ..__ ..
<br /> �- -� - �--�--jurt tction�in w tch the�Propeiry i�ti�cated:�ln"the event�tlia!any priivisiaii or clause�of this Secuii�ylnsiruincni oi�ihr � � ����
<br /> Note con@ic��uith applicable law,sttch conflict sha11 not affect other provisions c�f'this Security Inyttument or Ihe Nnlc
<br /> which carl'be�iven effect withc�ut the en»flicting provision.To this end the pr�>visi�nti c�f thi�Securit}`1n'vtrumtnt and the '
<br /> Note are de+cl;tred to be scverable.
<br /> 16. Borrower's Copy. $orrower shall be given�ne conformed copy of the Nnte aa�of this Security Instrumcnt.
<br /> 1�. Transfer ot tde I'roperty or a 13eneflci�l Interest to Borrower. If all c►r any part of the Properry c�r any
<br /> interest in it is sc�td or transfrrred(ur ita bencficial interest in Borrower i�sold or trancferred and H��rroa�er is riot a natur��1 .
<br /> prrsnn)withaut l,ender s priar written ransenr.L�rider m�y,a!its opiion, reyuire�mmediate paymeni in Puii vf all sums
<br /> seeared by this Security Intitrument..Hnwever, this nption shall no2 be exereitied by Lenc3t�if exercisr is prohibited by
<br /> fe�erallaw asof thedateuf this Security lnstrament. , ,-_ __,--_.
<br /> if l,ender exereises thic oplion,Lender shall gire$orrower nvtire nf:�rceleration.'1'he nouce�fiall provide a periuc3 �
<br /> . nf rtot less than 30 days from the date the nntice is delivered or maitcd w•ith�n which liurrc�wer murt pay all�unn srcured hy
<br /> this 5ecunty lnstcurnent. If Bc�rrow�er faitti tn pay th�e sums priur 1c�the ex�►iratrun of thir perrud,l.rnd�r m�y invt,ke�ny �
<br /> _ tesstedie�fiesmilte��}s3sisSs�urit�tns:rt�r�srtstrzithF►tstfutthfFlifl�tCe:f�F(Ifili:i{tt'�fltt{�f�iifrltCf. - -
<br /> 18.Burrowe�•s Aight to lteinstate. If Hnrr��wer meetc certairs conditi�ms,Hurro�rer sh;�11 hao•e!he nght te.h;�ee
<br /> enforcement c+f this 5ecurHy tn5ltument d�rrnntinurd at any turie prior to the earher F�P:fa15 days far tiurh��ther periud a� . �
<br /> apphcable ta�� may �pec�fy far re►nttatement)hef��re cate��f the Pr�perty�+�r�uant.to:sn��p��aet��f'eale c�.mli�incY!i»lhir
<br /> L` ' ' 5ecurity Intitrument:e�r Ihi entry of a�ud�ment enforcin�th�s 5ecunt} Imtrua:cnt 1'hcr�r ce�ud�tt�+n�are ehat Hntr�+wer.
<br /> 1al pay� Leadec �li sun►� wh�ch then we�vld he due under ti�tic 5eeunt} ln:trume�it i1tltl�I1C iVItIC If:IfI CI(►acc�cte�atinn
<br /> �RCUrrrd: (h)cutec any defawt tlf :afl}" (�ENCf C<��Ci13Il1S l�i "•1I{ftrtillllll, (t') rily�:I�f l'\F�Tt�t'ti IIIt;UIItII lit l'll`tlil'11lE' �Il1� �
<br /> Sc�ut�t} h��trUrYtent. ��tcl�tdm�,.bot nr,t {�m�ted tn, reaccinabte att��tnevti fee�,:srtt�!i!f �,�I�e� •trct� act�+�tr ��� I.r��dc�r rersi ��'�,�
<br /> te:�v,►�;►ht� �ey�tre��► ss��te that !he i��se c�€ttti�Se�ttr�1� lrE4trumer�c: I.erz�icr'�rrght� rr� thc� Pre�fkrty <E:j�1 #t+,rrf=ut•r'� _ i.�,r.
<br /> ��h3i�rattF�n tr, Cati tfie wrnt Sei�.�ret� bt Ehn �ceurit} Ititit�ueet:•nt �iz.dt c�,»�it:.te u�r,harr�:i�fi i-�u+rr rri:s:t,ese:�tr�rt hF Y� -
<br />� H��'f��L+.�T.LFtlti 4q•r_��tth Iu;trurs�er�t:uui tE::•��(1It�!:1L(t�fl�fiCei1SC(�FICfEh6;Ft<ill rcm.eEri i"�Itt, ettc:tEtic_e.�f E�=•��,��l�►:eti:�n F�.ni
<br />' . �4:t U/tY:� {�c•uC��k,{}•s:Etl�!�tf�(t'Its�t3tC`.EF�II fi��t;1�',�r�Y!re?�f£ti d:°e�1.��cc�,��.11+.�r:irtti�c e j�,tr.t�.'f�.�t�li�.�;i,f �.7 . . � . .
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