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<br /> � t.4 F�.Y �nt �4=--i Q1659 :��
<br /> r � a���x�ts - - . .
<br /> 7�II5�1-4 FAI�.Y R1DFR is made this 27th day of March � ,�1990 , �� � � •
<br /> a�d is iaoorpviatod inW and shall be deemed to a�nend and supptemeat ttie Mortgage. I3eed of Tnut as Secuaity D�d �
<br /> (the"Savrity instramen!"�of tht �date giveo by the undersigned (the "Bamowet'7 to secure Borrower s Note to . . �
<br /> The Eq4itahle BuiZding artd Loan Assnciation� 6rand Island, Nebrastca (�he ••Lender'� � .
<br /> of tbe samc daLC and covedng tlie pioperty descn�ed in the Secauity Iriswment and located at: .
<br /> 2Z2 East 11th, Grand Island, Nebraska 68801 : .
<br /> � [Property AddressJ
<br /> . .. Ir'.'3 . . . .
<br /> Z�FAMILY COVEl1TA11STS.In�ition to she covenanu and agreements made in the Security;iastrument.Borsower -
<br /> ud_[�dtr fu�her covenant and ag�ee as fol3ows: � -
<br /> - �`�_'.� '��:;`:
<br />_ . ;A.iSSE OF PRO�R'I'Y;COMpI,IA1CC�R!�TE� LAW.Borrower si�all not seek..�gee..t�.i��ke a ci�ange in th�. ' •' . . .
<br /> tise of the Pnoperty or its zaaing classification.naizss Lender has agreed in writing to t�.<�;,�;��. ffl�awer shall compSy�� . �
<br /> with a11 l�ws, ordinances, regulatiatss aad cequirements of any govemmental body a�L�:.��stir;��a� Property,
<br /> B. SIBflRD1NATE GIENS. Except as pem�itted by federal law. Horrower sha11 r����allow any lien inferior to the � _��:..-. ''
<br /> � Secutity lastrument to be pe�fected against the Property without l.endei s prior written permission. .. ...� . .
<br /> � _
<br /> , • C. RENT L06S INSURANCE. Borrower shall maintain insurance against rent loss in addition to the other hazards
<br /> for afiich insurance is tequined by Uniform Covenant 5. � ' �
<br /> , D. �BORROVYER'S RIGH'�'T�REINSTATE" DELETEO. Uniform Covenant �� is deieted:
<br /> E. ASSIGNMENf OF LEASES. Upon Lender s request. Barrower shall assign to LciideR al�teases ai the Property�� , `�.•t:
<br /> ; aud all security deposiu made in ca.�ection with leases af the Property. Upon the :s<<�tnent. Lender shal��have the
<br /> : right to mafi:€y.eatend or terminate�f;�existing leases and ta execute new le:ues. in�.�,�ii:r's sole discreciotta As used in ' , ,
<br />: ' this paragrs�sG� E, the woid "lease" 4f.,il1 mean ••sublease" if the Security lnstrurr�c i"s� -�a a leasehold. ,
<br /> . � . ;:...,::�
<br /> ' F.ASSIGNMENT Qfi RENTS. Borrower unconditiunally assigns and tr.r:tifiyts tc�E:z�der all the rents and revenues �• ��;;�:.
<br /> of the Prnperty. Borrower autharizes Lender or Lender's agents ta cvllect the rents an�r�venues and�hereby directs each � ""`�
<br /> tenant of the Ptoperty to pay the rents ta l.endcr or Lender's agenta. However, priar��r`_-.xnder's Noticc to Horrower of �:��;���;
<br /> ' ' Borrower's breacb of any covenant or agreement in the Security In�trument. Boirower�hal!coliect and receive all renGS ��:���:>-
<br /> and revenaes of the Pcoperty as trustee for the benefit of l.ender and Buao�ver. This assignrtenr.nf rents eonstitutes an -;�:��:��,
<br /> absotute assignment and nat an assignment Far additiona! secudry oniy. � ;� `��r
<br /> If Lender gives notice of breach ta Barrawes: (i)all rents receive�i by� Sarrower shall hc hetd by Borrower as trustee ; '�
<br /> for bertefit of Lender only. to be appfied to the sums�ecured by the Security lnstrument; (ii) l.ender shal! be cntitled to ;
<br /> ' collect and receive all of the rents af��se Property; and (iiil cach tenum uf'the Pruperty yrull pay all rents due and unpaid
<br /> ' to l.ettder or Lender's agent on La�:irt's written�dcmand to thc tenant.
<br /> . Borrower has noi executed a�} priat a,signment uf' thc rents and ha�.a,ut and wi{1 not perfarm any act that would ,t :
<br /> �, prevent l.ender from exercising i« ri�hts under this paragraph F. . %
<br /> l,ender shal) not be requited to e�t2r upon. takc cuntrol of ar maintain the Prope�ty b�fore ur after giving nntice of ti�;
<br /> breach to Hcr�sower. However. Lc.:���or a judicialty appoi�ted receiver may do so ac a�ny time �here iti a breach. Any
<br /> application of rents Sfiall not cure or �raive ana• deiault ��invalidate any othcr right nr remedy of Lender. Thiti assign- �"�` �
<br /> ment of renis of tht Psa�ecty' sh�!1 tertninate w;��n the debt �ecured by the Security lnstrument is paid in full. ' ��
<br /> G. CROS.S�DEFAULT PROY�SdO�i. Hurrnwer ti default or breach under uny nntc 4�r agreement in which Lendcr has
<br /> an interest sf�a11 be a breach�undar th�:Secutity Instrument and Lender may �n�eke:�n�. �?: the remedics pertni�ted by thc .
<br /> 5ecurity lnswment.
<br /> � _
<br /> - � --� - --� --�-- -��- BY SIGNING BBl.U1�. Hatro���r:'iccep�i�a�tl�agi�ees to�he�tcrinti anJ""provisians rontaincd�in�tbis 1=4�"Famity Rider.- "--�-�- -"- "-�-"-
<br /> ' ' . •�✓.�e;G•��.`...��. ... . .. . . ... . . ... .. .!5cah
<br /> Victor E. Clark �ea«owa�
<br /> . ..���G.'��=y_�r....-. /� C�.f'.l�/�/��. . . . ... . . .. . . . .tSc�l) ---- -___--
<br /> .
<br /> Constance F. Cl�fi�: �K6'����ef
<br /> . .... . .... . .. . .. ....... .. .... ... . ... . .... .... . ... . ..�oS�► � �
<br /> �.
<br /> _ . . _ ....... .... .... ... . ..... . .. . ... . ... . ... . ... . .... . ..... .lSeal) ��
<br /> Lk3arrower �
<br /> �
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<br /> ��
<br /> MIlt1'1ltAt�6�iA1N111 RIaEl1—fMnt�MauFMltI1 M�C IMlhnn Inslnrm�el Foann��m�ass �
<br /> Form�'� [��'.�`--_.. .. e, . .. ... �.:._.�.. . �- -
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