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<br /> _-- --�_' _'_ - - _ L .a'i�S�. �..d�s�a.� ,�..n:' �A ,i:..i ,�r t�"•1'�lti--,���`�pa.r.+.�.t"� 33.:.�-aa.{.4.,rr[:v.rr�•r;y-.>_ -
<br /> — ^�'r" 't� ' ` _�eo,.s�i�ao�..ae� -
<br /> . •`.` , � ... , . , _ .. ..--- ; `-- �-
<br /> . . . , . . . . �o-�- �a�s�o � ` . - .- -_ -
<br /> • f��rwest Bank Nehraska. National Association R�LEASE OF
<br /> � M::RTCAGE --
<br /> r ., � . �
<br /> � .� :.
<br /> In conaideration of the payment of the debt name�d therein, NORWEST BANK NESRASRA,
<br /> NATIONAL ASSOCIATION her�by releases the mortgage bq Uscar G. Mueller and Grace . ' . � �
<br /> E. Mueller. husband and wife, to HORWEST BANK NSB�ASKA, NATIONAL ASSOC7ATIQ�1, � . :
<br /> . ' f/k1a First Savings Company, Granc! Island Nebraska, an the folZoking describtcl
<br /> � . real estate: � � . , � .
<br /> , - , . ,
<br /> , . :�: ,
<br /> ir';.,_
<br /> Lots Two (Z) and Three (3), Desch Second Subdivision,
<br /> &all County, �'ebraska �_-
<br /> � � � � :•F�`:',
<br /> , .,�.
<br /> � whic� is reccr�ded as Document ��78-003451 of Mnrtgages, of the mortgage records of � . , � i�� '"�-����"''
<br /> `.f Ha�.L �unty, Nebraska. ; ���,
<br /> :�;�:�.,: ,: .. �f:;,
<br /> :.;�;,:.t�. .
<br /> ,. Dated this I�r� d reh, 1998. . � ,
<br /> _ ..
<br /> .. � , ; ,
<br /> �� • �
<br /> . �t,2�f�-I �-- �� � ��. , ' . , . ' �
<br /> , Remneth Georg�, Vice Pr de � �
<br /> , �,� .
<br /> ST�'L'� OF NEBRASKA � . ) . ��,;r-
<br /> ..�;�,�, ., .
<br /> . ) S.S. ':�t;':` _
<br /> � ' COUNTY OF ) •• .: . ,��" .
<br /> � '', ., "i;; ,
<br /> The.`;�nregoing instrument was acknowledged before me, a Notary Public, on thia , � •��:;;�_'; .��?;: :�� ;i�
<br /> 19th`'eay of March, 1990, by Kenneth Gear�e, Vice Presides�t, of NORWEST BANK . -
<br /> NEBRASKA, NA��?JVAL ASSOCIATION, a Natio_^.sl Bankin$ Assas;*ation on behalf of said : ` ` '=''-
<br /> corparation..` :`�.. � - � . � �
<br /> , � � . , , , •,; - :
<br /> ' `'�!, '� .,. , :.' ' - �Y�.�'iA.� .�T�G�- �'�'"� � r',.• ,-�
<br /> � + ;''. ''` � Notary Pub13c� � . . � � ;�;�==:
<br /> . . , .;:
<br /> , ��Ilw��w!� �T
<br /> ; �ppN�WI►�SOESBE•SMi'fii '.,
<br /> ' • „ "�tfil Coa�.fxa feb.t8,1593
<br /> I .,�� „ -
<br /> � $LAI. ' . ' ..
<br /> � � .
<br /> , .� � ,,.�'.s
<br /> , , ;, . '
<br /> On this l9th day of March, 1990, before me, a Nota�cy Public in the 5taCe af
<br /> ru Nebraska personally apQeared Kenneth George, to me pers��*ally known, who being by .
<br /> � 1 me duly sworn did say that he is the Vice President of NORIJ�ST BANK N�BItASKA, N.A.,
<br /> _ - , a national banking asadciation, did acknowled�e that he executed the foregoing r
<br /> • Yndtrument, and that the seal affixed to said 3nstrument is the seal of said �
<br /> � .:a�sociatfon and that said instrument was si�ned and sealed an behalf of the said -____ _
<br />. • ,agsociation by authority of its Soard �f Directors and the said same ackndwlyd{�ed
<br /> the execution of said inetrument to be ��e voluntary act and deed of said
<br /> asgociation by it voluntarfly exeeuted f. r th� pturpose therein stated. �
<br /> - . _ . . . . _ . . . �.
<br /> ' ' : �� ! .
<br /> ' '�' y� c�"L.i�a V�4 _��'��_� _ .�
<br />: . L . , -;rit�ry public
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<br /> • .. 6E�lW 10(ABV•Shlr ot Rt6�ia ' t�'�
<br /> DON1NASbESE�E�SMl��4� .
<br /> • Ml►Comni f�J.feb ib.t9�3 r r
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