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200104567 <br />to have an insurable interest and to exercise all rights of <br />ownership granted in such policies. <br />E. The power to establish, maintain, or terminate <br />bank accounts, security accounts, certificates of deposit, <br />money market accounts, margin accounts, mutual funds, treasury <br />bills and notes, and any other type of cash fund, cash <br />equivalent or security and to negotiate, endorse or transfer any <br />checks or other instruments with respect to any such <br />accounts. In the case of co- trustees, the co- trustees shall <br />have the power exercisable jointly by written instrument to <br />authorize a single co- trustee to exercise any or all of the <br />powers set forth in the preceding sentence, and each Trustee <br />shall thereupon have the power to bind the other Trustee(s), the <br />Trust property and the Trust. <br />F. The power to divide any trust property intc <br />shares for the purpose of distribution, or otherwise, <br />the division and distribution in identical interest, <br />or partly in kind and partly in money, pro rata <br />rata, and for this purpose to make such sale of <br />property as the Trustee may deem necessary on such <br />conditions as the Trustee determines. The power <br />without the payment of interest, the <br />segregation, and /or distribution of all or any pax <br />property for such period of time as in the Trustee's <br />may be reasonably required to ascertain and provid <br />payment of any tax or other liability for which such <br />the Trustee is or may become liable or to resolve any <br />claims regarding entitlement to such property provided <br />that the foregoing shall not affect the vesting of an <br />period under this instrument or the accrual and paymen <br />income to any beneficiary. <br />parts or <br />and to make <br />in kind, <br />or non -pro <br />the trust <br />terms and <br />to delay, <br />division, <br />t of such <br />discretion <br />e for the <br />property or <br />conflicting <br />however, <br />y interest <br />t of trust <br />G. See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein <br />by such reference for descriptions of ownership interests in real <br />property located in each County and State, if any. <br />TRUSTOR: <br />TRUSTEE(S): <br />Trustor Trustee <br />CERTIFICATE OF ATTORNEY <br />I, the undersigned attorney for the above Trust, declare <br />that the powers of the Trustee(s) set forth above are true and <br />correct statements of a portion of the powers of the Trustee(s) <br />set forth in the A. M. JENNEMAN REVOCABLE TRUST Agreement, that <br />this Certification is true and correct, and that it is signed <br />under penality of perjury. <br />J � <br />Dated <br />- Attorney at Law 871119.12 Page 2 TRUSTOR'S INITIAL %' <br />