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<br /> The Grantar, THE STOEVEN �HARITAHLE FOUNDATION,� a nonprofit
<br /> � corporation orqanized and existinq under and by virtue of the,, •. r
<br /> � laws of the State of Nebraska, in consideration af SIX2'Y-FOt7R '
<br /> ` THOIISAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS (.$64,000.00) received from Grantees� �
<br /> � � • does grant, bargain, sell, convep and confirm unta STEPHEN M.
<br /> SCHULTZ AND CHERYL L. SC�itJLTZ, h�a�and and wifef� `as joint tenai�t� .
<br /> � � . with right of survi.vorship and � as tenants i� .cazam��. :2tere3.si
<br /> called the Grantees, the followinq described rea� �p���r �.a : �
<br /> Hall County, Kebraska: ,
<br /> ;:_ , . � . .
<br /> . � � �e West Hal� ,�f the North�ast Qnarter (l�����j �of : - . - ,
<br /> , �ection T�irt�en (13) , Township Nine (9) North, R�nge � ��,� .
<br /> , Nine (�� , We�; of the 6th P.M., HaZ��Cotuity, Nehr�s3ca. � � � �
<br /> `�a HAVE �RND '�'�;IiOLD the above described pr�ses`��±�t,�gether �
<br /> , with all tener���t�,,.:°.�iereditaments and appurtenat���s t�i2�eto ' :
<br /> � Sselanqireg u�t.�. tYi�;?���ees and to Grantees' he�i� aa�:.:�ssigns, , `
<br /> forever. �
<br /> .. . � ., .. � � .. _ _ . . . . . .��� .
<br /> : , � ' And the Gran��r for itself and its success��s do�s her�ag
<br /> ' covea�ant with the� Grantees and with Grantees' k.�rs and assic}�s �
<br /> : that Grantar is lawfully sefzed of s�id g�em3.ses; that they "a�e �
<br /> free from �encumbrance, except public roac�� and highways, visziale
<br /> ' easer�ents and easer.�ents and restrictions of' reciasd7 that.Grantcar � � '
<br /> " � has good riqht ans�. Tiawful authorit,y to convey t�� same; and that ' �
<br /> Grantor warrants a�.' will defend the title to sa�d premises . � �:�:.;:�:f
<br /> against the lawfu'� �Baim� of a�l persons. whosoever. ';;:�;:���-:
<br /> � . . F. i•�"f_
<br /> Zt is the int��an- of all partfes herete �at in the event ; ,
<br /> � of �e death of e��ier of the Grantees, the ent.�re fee simple
<br /> tat3� to the real estiate shall vest in the surviving Grantee. , =
<br /> ' IN WI��SS WH�RE9F, Grantor has hereunto caused these -;`.
<br /> ' presents to �e sia�Q�y its Presfdent.
<br /> � Dated �nis r�—d�g o� March, 1990.
<br /> � ' •-t 7 �� _-
<br /> , . By :�• -�
<br /> � '. � � De ert G. tue� n, Presfdent � ��
<br /> . � _�irr
<br /> '. � STPdTE OF NEBRASItAd �OUNTY OF HALL )ss: i' �M�
<br /> , . , �
<br /> ; •
<br /> � � Hefore *_�e, a i�7otary Public qualified 3n s�aid Ccunty, , :
<br /> � � pezsonally c�me Delbes� G. Stueven, President of The Stueven �� -
<br /> . . Cha�itabl+� Fmundatifln, a corporation, known to r�e to be the �
<br /> . Pres�ident and ider��aaal person who signed the foz�egofng , '
<br /> ..._.. __ . __ _. __.i����ment.and__ackr:owledged the.exe�ution.ther�Q�..to_.be...hi,s._ _ ., ._....__ __.. ._...__ _ .._, .
<br /> ' �� • vo3untary act and deed as such officer artd the voluntary act a.�d
<br /> deed wf sa:id corporatiod�Notaria � S �l oa arch �-jd �� 1990. , �
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