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<br /> ORDINANCE NO�?.b23� -;;;:�� -;��:'.;�;,:;:�:�:.;;:.::� .
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<br /> M�ardinance crcati�g Sanitary Sewcr,�btrict No. 470 ut��:±Y���;�Gsand.�siand, ,
<br /> � :. , .:.:.,.
<br /> . . �::, 3 �`�.;��;�_.>:�'
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<br /> - ���:� Nebraska;definmg the boundari�s of the disu�ct;providing for the 1�.����:�fi��cwer -
<br /> :':i:: r... ..>x�;c:;...,. . . ,.
<br /> �'": �:r•:`• _ --
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<br /> `��`�_f�� main in�said distr�c rodidi fd�� laaas artr�s fications and se�':.:,:.,����.;^,p�o�fi�for
<br /> ::<<:<:; � � � P ��. P P� �::,:.;.��` ��,,: ,
<br /> . , -- :"_,. ,�;£r, - ` '
<br /> • ;, ��5-�-= the.assessment of specia��texCS�f��constructing�such sewer and'��;�t�re�;�,��nd " '
<br /> _ •,. - r: -
<br /> . �:;� - - .. . � _ _ .�-'. - -
<br /> '.':�A��`;°"`;;`;'ti°��;;�- pr�viding for the effective da��thereo� ,:' '
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<br /> , �,.,,. . .; s, :.�: . �;,', : .- < .�:': .
<br /> . � BE IT QRDAIIVED BY TH� MAYOR,AND COUNCI�.�g �:.,Ci'�;�;OF
<br /> , . . �. � .
<br /> `:GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: - . --� ' � . '
<br /> :.,.. - -. _ . . :.� . _
<br /> " ��'''�'�-��'��= �� 3EGTION 1. Sanitary S�wer District No. 470 is hereby created fag.the:�r��
<br /> ;.; . - .
<br /> °.::�;�.°?; . .�,. .. .. .. .
<br /> ,, of a fifteen(15�inch sanitary sewer main and a�purtenances thereto.in pas�;�;S���, �� �
<br /> �-.,: . ,
<br /> Township 11 North, Range 10 West of the 62h P.M., in Hall County, ��-.���.�'`�'-:.�:;
<br /> . . - �.�, � -• _
<br /> . . .. r -
<br /> - ':. ° particularly in Claude Road fram 01d U.S.kiighway 30 north to the center of�ri�n��4-��-`�°.:��.:�'-;'�.; , :
<br /> � , .- , . -
<br /> � �" � � I0. . " . . • : . .
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<br /> .; _ . � .. -. .- �
<br /> . . ; ,.. :
<br /> . . ,��`SEC'I'10N 2. Tht boundaries of sueh sanitary sewer district sha11 be as fo��r �'.. ��`'. :;��� � i-�: -,:
<br /> . ;
<br /> � � Beginning at a point beins the center point of Section 2411-10; thence : �: � � ... � _
<br /> . southerly an the East line of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter �..�.:.,'�," �.., �-
<br /> � (NE�SW�)Qf Section ?A-11•10 for a distance of 180 feet;thence westerly on , �, ;.' �: .� � -
<br /> a line 180 feet Sc�uth af and parallel to the North line of said Northeast � �, ' ."" , . =�=
<br /> Quarter of the .Sa�uthwest Quarter (NE�SW�� for � distance of 163 feet; �: . �.� :. � #.�
<br /> thence soat�erty�on a.line 163 feet West of and par�ltel to the E�st line of the `.' � ; ��
<br /> ' Nonheast Qu�rter af the Southwest Quarter(NE�,SW�,)of Sectio� 241]-]0 .`� .� � �. � � `
<br /> � fo� a distance of 630 feet; thertcc easterly on a line 810 feet South of and � � , : 'j �
<br /> , � � para11e1 to the North line af said Northeast Quarter of tho Souihwest Qwarter � � �� � ' �.
<br /> .� (NE�SW�) of Section 24-11-10 for a distance of A1.4 feet; ihence sautherly � .� f �' . .
<br /> :,
<br /> � on a line for a distance of 404.6 feet to a point on the Notth line of Old U.S. �'. .. �. ,�r
<br /> Hi�hway Nu.30; thence northeastedy on the North line of Old US.HighwaX , ; ; ���* ,
<br /> , d��. 3f1 for � disrance vf 95 feet to the West line af Cit�ude Road; thence . � �" ' . , ,
<br /> southeasterly on a line perpendicular to the North line of Otd U.S. Highway � , � �
<br /> No. 30 for a distance of 100 feet; thence northeasterly on a lirte 100 feet ''' .
<br /> southeasterly of a�d para11e1 to the Nortli line of Old US.Highway No.30 for � . ,
<br /> , a distanco of 73 feet; thenca northwesterly on a line perpendieular to the . ,� ; �. , .
<br /> , , - . ... �
<br /> � 1 , �
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