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<br /> s���e��� �,- Dee� of:'�r�st�,�. ��►�,.�. .
<br /> RERECORDED TO CORRECT DATE OIV, Mt}RTGAG. ,,ADDEND��21'�354075 74B(b)� , `
<br /> � , �
<br /> 'ti�is Oeed dTrrri f°�rt�Y tnsuum�t"1 is made vn Septet�4��,::2g , .
<br /> tq 89 •��p*� michael H. I�e�er, a single per.sfln� . � � .
<br /> " (�Born,w�sr").Th�h�iee is Commercial Federal Savings and
<br /> Loan Assaciation �����.���-,�,y;�
<br /> Hame f'ederal Savings and loar: Rssociatian nf G�as�d Island -,whicd'a orgar,ized and exis�og •
<br /> imdar ti�c tawsof Nebras�ta .nnd,wtiase address is 221 South Lncust
<br /> Grand Island. Nebraska � . �M���. , .
<br /> �V'�eq�7'bat the Borrattrer is�cotcsiderapaa of the d�st�nd uust 5ereinafter descn'bed and created.and the sum of One Dotlar(SI),[o
<br /> hia►ia 5and�aid by tl�e Trostee,the reaeipt of+�idcfi is hereby�owleQgqd.docs by tl�esc p►esents grant,buga+t►anci seU.convey and
<br /> oonfiru�.wuo tbe Tnutee iu tnut.wit6 poweF a�ssle,forever,�Ii aE.the foU!s�{ittg.d�cn'bed teai estat�,sitvated lying and being in the.Ca�inry of
<br /> Hall ,aAd State af Nebr�sica,w wic. ; _
<br /> � Lot Four (4), in �locEc Eight�sri,;��8), af the Original Town af Cairo, �Nall
<br /> County, Nebraska. � � '
<br /> The rider to the rnortgag�.att�ched i�ereta and executed .of .euen date .h'erewith �
<br /> is incorporated h�rein. and the co�enants and agreements of the rider shall
<br /> amend and supple:rcn� the..covenants and.a4r�ements of this mortgage. � ,
<br /> . , .' 1
<br /> wtich has ttie addre�of � �' �44I7 Thebe,.� ` , Cairo , ' -
<br /> . , • [su«�/ (dtyl
<br /> � saea� ,:',:�.� � . . t;��
<br /> � Nebtastca iz�RCate� , ("Pr'operty qddress 1; . :f.,.::
<br /> To Hare and To t�q�_ih��ce�mises alx�ve cf�ibed,with al)the appurcenances thereunto belanging and including all heating.plumbing and ; '"�
<br /> tighting fixtures and aqui�meot noW or 6e�eafter attad�ed to or used in connection vvitb said reai est�tt unto the Tnutee,and to iu successors _
<br /> • and assigns.forever.The Bartst�rer represents ta.and convenants with,the Trustee,that the Borrower has good right to se11 and convey s�.:,d � � =
<br /> �recni�e.s;that tdty are iree trom.ertcumbrance;and that tAe Botrower wili warrant and defend the same ag�inst the tawtul claims of aIi p��ns
<br /> ' wb�msoevrr.and the said Borrower hereby rttinquishes aU rishts of homestead and all marital righu,either in law or in eqnity,and ali other -
<br /> wntingent interesu of the Borrower in and to the above�described premises.and intention being to coovey hereby an�oiute titie.in fee simple. `� =
<br /> including all rights of h�matead,and other right�and inttrest9 as aforesaid. � ;�
<br /> Provided Ahvsys,uid these prcsenu are executed and delivered unto the Tnutc�in trt�t,however for the following purpases: : �
<br />. 4
<br /> �Yherrs�.the Borrower on the. 2gth .day of September � �9 Sg ,6c�rowed from the Lender t_ ,
<br /> the wm of Thirty Two Thousand Six Hundred and No/1 QOths--------------------------------- - '"�:�:
<br /> -------------------------------...----- Dotl�rs la 32�600.OD ?,for whicb '�"' .
<br /> snm tLe Borrowec tus ex�ted and delive�ed to t�e #B�rrower's8��criiswry note af evsn date.bearing �
<br /> intetest of tbe rau ot t�gttt ard Eighty/��Ium�ndTe s 8.88 �)p�r annum an the unp�id b9lance unti!paid -•�•'.
<br /> 71fe said prirxap4l'and ir.sc�slalt be payabie at the otlice oi ��'^° FeCeral Savings and Loan Associa�ion of
<br /> Grand Island, 22'i South Locust :
<br /> in •Grand Isla�d, Nebraska .ar at such other pl�ce as the holder of 3he note .
<br /> msy deai�nste in wcitina,in monthly ins�liments af Two N�n�;ed f if ty Nine and 50/100ths-------------------
<br /> "'-'-"-'-'-"-Do11ars fS ZS9.50 ),�ommencing on tbe first day oi November
<br /> . 19 89.�nd on the fitst day of a�clt montb Ihereafter until the principal and intercst are fuliy paid,eacept that the Gnal payment of principa!
<br /> -�--� �nd inoereal.if not soueer p�id.shall be due aed p�yabte oa the 6rst day o!- ---------Octobei- ----- - - -- --- __.. ..._--...._. _ . .. ._- ---...�_. . ._.... . .. . .._ _
<br /> � 28 19.
<br /> This fvr�t is ua�Q in sonnection with mortpa�es Inaured unaer the one-to lour-lamity programs of the Nallonai t�ousing Ace(inciuding�
<br /> � SfctiGr:s2t33e"�j anC f})which require a One-Time Mortgage Insuranee Premium payment in accordance with the regulaUons tor those
<br /> prograrns.
<br /> ----- ——form HUD�93t13�DL1(3-$aeditian)
<br />� • Page t o1� ��t): �0 24 CFti 203.17('a) ,-- _—_
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