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<br /> �. . 1 . ' . ' . .
<br /> ; � . . RELEJl9E OF MOI�GAGE � 94� 1�16�� `
<br /> IH COttSIDERATI02t at the psymeat ot the debt anmad_therein, the martg�ge ,
<br /> ' ("" �idQ � Nick aad FaLzicia Laamners co�eliog ths
<br /> � to2loxins deacriba� propertys
<br /> Iat 3 B1ock I•East 1�Drth �awn addition � . -
<br /> , Iast. # 86--103Q84 • '
<br /> � ahicb is reeorded ia �l€: Y�F7i�e of the Rasl Tslsts Mortgyss Record�
<br /> of tbe Count�r o! �Zl '�r md 8tat� a! Nebraska ' 3s herRb3► relesaed ,
<br /> ��atia!!ed aad di�charged.. ' �
<br /> IH 1�1ITAE58 W1JIIi�OF, Firat Aationat 8aak of t)mahs has caused these� presea�� , .
<br /> to be eaeeuted aud its corpor�te ieal to ba bereto zffized tbis _8tii d� ot _ _ � .
<br /> March � �Q 90 ' . �>:.'
<br /> , ��� . . :'1:;...4.� .
<br />. . � . fr:,� ..
<br />: ' � FIRS OF �i;.:- - -� � -
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<br /> •�8'1•�R'&`Q�:-�REBRABKA� � � . '• G���xa 3. Byer ,, Se r Admi�:;A:��,,, � �''_�.
<br /> _ .,�
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<br /> � .. :CW�Y�.�ff�3?OUtiLAB) � � . . _ ..
<br /> . � ' . ` . ,�' On tbis sr_h�� 8ay o!' M�cn'.�::, Iq ga betore me tbe utidereigae�b��i�-� ;�. :;
<br /> . '' �:3I��';Public attd ia to Qr�aid County and S�kte, peraoaally appeared . ,
<br /> ��g�'s4i��. uid�Sen�for,����Asst,�, personal]T �no�u to me to be ,
<br /> � Gloria 3 �?yers arid��Senior.,�.ia:�1�s�:. respective.�r ot First N�tiaaiT Baak . .
<br /> �__�
<br /> of Cd�s �d knoxa to me t�.pe�the;pess�a�.� attixed their��igaatures tber�a: .
<br /> a,nd tbe eaecution ther�ot tio �be their voltui�iary aet a�d deed as su�b oftiaers and : :
<br /> � the �olunttry act and Qaad� ot Firi�" P�tioasl Built 4� Om�b� aad that the Corporate ' � .
<br /> 8esl o! Firat H�tional�Ba�att ot Oroshs vu thereto attized bl proper autbority. . . � ,
<br /> . , ; � .
<br /> �.
<br /> � � ., 2ii tiZTtJF.S9��W}�ftEOF, I b�vs hersun er set n� bmd �ad Aotari sal ths ,_... -
<br /> a�...na-�aar last� ab�e ••�nrll.teA. • - • •._ _ . - -
<br /> , ,� , � __
<br /> ';:',�
<br /> ' 6EIEAAI AI�1t Sdb ol MiMnb otuy Publia ;,-
<br /> ' � II+�Jiit���ANN CARTER . :�
<br /> , Mjr f:a�E�cp Fik I1.199'I
<br /> IFICATE '
<br /> . t
<br /> � �
<br /> � ~. The uadersigde3 hereby certitiea tbat the tollo�ing is s true 4ad . � '
<br /> correct copy ot SQ�tion 1I��s� ot the $y-Lave ot First Rstioaal Bsalc ot OEtati�. i� `t:� •
<br /> � Bational Banking Aasociations `
<br /> ,. .
<br /> ;,�'
<br /> ':.
<br /> "All rcicaaQU a1' mortgagea sha.ZZ be executed under the ��:al of t3�e
<br /> ' Association�by an offieer ot Ffret�Aa�ional $atilc of O�aat�� aad �F�all be
<br /> , otteeted by.the Cashier or aAy otticer o! F3rat Nstiottna. 8aa1c o� Omahs."
<br />� The undersignea tnrther tereby certiZYes� tbst tLe persama� �ho executed the
<br /> ����- � �- � �above-and-foregoing-Releaae -ot�Mortgoge -ore -o ieera� ot-Fiss� Nst/J�a�-��ak o!��ahs-=-
<br /> -� as resgectire�jr des3Khated. ta asid Releaee. ' . ��, . �f
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