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<br /> � � � � � .� �0�607 � °
<br /> RELEASE �F MORTGAGE 9� _ �
<br /> rIn �nnsidcrdtl�m of full payment.�aod campliance with the canditiaas of a moztgn� '
<br /> m�by D�rt �. Sc�m�t.L ert.�;:CorxsLan.ce. F..Sc�unitL, sach in teis anc! her awn rigt�. _ ` ,
<br /> and As apouse of a�tK other�; _ � .
<br /> ` to Tlfk: k,()Ui7'AN� fiC'lt.11t`G ANU•tAAN �SSOCI1lTION OF CRANB ISLAND, NEBRASKA, � tbt
<br /> � � Wlbwin� desrri6td pioperty, to.wit: Lpt.Eight (e) i.� Block Four {�j. irt H. G. Clark•s '
<br /> Ad4itior� ta the City of Grand Island, Ha�l Caunty, � ,,,�:.,_:�: .
<br /> . ` Nebraska. `. _ � •
<br /> ' : � � ' .'c
<br /> . . • ,;--,��-
<br /> ' , ' . ;;;•�;:'. . , .
<br /> . which satd mort�ge bcaro dtite 15th day Of March 1s73 � � �
<br /> � . ,
<br /> . is recrirdest !n Nnok 26b of niortga�;rs on Page 479 � ,
<br /> ;
<br /> �of the recoids of flall Cminty, h'ehr�►ska,s:sid Associution hereby ac�know2edges fuU satisfacfian of and releases the '
<br /> SAI11C. � ,'�;:l� a
<br /> - � ' ��;�:: .. ''-
<br /> . �'e -
<br /> In witt�es9 whrre�►f Ih� said THE EQiFITAHLE BL'ILDING A�D LOAN ASSOCIATION OF, '.'�`,.,' ,. ; ':�:'���� '• '• `
<br /> ,. 'f�
<br /> . `;+_r
<br /> GMND 1SLAND, NEBRASIU, htu raused thfs instrument ro bc sigcted by its Pcesideat aitd attested.t�y its • , -f �
<br /> . :--.
<br /> Secretary this 26th dnp of Merch A.D., 19 90 �`�':: `'-
<br /> � - Th� Equkabl� duitdin� and Losn cia of Gn kfs , IWi�ir�pdca ' :, , ..-
<br />' � � - . ,:; .
<br /> � Ky .. . - - ' S .
<br /> • . � - --- �Prestdcnt J. W.. Q1�r3an
<br /> . , .
<br /> ; . �� r;- . � :, � , . ;
<br /> , Attest `- ._ :.�?.lf�_S�r....._.�d.,.._ `�`�
<br /> . " ., � Seeretary Jbenne G. Roush '
<br /> � � . ;.�,.._
<br /> ;:—
<br /> �:
<br /> ,�
<br /> � � STATE OF NEUAA5KA � . .
<br /> S9. �
<br /> ' OOUNTY OF HA4L .._
<br /> ' pn this 26Lh duy aE Morc� �.1),, 19 90 . before me, n Notary Public
<br /> ' , .. . - - - -- - -- -----..------- .
<br /> - -..._. .. .
<br /> y aHnmissioned anJ quuli(icxl tur ;�ud rrsid�u� in sald cu��uty. ixrsunaUy came J. 4!. Olson and
<br /> Joanne G. Roush .
<br /> , to me icr�awn to be tho iJr�iti��al �x•rsuus wlx►se names :ur a(fiRCd to t1►c aL:.v�rek�e us President nnd Se�aetary
<br /> oE aaid Assnciation r►nd aclauwlivlE;r�) tlte r�:t's�1 iuSt�uacgut tei lK� thcis �o1u��t;uy ast ancl dred and tha valuntary
<br /> act�ad ck�e3 of tt,e said 1'I!E Ft1t='tTARI.l�: IIItILUltiG ANI) l,dAN A5SEH:lATION OF CRAND ISi.AND, ;
<br /> ��ppp���/� • {
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