-- �:rSCf���4�`c`t..'�A'�lta��.,Pr.�.�..i�:�.:...�:. �+ � •.,c� {'�rrt���� � �z�\.�i��si:ch�5�c��x,��h.S��Lu..xr � y r ti:7,c � N >, t„F;c ��s�_.
<br /> �.�.�r t.'� �� e.� S 4ytt �eYl�$rL�ti�cdiT�A�Rr Si4�' kf -�4'�. a. c
<br /> . . _ . . —�—_ _-_.. _ �___ _E��"€ .:��� _ �� �..F..�.z..�..,s.,...-. w���..�.�.R_-�..._.�..��w.m.-r�,..�a�.�. _ --,�. _
<br /> _ _ ' . . . . . . .` ��, � . . _ _ . _ _ . _ . . .
<br /> _- ' � . �i: - . � .-' _ - � . , '
<br /> . .__._r_ �_ _ _____--_. ` ` ._ _ ' __ ,_ _-_._-' ._ _-_ '��� i' .-_-.- _'. ' '____ - _- ' ' " ' _� .
<br /> , . . fF ' ` y
<br /> - � , . � - ::;_:,::::. 9�"�.O1St��i . . . _. .. _.
<br /> ...,_.,-:. ,;::�.::._�;:.:_.:..- �
<br /> N�*t-U�tFOR!�t CAV��tA'vts.8arrowuam3 Leu�afurther vci+�����-as foAows: _
<br /> � � • 19.Aea[trattoe; Reme�tes. I.eader�dall gire notice to B�a��+::��:�;���ratFon followIng BarroRe�s
<br /> • ' breae6 ot aay coiteant or agretAtent in t6ts Secur[ty Insbrumeat{bu��;iffati����.tion uader para�apin 13�nd!7
<br /> - untas sp�ltcab[e law pmstdea otAerwf�ef.Ttie notloe s6�U spec3fy:.�Si.r,t���bl�6e actioa required to cure the
<br /> �` �detial�tc)a date.aot las ttrm 30 dsys fiom t�+e date t6e aot�ce is gioe:��T��¢ir�a?i�:��K�ic6 the defsutt enust 6e cured; .
<br /> � aad(d)tlut tatlure ta cure Nie dctau[t on.oe befor�tbe datc speciaed i�i�u���ssdt in acceterat[on of the snms
<br /> , � secared by t1ils Secudty Iastrumeet aqtl sate ot the Praperty.T�e���;��Borrower of the rtght to
<br /> � � reias�tc altu�rlerattoa seQ t�r ri�ht to 6e��a�nrt a��n to�'if� �.�.`��e ef s�tault or say othcr:.
<br /> � - d�efeaye otBarrower to acceteraftoa and s�la Itt�te defauit is not c�u�ed c��l�C'�t���dai'aae.sDecffied in the notIs�I.ender ,
<br /> �at its o�doa msy nqutre immedi�te p�ym�t in liili of t!1 swas se�.��,i�'�,.*i�x_r Instr�ment wIt6ont fart6er .
<br /> damaad�ad�eay invok�t1�e powe�of salc�a8 any other renx�ies pe�as�'It�-����1�s.,Leader shaA be e�tit[ed w
<br /> callect �ID ez�tnses iacasred� oarst�fag tLe rem!ldits pra�ided�=1�=���:;8�w�fng; but nat Umtted to,
<br /> reasqe�ok ztton�eys`fees and cusb utttde.eHdenc� �'�::� : � . .
<br /> . if�tht power ot s�Ie W tnroktd.Tnistee sball r�eora s nottce of s��aadl���'�c�sca��:�n wt�ch any psrt af the •
<br /> .... ...... .. .
<br /> PropeRq is tocated snd a6all m�it capies of sncb natice in d�e m�mne:pre�'��'�iP�I�"�'aw to Borroser aad to dye
<br /> otber peesons Orescribed by applicsbte law.Aiter the time reqnired by Ap���T�*�,T�e s�all gfve pablfc aa�ice af
<br /> � sale to the persons and in t�e atsnnner pre,scri6ed 6y applit�ats2e lavv.Trns���.d�ei��Borrower,shait sei�the
<br /> ; Praperty at pnbtFc aadioa to the hig�est 6idder at the time and plice and nn�Ei�.��.cd ia t6e aot�ce of sa[e Li
<br /> ane or morc pucels and In any order'Taustee deteroaines.Trastee may postgc�e�s�.�a�T,sme��scel af�e Property by ,
<br /> public aanouncement at the tim�And place ot any_previousiy schedale�ss�,�er,�i��gnee may p�cl�ase.the
<br /> , ,. _ .._.
<br /> Acoperty st any sale. - - : , °-. -- _- _- .- _. _ --- _
<br /> [Tpon recetpt oi paymeat of the price 6Id,Trastee s6all�dellver.ta i3��;.f,��+T�ee's deed coneeyi�g ide
<br /> , Property.lhe rcciUis in We Trustee's deed shai!be prims fade evideQOe o�+ttr�:i�-���stemeats u�ade t�ereia.
<br /> Trastee s6a11 apply t6e praceeds of the sute�a tfie foUa�riag order.ts�to a41$z ;p��f tti�aa�2's„�tcludin�bat uot timited
<br /> to,Trl�stee's fees as permitted by appltcabit!aR and re�sonable attomeys'fue�:4�t'.�st'!�g�eareeF�y this Secnrity
<br /> Instrumen�and(c)any ezcess tn the peraon or persons legplly enbtled ta it.. :: '::':s.°-:�• �" ., .
<br /> ZO.Len�es in Possession..Upon a�:celeratian under paro�graph 19.�r�ati;~;'_�.'r;i;K.:���€tJ'ae Property, Lender(in
<br /> ' person�by agent or by judicfally appointed receiver)sha[l be entitlod ta�zt�r.�i:4,'��z�v��icm ef.,a�d manage tbe
<br /> � Propetty and to collect ahe rents ef the Property iRClu�ing those pa5t du� At��..`��=���F���,;1�y Le�dt��ir the receiver
<br />'" shal!bc applied fint to payment�f the cos�s of manageQnent of•th�Prop�tk�ar������F�ter.[s,,�it�ding,but not
<br /> � � ' . limited to,receiver's fees.premiums un recei�-ci s tso��ds an�rt:asor�ablp attorneys fees.��td��ii to f��r;:xss secured by � r�
<br /> ':�:;:�•�
<br /> . i:: . � this Security Insteument. " • �
<br /> ,' :, ;.
<br /> �� ��� 21.Reconveyance.l,lpon paym�nE of all'tiums secsrod 6y_this Se�:urity Instrumenr.�es s!�i!L ia,y�.;�st Truscee to .� .
<br /> __�`� ���� ��'�''' �> reconvey the Property and shaU surrender this Sectuitk 1rs3�ruanent and al!notes evidenc"sr.���.t;'s�^�c�L�:�is Security
<br /> ���'_�i��:�• �", �Instrusnent to Trustee.Ti rustee shall recanvcy the Pro�+erty without warranty aad without=�:�:�w tar F�:���;.i or persons � �
<br /> �::�.'.:�:�. � '` � tegalty entitled to it.5uch person or persons shal!pay any secordation costs. •. ��.'•,-�;.
<br /> 2Z.Substitute Ttustee.Lender.at its option.may from time to time remove Tru�tee ar�:�csint a,sa�.cessor trustee •
<br /> � to any Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrum�n:reeorded in the county in which this Sc�+cuai�-y�s.tsl:c�e2t is recorded. : -
<br /> � Without conveyance of the Property,the successur trustee shall succeed to all the title,poi�-er:�;��:�ec�+�.:ferred upan -
<br />, , Truste��Serein and by applicable law. "
<br /> 23.Reqadt[or Noticea Borrower requ�sts ihat copies of the notices of defaul!acd:t��P�e s�t to Borr.�arer's -_
<br /> addr�ss which is the Property Address. . � �
<br /> 24.Ridtrs 3o this Seeudty Inshument.[f one t�r more riders are eaeeuted by Bonow�ec���ermrcP¢��ogether cvith ;
<br /> ' this Secarity Instrument,the covenants and agreemen�s of each such ridcr shall be incorparate�:��to���1����a:rsend and
<br /> � supplement the eovenants and agreements of this Security Inst�ument as if the rider(s) a'ere a�:C�F i�,is Security �
<br /> � , Instrument.(Check applicable box(es)] � ' . �
<br /> ; :�•:i ` _ � ❑ Adjustable Rate Rider [J Condominium Rider � �-4.,1Fa�^�Iy �tc:;y��; .,� �
<br /> i , . ,. . , ,��
<br /> ''- �;� � � ❑ Graduated Payment Rider ❑ Planned llnit Develapment Rider , ' `� '
<br /> ' ' ❑ Oiher(s? (specify] , .
<br /> ,. ;".�.;.
<br /> BY Sl�htvv B��ow. Sorrawer acceptc and agrees t� the term� and cc�venants rnntaine�i tn t:^.;s 5�.:arri��;
<br /> � , icutc�srqent and in any rider(s)executed by Borrawer und rerorcied with it. , , "
<br /> ' , ..--. . , ,
<br /> . � f__ .
<br /> ; ........................................................................................ .Lester L.....Cowell,.�......,.�r:.L:�............,........._...u���;
<br /> :-3�^v�►
<br /> � ;
<br /> , ___ .. .. . .... . . . ....... ...... . ...... ...... . . . ...... . . . . ..... .._. .. . . ... . . / . / . .. ... .. _ . . - -----�- - �----...- -
<br /> ' ........................................................................................ r.r.;,��:?-�'fL ::4"L'..'6 .....!..f.:G.��.*��...... . . ..(Sr2t�
<br /> �8arbaro�A. Cowell� .--nD�r��-.
<br /> 5��.�►�rE E�r NEdKnsnn. Hall c'„ui,��• .�:
<br /> � Un ihis 26th day ot �4arch , ��� 90. I,rl„�r.iur. �hr �indr►tii�:ncd. a Nult�ry I'a�`�i� '
<br /> cittty cammissioneci and yualified for said cuuiU�.��ri,unallti �an�c L�SteT L. Cowell. and Barbara R. _
<br /> Cawell� each in his and her own right. and as spousa of oach other.ro mc kno«•n rn hc cL•�: . " _
<br /> idenfica? person(sl whvse u�mrl�l arc �uh�rrihcd te. �hc f�+►c�rmn�r in�irfuncm :md a�l�n�n�lccf�.:cd �he crrci�i�::�; �
<br /> thereof�o be their ��uluntary act and�Iccci. ' • �
<br /> Witness my hand and notarial srul at Gr�nd Isl�ntf.��Nebrct.::kt� in caid cf,un�y,�I�t� '
<br /> dalc aforesaid. s .
<br /> '�3u(ommission expires: ,•' � r' ; ' � � • �
<br /> L . r�rr���.r � � . . . . , . ti�.,i�;;.�:.. �.'. +.... . ......... . ' .
<br /> M►�►�1►�� �Ut,i���� t��,tc kt � �,w��� � +��:� I r�
<br /> l�u'Tkt� . ' , ��
<br /> . �, . �,,
<br />. - ' • . �Ftf'UpFIt(�Sf�t1lC(I IS IIt�Jt{t�(ft'f�iY�tI7C tH�tL-f77 f[F7tL'�•�.tiE-ii!i-sI 15_ !1{[. �I.f:! +�E �:li-I `t.iit� (���TF t�1 Ilt+tt'�, {<�k'�•{�f!'t � : � a
<br /> : ._ titiithallsstlicrir��lchic•dae�•���c�!ttc��Slllttil�R'l'E{t�f ���i:-�.fs,e+: i„��,���.j����teE„!k ��t�r.r��- t�:<<•1+: .;Ir�t-:�:��leF*t:fr����}.,:t�:t .
<br />, Ittilc i�t t�o14•.�UtCI tlf�4 Ucc�HI �1�f1St, aiyt;t� at�� tl�t���•r:Ei 1�� ,,},�. .e�r.t �,� ;. �i�;. . �G����,.•�� :��F�.tr�l�. .t111hr r�f�tfE•
<br /> . .. . . 1l�ltL flt����} �'l�4! �IA:�C( t{ili�)Ct'l��e� �I11S) !��llll� �i.t !.ill ��� ��e� e.l;: 1� ,'.tl•.: + �i'.if ., . .� .. �:. .. .
<br />�. ��:lt� �.
<br />