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<br /> LINIFQRM COVENANTS a�����a�nd��o��t�aas���eeuows: g���V�V�V - , , -
<br /> . �. Payme�uf Princtpal and Jnterss�Prepsymeat and I:te Chftrges. Borrower shall promptly pay when due
<br /> ttce principal of and idterat on the de�t evidenced by the Note and aay prepayrtcent�n�i late charges due under the Note.
<br /> 2. Funds for?�es and Insarance. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Leadet.Borrowrr shall pay � _
<br /> � to Lender on the day moathly payments are due uhder the Note,untii!he Note is paid.in ful!a sum("Fun�is")equal t� :
<br /> oae-tweiRh of (a) yearly taxes and assessments which may attain pri�rity oser this Security Insttument; (b�yearty
<br /> kasehold paymenu or gruund rents oa the Property, if any; (c) yearly hazard insurance premiums; and (d) yearly
<br /> mortgage irtsurance premiums.if any.These items are called"escrow items."Leqder may estimate tfle Funds due on the '
<br /> basis ofcurrent data and reasonabte estimates offuture escmw items. - _
<br /> The F�tuds sha116e @eld in an insritution the deposits or accounu of which are insured or guaranteed by a federal or .
<br /> � state agency(ncluding Lender if Lender is such an institutionj.Lender shaU appIy the Funds to pay the escrow items.
<br /> ' 1.ender may not cha�ge for holding and applying the Funds.analyziug the accoant or verifying the escrow items.unless-
<br /> � Lender pays Borrower intuaE on the Funds and applicable!aw permits Lender to make such a charge. Sonawer and
<br /> Lendet may agree in wrifing that interest sha1l be paid on the Fands.[Jnless an agreement is made or applicable taw
<br /> tequires interest to be pai�,Lender shall not be required ta pay Borrower any interest or eamings oa tite Fund�.Lender
<br /> . �give to Borrower,witt�ut charge.an annual accounting of the Funds skowing creaits and debiu to the Funds and the
<br /> �:�¢ose far w"ch each d.."'?�i'�co the Funds was made.The Funds are,pled�:s addirional secwity for the snms secured by
<br /> � �Security Instrument:=: • , �,.,
<br /> � If the amount of�r.��.nds het�by Lender,together wi�tit�t�a futufe monthly pa�ents of Funds payable prior to �
<br /> t�$�due dates of the��:�;ems.�shali eacceed the amount req4:,-e�to paE�.�e es�row it�.s w�Cen��:�:Yhe excess shall be, .
<br /> ... . .,
<br /> �13orrower's op�ion,�ee�gromptl�r re�aid to_Horrower or ceedited to;�r�wer on c�o�:�'it}gaya.e�:�of Funds. If the "
<br /> � � , �unt of tfie Funds h;�u����:ender is not suf6cient to pay the escrqw i:�s��en dae,`��-����:.��aj+io Lender any ; -
<br /> aia�unt necessary to matc�,���?-d�.~�ay�in one or more p�ya���s as r�c�:�Tiy I,���,:.• : _�"`�,:� �.�. . . •
<br /> � �Jpdn�ayrrcent iri F��ofa�i's'ii�is;�exured by this Securs�Instruinent,Lenders�::ribi�:�'r�,refund to Borrower • . �
<br /> �y Funds hei3 by Ler�rz.�s����p�^�gs'aph 19 the Propertg�'s.old ar acquire�by Lei:�rr.LerCet sball appYy,ao later ' � •
<br /> , +�.'�.an immediately prior Es�sale o�the Property or its acquisition by Lender.any Funds held b.3 II,�der at the time of , • '
<br /> , , a�iplication as a credit a�s"t t�se sums secured bg this S+ecurity Instrument: ' � , _ ,.
<br /> . 3 AppticatIon of�agatentsa Unless applicable laa p_*ovides otherwise,all payments r�ed by Lender under ' ;
<br /> paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:fiist,to late charges due under the Note:second,ta g*c�ayment charges due r�er the . .
<br /> Note;third.to amonnts payable under paragraph 2;fourth,to interest due:and last.to�r��:,�pal due.
<br /> 4. C6uge�Liens.`:�Borrower shall pay all taxes,assessments,ch�=��.fines and imposisiaas attributable to the . .
<br /> Property whieb may att�.priority,over this Security Instrument, an�.i���a?c� pay�ssents az�ound rents, if any. � _
<br /> , Bonawer shall pay these c�:igations in the manner provided in paragraph:,ci::if���n�.i:s th�4�i:n�r,Borrowtr shali � � �
<br /> pay them on time d�rectJy to the persv�t owed payment.Bonower shall prow�rIy fur�i��i��.ender a11 notices of amounts �
<br /> to be paid under this paragraph.If Borrower makes these payne�,."s directir;:8arrag�:-�sll promptly fumish to Lender _
<br /> receipts evidencing the pa�►ents. � � '
<br /> Borrower shall Rrti�ptly discharge any lien which has priority a��er�;s Security Instrument unless Borrower:(a) � ��
<br /> agrees i�arriting to the pa��snent of the obligatian secured by the lien in a ma�:::r accepiable to Lender;(b)contests in goad
<br /> faith the lien by.ar defends against enforcement of the lien in,legal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to �
<br /> � prevent the enforcement of the Jiea or forfeiture oP any part af the Property;or(c)secures t'rom the halder of the lien an
<br /> . agreement satisfactory tv dxnder subordinating the lien to this Security Instrument.If Lender determines that any part of , ��''
<br /> the Property is subject t��.,lien which may attain priority over this Securir� lnsirument, I.ender may give Borrawer a • �� ��
<br /> , mQiice identifying the Iie�+,.lBorrawer shall satisfy tT:aen or take one or rrcdrecf 2he actions set forth above within 10 days '':�_�'`:�s=,
<br /> - � ''=_
<br /> . � � Qfthegivingofaotice- _ � .: -- _ . . � =
<br /> S. �L•ss^�,-s.e. Barrc��er shall keep the improverzents now existing ar��e�e�after erected on the Property . �'
<br /> ic�ured agains::uss�;�ft��azards inctuded within¢�e term"e:�tended coverage"and an��ther hazards for which l.ender '
<br /> requires insuranee. 'Ttsi�rrs::rance shall be mairt::c^:d in the amounts aad for ihe periads th�t �.ender requires. The �f
<br /> . insurance carrier provid�3 the insurance shall tre cbosen by Borrower subject ta Lender's approtial which shall nat be ;
<br /> unreasonably yvithheld.� <
<br /> All insurance policies and renewats shall be aeceptable+ts�Lender and shall incic:�e a standard mortgage clause. �' ; ,
<br /> Lender shall have the right to hold the policies and renewals:If Lender requires,Borra�e,sha11 promptly give to Lender . '�t"� '
<br /> ali reeeipts oPpaid premiures and renewal notices.In the event of loss.BorruRer shall give prompt notice to the insurance '
<br /> earrier arui Leader.Lendc�may make proof of lo�.Y if aot made promptly by�cower. ' �. '�'
<br /> . � � Unless l.ender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing,insuram:e prot�eds shall be applied ta restoration or repair • .
<br /> : af the Praperty damaged.iP the restoration or repair is econamically fpsi�(e and I.ender'�.security is nat lessened. IP the
<br /> ' restoration ar repair is not economically feasible or Lender's security woul�f!se lessened<�he insurance praceeds shall be !
<br /> � applied to the sums secucul by this 5ecurity instc�ment,whether ort aot she�.due,wir�any excess paid to Borrower.If
<br /> �ortower abandons the[koperty,or does nnt ansaer within 30 days a nctice f:om I.ender that the insurance carrier has
<br /> ofPered to settle a cWinr,el:en Lender may collect the insurance proceeds.Lender may u�e the proceeds to repair or restore
<br /> the Property or t��av sums secured by ihis Security lnstrum�nt.al�ether or not thrcr ��:. The 30-day period w�li begin
<br /> . .... ... ....--�- -
<br /> -�---.._..- --... . . -- � � -- ----- -��---�- -�- ---------��---. .__.__. .
<br /> w en i e na"t:ze is gi4err. • .
<br /> , Unless Lertder an�44orrower otherwise agree in writing,any applicai��.�f pr�n:cYedc to principal shall not extend or
<br /> pastpane the due datp a�t�.�rtconthly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 ar��cr change the amaunt nf the pa�yments.If
<br /> . ' under patagraph 19 ihe Property is acquired by Lender.�orrawer's right to any insurance palicies and proreects resutting �
<br /> Prom damage to the Propeny prior to the acquisiti�n shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Security
<br /> lnstrument immediately pri�r to the acquisition.
<br /> 6. Preservatlon aad Maintenance of hroperty:LeaSeholds. Borrower shali aordestroy,damage or substantially
<br /> ehange the Property. allow Ihe Prc�yerty t�r detenurate iir ccimmit waste. 1f'this 5ecurity Instrument is on a leasehold.
<br /> Borrower shall comply with the provisions oPthe lease,�nd if Borrower acyuires Pee title tv the Praperty.the Ieaseh�ld and �-�� ---
<br /> fee title shall noe merge u�less l,�nder agrees to Ihe merger in writing. � •
<br /> 7. Protectton o! Leeder'$ Rights in the Property; :ltort�tage Insurance. If Horrower Pails tu perfi�tm the
<br /> , covenants and agreements contained in�his 5ecurity insttument.ar ihere iti a lrgal pr��ceeding that may signifirantly:�ffect
<br /> Lendei 5 rights in the Prnpeny (such as a pr�ceeding in bankruptcy. probate. fi�r condemnat�on vr ta enfi�rcc lawr or • �
<br /> - €E�s�l9ti€�sis�.sltteclxss�r�eaydoaadpay fc�rwftatc�rrisnrcrssary tc�prn�eet the vsiu��f€th�P��ff}tirriy affcf t�tcf�'.f�;htti ' -
<br /> in the f'roperty. Lender's artians m�y ittclude paying any'sums cerured by a lien which has priurity ��ver th�s Securiry �
<br /> � Instrument.�ppearing in court.payitig reasnnsb�e att�rneys fees and entenng�n the Property tc+tnake repatr�. Alihough �
<br /> Lender may lake:�ctian under this paragraph 7.Ltnder dues nut ha��t tn do!.o.
<br /> Any amuuntc disbursed hy Lender under this part��r�ph�shall be.•��u�e addili�+n�1 deM os 13c��ri+u�rr scru�eJ by�11��� �
<br />� 5ecunty InStrumenl.Unlc�s He►rrc►wcr attd I.endrr agree t�.crther termc e,f payment,thc�c•amrunt�ihali hear interi�ct fr�m �`
<br /> thr date c.F d�shursetnent at �he N��le t,�tr and �I18I) �►f �3}':IhIC, w��th wt�rctit, up���� u�mcr ir��m 1 cudcr tu I�ormacr ��9�
<br /> reyue5�mg p��rr�r►d. �.
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