_ :y`:».-" _ .� �'> r.ic�c,Sk,��Sr.�ay35i:�n ��i'2'-',-,.2��.�,,�y� �� <�t��i'i�'�h � � �'`.t-�.i::S�.'�:" -t '=�iCr�s `�Y ?" �' �'`LCR �v'Y''(q= `.Z. '\r�-� _
<br /> - �^��.��,...�__ _�As!r178b�c �.. t 1 r., C(� �+•;�.� a
<br /> _ �a--_ `�_r,_mY'x��i�k''�4-r�'���:�'�: -- ��iCA��f��'��y'F�� �L*&r���,�..c�neua"��.`°,�o__
<br /> . . L .
<br /> L _ e ' _ __ .. . . � " `_ , "__ _ ' ' ' ' _ —� � ..
<br /> : No�t-UxtFORtot CovEN�tlis.8air¢�tsand Lau�er furtf�v coveaant and agee as folloas: "�����d�
<br /> - � 1+9 ttcat�ratio� Re�edks.Ia�der stnit gZTe ca�ca!o Bosrsi�es prTor ta�ierattan foito�►ing Borrowe�s -
<br /> 6reae�otasy co�eaa�t or a�c�eat tR:tb�xSec�it�lastr�mt lbut aot pr�or to acceleration ander pua�raPhs 13 and 17 .
<br /> uatess aNlicabk�w�at�erwiset The natk�a�iaEl syecEfl�:(s)We defi�I�(bl the action reqn'sred to care the
<br /> d�faol�fc)s dste.ugt kss thas 30 daYs fro�the date tltt aatice is gi�en w BorruRer,6y�rhic6 the defanit mnst 6e cared;` � ,
<br /> � �ad(d)t6�t bilur�tu care t6e de6a[t oa ar 6efQre t6e date spECified�n t�e aotfce a�y res�ult in acceleration of t6e sum� �
<br /> s+ec�ed bp thYsSecurlty Ianrument s�ad ade oi tbe Property.11�e aaifce shaU fiut�er inform Borsower of the rig,ht to
<br /> " refeststt attz�sccderatioa aad tbe ri��to bring a eonrt set�oa to assert the na�-esisteate of a default or any otber
<br /> ddcaseai8orrowtrtou�+�a�sak.Itt6�defasli�s aoicusedonorbeforetLedatespecified iathenoti��Lender
<br /> at iis o�tos msy reqetre ime�ediute�3rmeet tn full ot aU s�ns secused b3't6u Secprtty Insh�ument witboat fattU�r
<br /> desa�d aad msY L�oke t�e power ot aale a��ag otl�r�a�edies penuitted hy applinble taw.I.cnder shaU be entFtled to
<br /> cofttct�li.�xre�es i�c�rred€� pnrsoteg t6e reaudks pro�idad in this para�ap6 19. �n�Iudi'ng, b� aot lImited to,
<br /> caa�v�41�iA�Y�ftes a■d cosb oititk esidence. �
<br /> � u:t��tt!?wer of sak is isrolted.Tcostee sl�all reoor�.s notiee of dtfiuIt in ac�cuuMy ie Whleb aa3►Put of the
<br /> i�F T,pcated and s6a1!sa1�af s�aotica in tUe manner prescn"6ed by applicabte tsw to 8orrower and to t6e
<br /> �''�1�Y+- �
<br /> od��iErwas Arauibed hY apliabte Iser.After t6t ti�e reqnire�6y ipplicable faw.Trustet shalt give<pnblic autice of
<br /> � szte to the persoe,s and in the aannee.presen"bed by apylicable taw,Trastee,witttout demaqd aa�orra�ver,s6all seil the
<br /> Proputy at peDlic saction to tbe bigLest bIdder it tbe time and ptsce�nd nnder the tenas desigprted ia the notice atssiie fn
<br /> oae or more parceis a�in any orde�Trastee deteraiises.Trast�e msy postpoae ssde of�or ury pascel of t6e Property by ' .
<br /> ' � pubGc amtonnttmeet at t6e time�sd place of any pc+tviousty�schedut�sate.Lender or its des�gnee may purchase the -
<br /> Property at aey s�te. . . . , : . '�
<br /> � R.'Cas e:�ci�i a€�t4 af i�pzic�tuf�,Truscicrx sintii deiirer fa t�e parc�ser 3rus�ee's dee�3 ca�reYing 46r-= - _- - � ----�—�'-`.--
<br /> - - Property.The recihls in the Trustee's dad s6�U be prjmn facie eYidence of We tretb.nL the sfateinents m»de thesein. : .
<br /> . Trnstu shall aoply We proceeds of the ssie in tbe following order.(�t)to aU expenses o��sate.including,bat aot llmited � - � . . �
<br /> . ' to,Trustce's fees as permitted`by��Hle taw xnd re�soaa6te attoraeys'fees;(6)to.a,'T�sums se�ed by this Secudty ' , �
<br /> ' Instramen�and(c)any escess to the pesso�or persoas teg�lty entitled to i�
<br /> ' 20.Lender in PosSessfon. Upan acrxleration under paragraph 19 or abandonment of the Property, Lender(in
<br /> pesson,by agent or by judiciatly app�tated receiver)shall be:�sritted to ecrter apon,tak�possessien of-and manage the �
<br /> Property and to coltect the renu of the Property incfuding t&��past due.Any rents caT��ted by Lender or the receiver �
<br /> . � shall be applied first tu payment of the cosu of'manage�nent vf che Property and coP,e��[i�on of r�ents,including.but not
<br /> � limited to,receiver's fees,premiums on receiver's�nds and reasonabte atv�.rrr�yc fees:and then ir�the sams secured by.
<br /> .� ' this Security Instrument. . � " _
<br /> � 21.Reeonveypnce.L�'¢e=.-�pa.yment of all sums secured hy this Security Instn:rrs��.L.ender stsall request T'rustee to " `
<br /> �teconvey the Property and sha}e�t.rs:e:�er this Securi�y Instrument and al!notes evide:icir.�g deiit secured by this Security .. '
<br /> ' tnstrument to Trustee.Tnutee s�a�F feconvey the Pr�peRy without warranty and withou4��iarg�!o the person or persans � ' .,'�::� . � _ .
<br /> , .�.:. ..
<br /> I�galIy entitted to it.Suclr person or persons shalI pa�any recardatian costs. ��;"� � � ' �;;;,,,_ :
<br /> . .f.:.
<br /> ' 22.Substitute Trustce.Lendet.at its option.may from time to time remove Trustee and apg�-::�ta successor trustee .�`�':, . � ; ���;;;,�
<br /> to any Trustee appointed hereunder(r-3.�instrument recotde�is�the county in which this Secur'sty Instrument is recarded. ��,:;�,�.�
<br /> Without conveyance of the Propert�r fl�e successor trustee sha;�succeed to all the�title.pawer and duties canferred upon : -
<br /> Trustee herein and by apg'i�ble la�. _
<br /> 23.Request for tiat�ices,Borrower requests that copies of the notices of default and sale be sent to Borrower's - -
<br /> , address which is the Property Address. . � . ���`
<br /> ;,. a••::
<br /> Z4.Rmders to t6is Secudty Irt�amen�lf one or more riders are executed by Bcr��a�er and recorded tagether with . ; . �
<br /> this Securia}Instrument,the covenants and agreements af each such rider shall be inca.-;�ts�zted into and shall amend and ;�.I��:�� � i'�
<br /> ' supplemens the covenants and agreements af this Security lnstrument ac jf the rider(s) were a part of this Security ;�'
<br /> . Fnstrur:ie3:t[Check applicable boa(es)j ` `
<br /> � ��djustable Rate Rider [� Condominium Rider � 2-�C Family Rider � : � `'
<br /> [�fsraduated Payment Ridez [J Planned Cr.it Development Ride� • '. �
<br /> �
<br /> j� Other(s) (specil'y] ACKNOWLEDGEMENT DF POWER OF SALE
<br /> BY StGtit!�G B�LOw, Harcc��er accepts and agrees to the terms and covenants contained in this Security ;����:
<br /> lnstrumrnt a:�.t in an�rider(s)ezecuted by Borrowet and recarded � h it. ,
<br /> � :.� �-�� �=���-� � . �
<br /> �..� ............................................ .................... ..(Seal) �
<br /> -80..owe►
<br /> � ..... ... :.. .>.��."v... ...............,....... .(5ea!) �
<br /> _. __ . ..... ..--�------� --....._,._., .. _. .-- - - �- -, .. -y/��� , .... .. .. .,. .Bo.owe . . . - - - .... _ ._ _ .. .
<br /> .. . ._ . _ . . . .. .�. ✓ t r r
<br /> . (Spxe Befar This Line Fa Atknowtedit�rentj - --
<br /> �
<br /> ' .
<br /> STATB OF ...N,EBRASIiQ.................. :
<br /> . fJOU1V'C1t OF ...H�ALI........................ J SS: :--_- -
<br /> The faie�oing instrument was ackn�wledQed before me this.,.Z.�SX..dB�Y..Q�.'��'J.�Y�h...�99Q....................... '
<br /> ...:.ti�LCt1A�.E...Z (date) ' �
<br /> : �it ��s:t.�:�#?.�I�. ,5TR�l:?:...........:............................. ' � -�
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<br /> ' t � ' owledging} ' �
<br /> L � �� . . �
<br /> � � �'�'��� f - �1�p�! �
<br /> My Commtssion expires: , •
<br /> ..._, ....'{E... ��.'....--• ,.. i/ � � 1' . `-` �""`!�'���. 1/;` �. ,�,�
<br /> . � r. •r` = . •• _
<br />, . . . .. _ �Elf3IS �ll�'t�C` . . '
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<br /> l7+es in•.itur-rent V��s �.cp:!tee� bp .....:ItYt�n 1....11�}.lenb�c�':... . ................. ......... .... .. .
<br /> ..... . ...... . . . .. .. ......
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