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<br />n oon-T nswMEWe W""laan or any UfRi achhances or hitum Obigirtions, as
<br />may hereinafter be advanced or hournd and the trust horoitdter rnentored and ether gttod and saktada awmkWaifon, to romps and suffidsrry of which
<br />am hereby admawladpad. Granite- hereby InavacaW wwants, bargains, eels, Imnelers, grants, convoys and assigns b Truefse, his successors and
<br />assigns. IN TRUST WITH POWER OF SALE for to bash mid security of U. e. sea MMOML assoczaeaoe No
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<br />suds)( -, uder rue(, .rid eu fo tefma "w�lll no of MW and o s present
<br />and future estate, right, mis ad IIWwi in and to the real property descried in Solve" A tallish is molted b fine Deed of Trust and Incorporated horsin
<br />by this reference, together wah ail PMMM aid Itue knpfo+rerra and fixtures; td I0 QW personal property irMfidng without rirt Italia al MPdt►wy.
<br />ekaalprem, bukIN materials. and pods of wqy nature (exdudng eonsurrr goods) now or horadi r located on or used in amwetion with the real
<br />property, w1wher or not Mead to the Mud; privileges. hendlanents, and OPPurWWW" indU&g d drA*Pnot rgMs aeeoeielod with to Property,
<br />whether previously or wbesquantly transferred to the Property (ram ohm real property or now or heraafer eusaeptbe of transfer from this property to Otwr
<br />MW proporty; leases, imat" and other oWwrrstnrs; rents, issues and profits: water. win, dutch, reservoir and nik o rdus and stacks portak ing to to real
<br />properly (eu.wu,aly 'props to haw and to PAN to Ropany art it Vis hereby graved far else use and bsrett of W.W. his ercceesors and
<br />assigns. and payrrert in full d d)Obligations secured haoby.
<br />Moreover. in further kxmeidsralon. Grantor does, for Grata and Qmtiaet: hers&, mpresore2tws 2nd assigns, hereby expressly wallas, cowrent, and
<br />agree with Leitch and Trustee end their successors and assigns as follows:
<br />f. OBLIGATI(MM This Deed of Trust shei s cure to paynom and portarrnrrm of as prowl and future indRblairoes. Iaglitisa, augatbru and
<br />coven ws of Dorfower or anintor (drrshMtwly'Oblgstlorns� to Lades pursuant to:
<br />(a) on Deed of Trust IN the fallowing pramissory thorn and ater apeernsnis:
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<br />(b) all other promiji or an eg y sr sank or dinow
<br />Pttposee dtefr the faragoehp);
<br />(e) any guaranty of obligations at cow parties given to Larder now Or homelier executed 00 rates to rife Deed of Trust:
<br />(d) inure advances, wh20er olipatary or apiord, w the sane extant as if made canMnporaemWy with the exhxxdot of this Dead of Trust, made of
<br />mxmdod on !renal of Grantor or Borrower. Grew s that t are of the Obll Who ns to a tee of curt the Ash of tftfe Deed of Trost shelf congnue
<br />unW pswnut in ful d id debt die undo the )lm n= tte tact teat korn tiro b !rte (but betas MrrieWion of the lire) no bafa co may bo
<br />outcuv r at no tires du" the term of fits Deed of Trust or any exlem ion thereof shill to u rapid ad Mbliandltg t omw pdnelpal ka"
<br />advances, nol inelndrtg aura advanced by Lander to wood the security of this Deed of Trust, exceed to following amoum: R ALAA "^
<br />This provislon OW not constitute an obApdan upon or canniftem of Lander to eels sddhionsl advances or bats to Orattor. and
<br />(s) elf en or dnerNa. extensions, renewals, modicetons, mplacarnel s or sUfSftludons to any of On bregoing.
<br />As used in this Paragraph 1, the !amts Gremor and Borroww"include and also mart any Granor or Borrower if fn no Vm ens
<br />2 11lPROE rATMM WARRANTIES MID COYBMIM Oremor roprawls. wo rs and oovenams fo L.ender thee:
<br />(a) Grardor hill lee skr* rrwkslel le fine to to Property and Simi meinish to Property tme of A Ilene. soc ri y inlans93, karcmtibtanas and daunt
<br />except for this Deed of Tent ad those dssatiod in Schedule 8, which Is agaded b this Dssd of True! and beorporated heraln by reference, which
<br />Grantor apes to pay and pin tot a i m1V rnennher,
<br />(b) errata is in kxMhtptenot 11 M rapers vdlh al appl icabla led", state ad local laws end regulations. inaid M without liciadcn, those reli tg to
<br />"Hazardous MaerWs." as defied lessin, and char anvlaranental mom (the 'Ernionntrndel Ltas'J. ern! reinter ire federal govamwm nor any
<br />ether govern erval or quay! gavorrrtsnel stripy has find a Ilan an the Property, nor we there any goverwenW. �rd�I a aWriNstrafve actions with
<br />respect b erwpanrered Miters pending erg, or to to bast d the Oranbr'3 kww6*, ihmaiened, which involve the roix pry. Wapho Grsmor nor, to the
<br />best of Gran 4 W wMdpp, any offer parry has used, pariwasod noloasad, decherged, stared, or d d any Hazerdws Matalafs as lolled
<br />herein. in wrveotiai w* #w Property or trarepwtvd cry eH zerduu�i MmorW6 W or kom tie Property. Gran u r shal rot com dt or po rnk such adons
<br />to be Mien in the Mum. The lorm'Hazardous Materials' shell men any substance, neterial. or wa%W which is or beaomea ragniamd by any
<br />g2verrnmmW au kmWty' rdiq but tax in tad to. (i) pabafourm (b) testable or nonhleble asbestos; (B) polyafiodnated bhp wrA, 1'av) trorw -6d mama.
<br />nhMenek or wawa du prried aw a Tazmrdorn subeteneP ptrahenr to Section at 1 of the Cleat Wales Aat a load Pursuant to $*Wo t 307 of rho
<br />Clean Water Act or any anrndawds or replacements to thee slaters; (v) those MASUnces. neerlak or wastes doAnad as a IwA%ous wwasta-
<br />pvrivant to 9ecton 1OU of the Resource Conservatlon and Recovery Act or any arertdnams or ropMcertorb to that stable; and (vl) to"
<br />substances, nteierials or weses defftd as a Immdous sdmnoe' pursuant to Secton to of the Oanprahereive Emiromenlr Response,
<br />Corrtponsabon ad liability Ace, or cry armOnoss or raplacumunis to that statute a any Sher slrim sloe or federal atatule. nice, rrghtrdcn or
<br />ordnanco'now or hereafter It eL Gratrbr shelf not Was or pwM to vMsstse of the Property to a taunt or submnam whose operation may
<br />resuMn -raor knaiort d tin Property with Hazardous Materials or toxic substances:
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