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200104522 <br />be subordinated to the lien of tip mcm execute by Borrower to Countrywide Home Loans <br />dba Americas Wholesale Lender "" , w which <br />has agreed on the conditions provided herein, NOW THMITORE, intebding to be legally bound hereby, the <br />undersigned agree as follows_ <br />I. That the lien of mortgage executed by the Borrower w E u i t a b l e B u i l d i n d and Loan <br />is and shall be subor4mled to the lien of the mortga a exrcttted by the Borrower to <br />Cc)untr.ywidP HQmP Loans dna,Americas Wholesale Len er__ <br />provided, however, that the lien of the mortgage to —dui t ahl? B ij i 1 t7 i n g & T . n a j Assoc. <br />shall be su ro lien f the w <br />_ countrywide Home Loans d_ ba Americas Wes_ it olesale 1�en ec�rps` <br />only w the extent that the hen of the mortgage to and L o n Assoc. <br />is a result of this subordination Agreement, a validly <br />perfect fast lien security interest in the above - described property. <br />2. That the mortgage executed by the Borrower to -EQUit-able Building and Loan Assoc <br />is and shall he subordinated both in lien and payments <br />to the mortgage executed by the Borrower ta _ Cnti n t ryw i de HnmP T,oans <br />r3 h a AMp r i rr a c 19h o 1 e s n 1 P T. P n ri p r , to the exWM That V mortgage to <br />__Ccrttntrywidp Home T.nans dba Americas Wholsale Lender <br />is, aS a result of Mis Subordination Agreement, a validly pelfeet first lien security interest in the above- described <br />Property- <br />3. Thaw the extent the mortgage of <br />_dba A m- r i c a S W b i 1 e, a 1 e I� %lt of this Subordination Agreement, a validly perfect <br />first lieu security interest in dw eve- described property, the lien of the monsage oxecuted by Borrower to <br />shall pot be affected or impaired by a judicial salt under a judgment recovered wilder the mortgage made by die <br />W4 Borrower to Eauit-able Building & Loan Assoc <br />but any such sale shalt be subject to the lien of the said morn ge executed by the Bo over to <br />Countrywide Homg Loang dba Americas Wholesale Lender <br />as well as arty judgment obtaiwrd upon the bond or now secured thereby. <br />4. TIM vhe ,EguitabI Building and Loan Assoc _ <br />shall no* in writing of any default under the terms of the moripge executed by the Borrower to <br />li,�lt�lalo 8taildincl 3 Than Accnratl an <br />Al "712U(9802) Clit. (Dam) Pane 3 of 4 Initials: D D <br />