. � __ ___ _ _ -_
<br />_. - _- . .�. . . ' - _. . , � ,�: ^�f. r�.Y..' :.y::' '
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<br /> � . _ " ' � - � __ _ . " � . . _' "_ " _' __'"___ " _' _r " _ . .»�. _ . _; ."_�-
<br /> - � g�-i�1591
<br /> 1 PiJ�1 of Pr4�/;tateee�i:aa�':C.aiR Cifr�e.Borrower sltall pay whtn due th�grinripal of',and'mte�est on, th�debt
<br /> � evidenced by the Nate and lut ch�:s`'Eut.uader the Note.
<br /> �.Mo�W7 l��snb of Ta�e.itt�qta�ce ad Ottet t�tRet.Bonower shall iaclade in each monthly paymtat,tog�hes with
<br /> � t6e prIncipal aad iatetest as set f�cttru�:�tr.Note and any late cbargcs.an instailment of any(a)taxts and spccia}assessmenu ,
<br /> levied or to be Itvied a�ainst tht Pr4�rt€cy;(b}teue}i�Id paymeats or ground rents on the Property.and(c)prmuwas for
<br /> insuraaoe requir�d by par�tsPls 4.:
<br /> EeCL monitily�nn ttn, �t fo�.ittu�a{t�j(b)aad(c)shaU eqnal oa�-tveelfth of the annual amounts,as reasonably cstimazed by
<br /> t�derf pIus aa�namst saffrieal tn mt�itaia aa additioaai iratana of�tot atore tiran.oaasixtb of the estimated amounts.The
<br /> faU aannal amount foF eadg item sJs�IDlti�uccumulucd bp Leada within a period cading oar momh before an item Wonid
<br /> • beeome ddinqumt.Len3er shall i�l rtr�;a�onats coUected'ut uust w pay itams f a}�(b)and(c)befure they become delinquent.
<br /> if at any ti�e the total of thc psym:rt�s:�t�d by Lender for items(a),(b).and(c),togethtr with the��zture moathly paymsats
<br /> far suc6 items paya6tc m Lea�a�pzitis�it��dae dus of such items,e�cads by more than onasi�si��estimated amount of
<br /> psymeats requued to pay su�s it�:�iifA"due.and if paSmamts on the Note are curre��,thcn L�c�s'aa�1 eiiha refiind the •�
<br /> � eutss nser oac-�tb of ths estimz►.cd.p��#�nnrnts or crcdii the excus ovu ono-sixth a`i�ie estim�:��y-�.��,s�.�.�bsequcat
<br /> :r. ;..��bF Sorrower.at th.op2icm:a�Barmwer.If the tara�af�thhe pa_Fmeuts ma3e�j 8arr3aws f'aF it��a}=�;i:or Eet.s ;
<br /> ` . �� •`.`�'�'r..�"a�� to pay the itesa wt«duG lfii�Hoaower shaIl pag:c.�.ender • .
<br /> . ,.
<br /> �u��a.,�tr.�:oanaYe pg thtdefia�cs�a ar
<br /> . :.::;.•. ., . ��c�a�aie the iiem b�om�,d��. :�: - � '
<br /> . :�s�,�ir�r��ity Ia3uum�.:;,"�ecretary"Taeans r:�Secietazy of FIo'��aud.�.`rba�.Devef6p��i 6r��s ar hrr• �
<br /> • ��,s��3�I^��.-iry inst�et�-�ei��Sy tite Secr+etacti are ir►sured under programs afii��.regiaiie sdiarcce pa��t of ihe
<br /> : ,�.�,d���ge�.�s...�oe pr�i�..Ef.�tYi�Security InstrumeQe is or wac insured unda a pmgra�'n`uch itid uot reqnire adyance
<br /> .�'���! c.�3�i?.tite ee�.z mortgageinsc�ze:F~�miam,then each monthly payraent shall also iacdude either:(�an instaWnent of the
<br /> ��:';�' ' ���B���ce psEmi�:w;t�paiQ by tasder to the Secretary,or(u�a monthly char�e instead of a mongage
<br /> :; insura�ee preminm if this Srcur�ty;Itt�tif�snt is hdd by the Secretary,Eaett manthly installment of the mortgage insurance
<br /> ��' t P���a11 be in an amouni sufflrierFf�to accamulate the fuU annual mortgage insurance premium with Lertder ont monih
<br /> prior to tha date the fuli aanwU�n�insurauce premium�S due to the Secretary,or if this Security lnstrument is held by the �
<br /> Secmary,each monthly chasge shs3S'bnua�an amonnt equal to onatwelfth of one•half percent of the outstanding pdncipat
<br /> � balance due on the Nota.
<br /> ' If Borrower tenders to l.en�9er ttus fia��aymen[of all sums secnred by this Security lnstrument.Borrower's account ahal!be
<br /> credited with the balanre rem33nin�ftm�atl in�tallments fur items (a). (b) and (c) and any mortgage insurance premium
<br /> . f�stallmmt that Lendu haq na2 b:rm�,z�obl�ted to pay to the Secretary.and I.enQrr shaU promptty refwfd any escess funds td
<br /> Bormwa. Immediatefy psiat tn a furt�C(,9sure sale of the Propeny or its acquisition by Lendtr. Borrower's account shal!be
<br /> credited with any balarcce rems�nir�g;'ird�811�installments for items(a).(b)and(c).
<br /> 3.A�YcaHo�of�sya�nt�.A'll'p�3��entc undcr paragraphs i and 2 shail be applied by Lender as foUows: � �
<br /> QRS?.to the mart�ge insura�r.e�etni�m to be paid by Lendtr to the Secretary or to the monthty chargc by the Secretary
<br /> instead of the monihly mortg,age:itni:a�.�;r premium,untess Borrawet paid the enpce mangage insurance premium when ihis �
<br /> ; Security Iastrumeat wag si�aed;- ; :
<br /> L�COI�ID,to a�r taxec,specIa!�saessmenss,leasekald payments or ground renu,and fue,flood and other hazard insurance � •.
<br /> premiums.as required;
<br /> r,�,.:.
<br /> �H�_._,to tntcrest dae un�'tr:t�:+Note;
<br /> FOURTH,to amortitailo�u af-tIic;p�inciga!of[he Note:
<br /> F�F�'�i,to late charges dL�e ur�:r.the Nate. '
<br /> 4..H�Tire,F7oo�u�Otru H��moruce BorroWU shall insure aU improvements on the Propeny.whetha now in e�stence -
<br /> a��'vsequently eraxed,aga:*rat ar►}�t�a�ards.casualtles,and condngencies,iacluding fire,for which Lender requires i�surance. y��:��-°
<br /> �T[ti+*�surancc ahalt be mau::s.ir.ed�in the amounts end for the periods that Lsnda reAuires. Borrower shall a�n i:�sure all r,,.�
<br /> ia::.�rie�ents on thr Prop�ciy;w(tNth:r now in e�cistenee or subsequently erecud�again�°t�iss�y floods to the eater�3 rs�aired by �
<br /> tAt S�asy.AB irrsusarice shalD�a�carried with companies apDrovsd hy Lender.The in�rance polictes and any cene�vat,;shall f�:
<br /> be hetdt�i,ender and shati�ir.alude toss payable ctauses in favor of,arad in a farm ac�table to,Lender. �
<br /> � In ttteevent of 1oss.Ho'rrowtr shall give Lender immediate notice by ma3f.Lender may make proof of loss if not made�romDt- '•
<br /> , ly by Sesrower.�ach�insuranee company eonarned is hereby authorized arsd direcced to rnake paymrnt Por such lass ctirectiy to r
<br /> � Leudec�irsteaA of to Horrower and to Lertder jointly.AU or a�sy part of the insurance proceeds may be applied by Il.ea�er,at Its '• t
<br /> , . , op�a�:,ether(a)to the reduction of the indebiedness under�Ehe Note and this Securiry lestrument, �rst to any d�lFnquent ��
<br /> �d�aDPlied in the order ia Paragraph 3.arrd then to '• '��
<br /> � • da�aged proDeriy.Any aDDlicauon of thc proceeds to the p�ayment of�rincipal,or(b)to the restoration or repaiF of the ',:�,,:
<br /> � principal shail not extend or postpone the due date ot th:monthly : � �
<br /> . � payments which aze referred to in ParagaDh 2,or ch�nge the amoune of such Dayments.Any eacess insuranre procads over an
<br /> amourrt required to pay all outstanding irtdebtedness under thr IVote and this Security Instrummt shall be paid to the entity legal- ,��'�
<br /> ly entitted thaeto. ! .�,�
<br /> � In the event of forcclosure of thls Security lnstrummt or ather transfer of title to the Property that extinguishes tht in•
<br /> debtedness.all tight.title and interess of Borrower in and to insuraace policies in force sha11 pass to the purchaser.
<br /> 3. Prexrvatba ud Maf�te�uce of Ibc Prooert',Lease�old�. Borrower shall not commit waste or destroy, damage or
<br /> substarstiaity chaage the Property or allow the Property ta deteiiorate,teasonable wear end teat exapted.Lende:anay inspect
<br /> tha property if the propeny is vacant or abarrdoned or the toan is in default.Lender may take reasonable action to protect and
<br /> preserve auch vacant or abandoned ptopeny,lf this Scctrrity lnstrument is on a teasehotd.Barrower shaU comply with the provi-
<br />' . _. . . .......... slons.ot.the leue.]t Borrower acquires�fa-ti�ic to the Property,the Itasehotd and fa-title shall not be ittttgtd untess�Leniler � � ���---" "�- � - � �
<br /> agree�to the merger in writing.
<br /> � 6.Crar�ei to eorrower f�A Protecdos o!Le�der•a Ri�bb in tMc Property.Borrower shall pay ai!governmcntal ar municipal
<br /> chuses.Mes an8 imyositians that are not incluQtd in Paragraph 2. Borrower shall pay these obligations on fime directiy to the
<br /> entity which is owed the paymen�.If tailute to pay woutd adversely afPect Lender's interest in the Praperty.upon Lertder's re-
<br /> quest Botrower shall promDtty Wrnlsb to l.ender receipts evideacing these payments.
<br /> !t Bonower Pails to make these payments ur tht payments requlred by Paragreph 2.or faits tu pertarm any other rovenants and
<br /> agramtnts contatned In thla Security Instrumcnt,ar thcre is a tegal proeteding that may significantly affect Lender's tights in ;:____�__
<br /> the Prmperty(such as a yroceeding in bankruptcy.tor condemnation or to enforce Iawsor reg�lations).then l.ender may do and
<br /> , Day�iever is neassary to protect the value of the Property and Lender's rights in the Pro�erty,including pay r�ent vF taxes. �
<br /> . hazard:n;urance and other itrms meetioned in Paz3graph 2.
<br /> Ehr.y�snounts dIsbu�sed by tender under this Paragraph shali become bn additional debt of Botrawet�ead bc secu:eQ by this �
<br /> . 5e�.uii�testrument.'fhese amounts shall bear interest from the date af disburscment,�t�he Note rate,an8 as the o�tion of
<br /> . 1..e�Cer�shall be immedlately due and p�yabtr. . �
<br /> . .. ._ . . _ ��
<br /> �•E?p�fe�ntkr.TAe ptoceeds of any award or ciaim fo:damag:s.dirrct oi consec;ueatiat.in cona,rt:on wi;�s ary c�vsi�er.n- �
<br /> � n3t:�a ar oL';es�atc:tsg of any patt of the Propeny.or fo�conveyanre in piare of condemnation,�re hereby assigrea!nn?shal;he
<br /> paid to�r.,Crr to the eatent of the full amount of[he indebtedness that remains unpaid uneter the N�te�nd this Ser��ity Insvu- �•�
<br /> meY:.9,er.Cer shali apD1y sach prnctcds tothe reduction of the indebcedness under thr N,ii�and this 5ecuri�y Instr;:r,:en1.fiast to �t�
<br /> any�'.�i;eaGent etnaunts apqlied in the ordet pr�vided in patagraph 3,and then to ptepaymeat nP prinripal.Any npplicat ivn c►f � �
<br /> the �r��y tn the p�lncipal sheli not eatead ot po�tpone the due da�te oY the monthlY paym,nts, which arc �eterred tv in , �!� .
<br /> perrigraDh Z.�r chan�e�he amuunt ot yvch payments.Any eaces�proceeds over an nmaunt requircvi to pay<�ll vutstanding in r
<br /> dtbtedntss und�r the Nr��C pnA ihis 5ecuri�y lnsttumrnt shal!be�,ard tes ttte eq�ity tegall� eotitkd thrrcto_ s� °
<br /> �ll.�e�e�.l_cnder n�ay�ottect[ecs and charRes authnrited bg�he Setiretary. '
<br /> - — __�_.__ .M��1..�_.. ---- --
<br />- . ��anr:,,.r a
<br /> . �
<br />