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<br /> , TRUST DEED �` 10158 G �:
<br /> ::.�...; .,,
<br /> This Trust Deed is made pursuant ta the Nebcasica Trust Deeds Aet, . �
<br /> Sectians 76-1001 to 76-1018 of the Revfsed Statuces of Nebraska, � . - ; • •
<br /> 3943. �
<br /> � I. FARTIES TO TRUST DEED. The parties to this Trust Deed are
<br /> as foilows: . � � � � -
<br /> 1.1 Beneficiary: Wayne A. Lanka and Ma�ily� M. Lanlca,
<br /> husband and wife, . as joint tenants. and nat as ten�stts in comman. "
<br /> � � � � ' � :f� .,.
<br /> - � � 1.2 Trustor: Gregary D. M il.2er, a s inqle .:�. � _ ; .�� :�;�;�`-
<br /> ... . �...,
<br /> ... . - . ,.; ..::.
<br />-. __•. . _ _ . . . . .�.�,f�.-°�..
<br /> ::.r �P.;'tf.J�r%..�...
<br /> I.3 Tcustee: Rudoif F. P�late, a lic�r���d Real Estate =�•�'•���:;,•;`,;;.:�:;:.-;�°;,� .
<br /> Broker of [�ebraska. � -� �'..:'.�.. •';;�
<br /> ,. .
<br /> �.: ;:�;.
<br /> 2. REAL PROPERTY. The real pcoperty cavered 6y this Trust Deed � �="�'•:;�. '
<br /> ; is, ds�cc bed as followsz _ . � .� ��:�. `
<br /> Lot Nine (9 ) , in Block Seven ( 7 ) , in Schimmer's
<br /> Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, ".- �
<br /> Nebraska, as sucvey, platted and recorded._ inal•u�3i�ag �� `�%�-.
<br /> all bufldings, €ixtures and' .�.mprovements t�:�reon and :'.,:.� , "
<br /> � all rights-of-vaay, sasements, rents, issue�, pcaEits. � �� �. �
<br /> income, tenements, hereditaments., psfvi�leges and � . � ' . . �. ;:�-1.
<br /> appurtenar�ces thereunto belonging, used or �n joyed wi�h � � , � ::A
<br /> �„ �aid la�c�; or any part thereof. •''� i :��
<br /> :,�-
<br /> 3. PURPOSE OF TRA�FSFER IN TRUST. The trans€er in trust of the -�
<br /> , real property by this Trust Deed is made to secure t7.�1 existing ,�.::,
<br /> � debts or obligations created simultaneous with the execution of
<br /> : this Trust Deed, including, specifically, a Purctiase Money �,`
<br /> Pramissory Note dated April 1, 1990, in the amaup� of THIRTY-FSVE �: `:
<br /> � �H�II��:vD DOLLARS (535,000.00) payable in monthly installments
<br /> i r�i�.h , a balloon payment due and payab�,e on April 1, . 2000, (2?
<br /> � .�F=�Lur'� advances necessary to ptoteet the .�ecurity, (3) any future
<br /> : i adir��:cc�s to be made at the aptian of tiiie parties, or (4) t.he
<br /> pe�'�cT�r�ance of an vbligatian af any other person named in this . ,
<br /> ' � , �ruw�. Deed to a beneficiary. �.i.
<br /> �=.
<br /> .';;n t:�
<br /> ��4. � AFTER ACQUIRED INTEREST� OF TRUSTEE. All right, title, ''��'
<br /> intez�st, an cla m .�.�� and• to the trust property acqufred by the � —rt�
<br /> : Tru��+�r or the Trustor's su�cessars in i�ter���, subsequent to �� ':.
<br /> the Execution of thi�� Trust Deed, shall snure to the Trustee as �
<br /> secur�ty for the obligatior� at on�igatian� Eor which the trust �� • •��
<br /> � �pro�i��ty fs �convey�d in "],ike manner as if acquired be£ore �
<br /> � execu��on of thi� Ttust Deed.
<br /> , � _ .. _ ._. .---. .
<br /> �� �- � � - 5.�- .'PRO�MIS90RY NOTE -�FRO��S��TREISTOR -TO� ��B�NEF�C3ARY. � Trustur has�
<br /> , ' � �his date exec�ted an del��vered to Ben�f iciary a Purchase Monej�
<br /> : �, .
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