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<br /> -- -' Ic�h °.c.�.�{- �'-C.�3'dGi�:.y�;. "'� ��t'_1t:S1��•rtuJfl-..�..
<br />- ^.t�� • ` _ _+t� . . . � . .. � . . ' . . _.� .-- ` '' _ . __—._ . _
<br />- - �,._�.r.- _ - _-__—." .. .-.... �.- � �' � ._. ` ` . . ' _- _, � � _'_ -_. _ __ ��
<br /> '_' i , _ . " __-_"_'-- . ' -_-_ _ ,
<br /> 9.Ce�wYt�u Aa�atloE oi Dc6� . . : ��,�`���J v� ..
<br /> . . (��Det�ir.Leader may.exceD[ac timitcd by regulations issued by the Saretary ia the cue af payment Qefaults.roquire _—_ __
<br /> tmmediats pa�ratmt itt full af all sums securcd by this Securicy lnstrument if:
<br /> (7 Bonb�er defautts by failing to pay in full any moathly pay►meait require�6y this SewrityInsauiuwt pripr to or on �
<br /> , � the du�dau of the next mouthly pay.menk or .
<br /> C)Borra�v�defautta by fa�iag,for a period o!thirty days.to perform aay otAFr obtigations contained in thu Secuiaty
<br /> Instnt�eect. � , . • ,
<br /> . tb3 S�ie R'�v�G�e�k Appra�vai.l�eader si�,if P�tad bY�pl�bie taw a�d wit6 t2n prior approval of tLe Secretary.�equin '
<br /> i�edis0e�a3�me�in tt�U a�f eu the s�secuted by this Secuiigr Iastmmeat iF .
<br /> ' (ij AI�oc E+att of tbt P�oQetty is athervvi9e ua�'atea(athet than by devise vr d�scent)bY tht Bonow�,aad
<br /> (uj TAe gropeaty is nat oaup�ud by the psuchzser ur gr+�oe as his��a primuy ar sxonduy mideaoe,ar tho piu�ser or
<br /> gt�oe doa ao oar�py tb�PmpeRy but his a her ce�t 1�aot 6aa appiwed m a000Namiae wih the cequi�eats of the Sa�asSi. . .
<br /> � (c)No�Irainr.If arcumstances occur tl�at would permit Ltnda t9 requtre immadiate payment ui fuit,bui Leader does not
<br /> ieqiart suc�pay�ments.Lmder does aot waive its righu v�ith resgax m snbsequvtt evenu. ..
<br /> � . �"da Re�Wio�s oi HUD Sa�et�*f.Ia mauy circnmstanca regulatiens issued b,y the Secrexary w711imit Lender's rigbts.in,
<br /> � t�e rase o��aymeat defauits.io require immadiate paymmt in fuII a�d forociose if aot paid.This Security Instnnnem daas
<br /> uo€authotr�aeceterarion os foreciasure if not pertaitted Isy ng�a�ons ef the Secretary. � .
<br /> ' U�t. Boirower 6as a ctght to hc reinstated if Lendss has required immediate payment in fu�1 bxause of
<br /> � Sorro�tr's taiSL.'e_to�Y.aa amamrt dae uuder the Note or this Savr��Instrumem.T1us right appliss tven after foreclos�e
<br /> ' prn�arr i�srituted.To reinsiate the Security Insuvment,Bomz�shaU tenda in a lumP ss�aII amovnts:z��*�.�_-._:-:.:,—. ---_
<br /> • bring B�cra�ra's acxount eumat inetadia8.to the exteat they are cY��ations of Borruwu msd�s�SecuritY Instruinont,
<br /> � � ' forectasurs costs and reasonaI�f� and customary attomay's fas and expensa properly assac�d witti the forectosure
<br /> � proea�og.U�on refnstataae��g Botrower.this SecudtY Ensaw�neet aad�the obligatians tl�at it se�csres shall rema�in effect as
<br /> . if i.eader had aat requir�imra::iate payment in fiill.Hovr��.I.ea,'�:s not required tn permit reinstatement if_(ij Lender has
<br /> � � accxpted reinsratement after the cammencement of forecias�e.�-�tiaSs withia two ytars immediatety preceding the
<br /> � commencemeab o�a curnut forectosure procecding, (ii) re�s[as�-.x�1.Dmiu�e fonclasure a�.differeat grounds in t�. . ,
<br /> ' future,or(iu'j cei�s•atement will adversety affect the priority of the:.��.rated by this Sec�srity,Imttumeat.
<br /> IL Sorrowee No3 R�ed:Fofid�a�By Leader Nat s Watver.Eater�sion of the tiipe of payment ar Luca�ification of,
<br /> ainortizatioa o9 the suass stcure�6Y this Security Iasuumwt g�antal by�..eader to ang�_ccessor in interest uf Bo*=`'�vei sha11 not
<br /> operate ta ni�asc t�e Iiability a€'tke origiael Borrower ar Borrower's��scxssor i�i�erest. I.eader shall noi��reqvired::s ,
<br /> commencs pr000e�.,�agai�st any successor in interest or refuse ta r��:�ae for paymeni or a-;.�*��ise modify amort�atio� ° • .
<br /> of tbe suma sxac�-Ei�this Sscurity instrument by reason of any w�*�-.,�c� made by ths ori�a::Zio'rrower or Borrower`s
<br /> successars ia interest.Ang far�earastce by I.eader in eaercising any r�Tt cr reca�s."�saaU not be a�:.�ver of or preclude t�e �
<br /> ea.rcise of ang right ar re�edp . � . ' .
<br /> � u.S9tearoa aM Asfps Bm��3roist a�d Seven!�ity;G�-5�e�s.'itie cavenants an�w�.--Gemenis of this Secu.�,' - ,- ��;,
<br /> Instcuraent ahaII bind and benefit the successurs and assigns of Lender�Botrower,subject to the pr�visions af paragraph 9.�;�_.
<br /> ' Borrower's cavenants and agraments sha116e joint and several.Any Br,:rnwer who co-signs this Security Insttumeat but does i
<br /> not eaecuu the Note:(a)is co-signing this Security Instrument onty to mortgage.grant and convey that Bonower's interest in ' _
<br /> We Frosx,�sty ar�er the terms of this�ecurity insuument;(b)is not personaity obligated to pay the sums secured by this Security '' _ -
<br /> ' Instrasunt; and (c) agras that L.euder and any other Boaower may agra to eutend. �rtodify, forbear or maice any —
<br /> ; accomntodatroccs witb regard to che term of this Security instrumcnt or rhe Note without that Hnrrower's consent. :__
<br /> f3.Notka.Aag r,�rstice to Borrawer prov�ded for in this Security lnstn.�.,°nt shall be given by delivering it or by maiting it by =
<br /> first class muiI uceIess aDplicabte law requires use of another mMhod.The notice shalt be directed to the Pro�eny Addtess or any �•�
<br /> other$ddress Borrawtr design2tcs by notice to l.ender.Any noticc to Lender shaU br given by first ciass mail to L¢�3er's address
<br /> stated hereia oa any address Lear�designates by notiu to Borrower.My notice provided for in this Security[.,ir�rsnent shall ?
<br /> '. be dtetaed t�hace been givm t3 8otrower or.Lender when given as provided in thjs paragraph. . � ` ,
<br /> � a
<br /> 2I.Goree�t,sw;Se�enbWt�.This Se�•...:iy lnstrument shall be govemed by Foderal law aa¢ti�i:�w o$i�c.swisiliction in �.. .
<br /> ' which the prupettq is located.In the event that any provisidn or clause of this Security Instrument or t::e Nv�e c���icts with ap� �
<br /> � plisabte laM.snch conflict shalI not affece other provisloas of thts Stcurity Jnstrument or the Note which rau.icat gtven effect •.•';
<br /> � without the contlsetiag pr8vision. To this end the provisions of this Security Instrumrnt and the Note ate d�sl�red ta be • ' �
<br /> severable. �:�
<br /> � !` �
<br /> 1S.Roreowsr'��.Sorrowet ahall be given one conformed copy ar.his Security Insirument.
<br /> � Ii.A�aed of Resb.Borcower unconditionally auigns and transfers to Lender a11 the rents and revenues of the Property. • '
<br /> ' � Borrower authorizes Lender or Lendet's agents to wllect the rents and rovenues and hereby dicects each tenant of the Property
<br /> : to psy the rsnu ta Lender or Lender's agents.liowever.prior to Lender's notia to Horrower of Barr.�wer's breach of any cove.
<br /> nant or agreemeut iis the Securlty lnstrumene,flo3rower shall collect and zeceive a11 rents and revenu�of the Property as tru�e
<br /> foT the t�eaefit of Lendet and Honower.This�s=ignmer.t af rents constitvt'es an absolute assignm��and not an assignment for
<br /> � additecanal�security only. ' •
<br /> .... ..._.__ . _ . .. . . . .... .. _ � ... . ... . ...... . ....... .
<br /> If Lender gives notke ot breach to Borrower:(a)all crnts r�eived by Bonower shalI De held by Borrower as tni�.t�e tor beneft�
<br /> ' of Lender only.to be applied to the sums secured by the Security Instrument;(b)Len�er shall 6e entitled to coUcct and receive all
<br /> oP tht rents of tho Ptoperty;$nd la)each tenant of the Proyeny shall pay all rents dne and unpaid to Lender or l,ender's agcnt
<br /> on Ler�der's writtcn detnand to the teaant.
<br /> Bonower has not executed any prior assignmeni of the rents and has not and will rtoi perform eny act that wouid,prevent
<br /> Lender fram exercising its rights under thla pazagraDh 16.
<br /> Leader sha11 am Eie required to enter upon,take controi ef or maintain the Prvperty before oi after giving notice of breach to
<br /> � Bosrower.Hawever.Lender ar a judicialiy appointed receivei may do so at any time there is a breact�.Any aqpiiairion of rents ____
<br /> slsall not cure or waive any default or invalidate any other dght or remedy of Lender.This assignment of�ents of the Property '^--'
<br /> shall terminate when the debt tiecured by the Secwity Instrument is paid in fulS. '
<br /> ;
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