_.+ �:u��,.�.c." �,4,—:�; .,�,-, ..��_ ..- ';-� _ ��'�'f'� �� -�-
<br /> �„�, �: -s,s.-'.[..st ,{,i�rR�r-,=oti.v�:.
<br /> _ ,, . . .. . � . .` . . __
<br /> . . . - .r .. ..• .- . -�a.e��� y '.�e ' �F�sa���a�i.�i_
<br /> _ .. . ._ —. — _ —_<'r . "l:-i�'• � , . . ._ —_. _ . .._"___ .__ . : .._,... _ - ____ —'_:' _ ___ _ - . _
<br /> ` ,
<br /> ' _��' _' "_ . _ _. ` _�--.— _ _"' __ .- . _. . �� . ` �
<br /> Nox-Uti'IF�ttM�wF�vwx�s:Boaowrr aa�Leader fucttur rnvenant and agra as folIows: �V�� r �
<br /> I9 AccetsR�R�ts. Leadtr sialt�f�e a�tQ Borrowtt orIur to accekntto+m��wteg BasroRe�s , .
<br /> 6rea�r of asy ca�teaat or�ee�ent in t6is SewrIty ta�tnment(�nE eot p�iac to meleeat�oe nndet�ga��s I3 aad 1�
<br /> � mless aplicabk isw prosides otleswiie}.T6e noti�siall apecifg:(sF thc defial�fb)iht iction eeqnire�to ccst tIIe
<br /> � dtfi�E�tca a date,nat tass thaa 3ad�ys from tee date t�eaaticetsg�ienm8nrrmver.bY�►h�d�tb�defsnitmart6e cured:
<br /> ' aad(�t6st fiiinre to cart the defi�dt oe or bdote the ds�e specified in tbe aatice may resnit ia acceleration ot t6e sums
<br /> sec�ed by this Secarity Iaitn�mt nnd aate of tbe Property.T�e sotfce slrill furt6er infosm Boreowtr of the right tc►
<br /> -rt�tate�ier��d tiie sig6t.tQ b�ing�cQart artion t4 assert tbe aon-ea�istence oi:delautt ot aay otI�ec .
<br /> def�of Barrvwer to aecsGe�atfoa and s�le.Ittl�e defiu[t is not cared on or I�efare ttre date specitsed tn t6e notice,Lendts
<br /> ai#ts a�may r�utr�imo�ate psYmeat in fai!oi ali sams secmed bg t&is Secarity Instrumeat wit&oat tu�t6er
<br /> �snd msy fe�oi�e tir�pawer of s�tte aad any at6er remedie$pvmitted bp tpplicaWe taw.Lender sh�l�6e entItled to '
<br /> oallect ait e:peeaes Iacun�ed in psesaia� tbe re�aedta p�odded in t�Ls pgcsg�ap6 19, incladfn8+ 6ut nat timited to,
<br /> �aton�bte attarneys'fees sna costs ortide e�fd�ce. � '.
<br /> if t�e power af sale is in�al�ed,Trustee abali record s aotice af default in eacL cuunty in which any paet of the
<br /> Pro�erty is tacste�tmd siai!mail eop�af s+nch nat�ce in t6e manner prescribed by applicabte faw to Barrawermd to tLe
<br /> other persaas pre.scri6ed 6y appliesble tsw.After t6e time reqaired bg applic�ble lsw,Trustee shst!gtve pu6lic aotice of
<br /> sate to the persans and in t6e msaner pracribed 6y QppSca�6te t�.Trastee.wtthont demand ae.Borrower,s6sl!sel!the
<br /> , Prnpertp st pubUc aoction to the l�g6est bidder at tbe time and ptac�and eader the terms destgpated ia the nutice af s9le fn
<br /> . one or more psrcels and in any order Trustee determines.Trosta may postpane sale of a11 or aoy parcel of the Property by
<br /> pnbtic pneauecement at the time and place ai aay pre�tonsly schedu[ed sxle.Lender or its desigaee may purcLst�e the
<br /> Pro�erty at�ay sale.
<br /> -. . E7p[,n receip#a��ymeni of the price bid,Trastee shal!deliver tn tlus p�r TrustrP's dced canieyieg the
<br /> .Prapertq.T6e redtds ia dee Trusta's deed sbatl be pr[ms fac�ie eiidence of t6e troth af the statte�aenis made therelm. �
<br /> �'�tce s�U apPiy the pnoceeds aithe sale in t�e Callowing order:(s)ta aU erpenses af the sale,fnclad'ing;but not li�aited
<br /> , to;Truste�'s fees as permitted bg ap�acabte tsw�nd reasoaable sttorae9s'fee�tbl t�ai�samv sec�ed by tGi4 Secarity
<br /> � . ,: Instr��aed tc)aay e:cess ta t���rson 4r pe,v�oas tegAtly e�titled to it
<br /> .. .
<br /> � . ' �`�.eader ia Possession.LFp�iin acceter�,�on under paragraph I9 ar,abandonment of tt�Pro�rerty:E,c�der(in .
<br /> � ��ss;�y agent or by 3itdiciaUy appainted rece;ver)shall be entitled to�riter up�nn,take possession of and manage the
<br /> � ��tg�sl to coAec�ilie rents os�he Froperty including those past due.Any rents coltected by L.e�der or the receiver '
<br /> shaid�e�p�i3ed fust to payment of the custs of management of the Property and collection of rents,including,bui not
<br /> . ;3::sriied ta,-receiver's fees,premiums on receiver's bonds and reasonstble attorneys•fees,and then to the sums secured by
<br /> ���.:
<br /> �:�s Security Instnim:�-.. .
<br /> � Zl.Reconreyf�tce.Upon payment of all sums secured by this Sec�arit�Instrument,Lender shall�request Trustee to `''��
<br /> r�or►vey the Property and shall surrender this Secnrity Instrument and aU notes evidencing debt seeured by this Security -
<br /> � �ic�strumayt to Trustce.Trustee shalt s�s:cinvey tfie Property without warranty.and witbaut charge ta the peraon or persons �`.
<br /> "�: � :::;.;..�.
<br /> [ f entitled to it.Sach on or ans shall a an recordation costs. � ��•�-�•
<br /> �;Y P� P� P Y Y •,5;:;;,:,:;
<br /> Z2.Snbatltute Trustee.I.ender.at its opris��,may from time to time remove Trustee and appoint a successor trustee ::�r:;;,.s
<br /> , to any Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the caunty in which this Security Instrument is recorded. R"�'�:
<br /> Without conveyance of the Property,the successor trustee shall'succeed to all the titts..power and duties conferred upon .
<br /> Trustee hecein and by a�plicable taw. � �. �- -
<br /> 23.Request for Notfces.Bonowar reqursts that copies af the notices os def'aqlt and sale be sent to Bt�Trawer's � _
<br /> � address which is the Pr�gerty Address. '
<br /> 2�.Rldera tp this Securlty Iastramen�I�one ar mare riders are executed by Borrower and recnrded togeiher with `'�,
<br /> <;_
<br /> this Socurity lnstrument.the covenants and agreernents of each such rider shall be incorporated into aind shall amend and �,
<br /> � . supplemcat the cuvenanu and agr�ments of this Security lnstrvment as ii'the rider(s) were a part of this Security , �
<br /> ,;��, lnstrument.[Check applicabte box(es)] ;
<br /> ._,_ �Adjustable Rate Rider `_,.,'! Condominium Rider Q 2� Family Rider _ �i�`•. `
<br /> �.
<br /> ���v�.
<br /> � ❑ Graduated Payrnent Rider ❑ Planned Unit Development Rider �.r�"
<br /> ' �.,'�r
<br /> � �Clther(s) [s�ifyj Acknowledge�ent -;-:�.�
<br /> BY SIGNiNG BELOW, Borrower accepta and agrees to the tea�a►.c and covenants contained in this Security "'�``�
<br /> Instrument and in any rider(s)eaecut�by Horrower and recorded with it. ���
<br /> . ..................................................................................... .�...��'%2'�'�':�.�........,.. ..(5ea!) '
<br /> . � � Ga�r ji�E �qalasek -9orrowe►
<br /> '
<br /> .. .._ ._.. _ ... . ....... . . . .. . . . .. . �� ;�o . .. ..__.. .._._ ._.... .
<br /> �. ............. .. ...,.......................................................,.......... . ...��..... ..��:����/.f./.........:.,,.,�,,.. .,(Stal)
<br /> "". yJCi�Valasek ---3onowe�
<br /> . � , �
<br /> 5TAT[bf N@bRA5K�. HALI, �aunty ss: . .
<br /> � • On this 20th c�ay of March .I990 , befc�re me. the unilersigned, a Noiary Public
<br /> duly commissioned and quatified���said rounty,persc►na:�b;zmc G��� E. ��L:asek and Mary G. 1�alasek, ' , _____-
<br /> husband an@ wife ° ' . 1c�mr knnwn ta hc thc � .
<br /> identical peisan(s) �'?:�ryse r,a�n:ts) are subscribed tn the foregoing iiisvument :�Itd it�kttowlCdged tht Cxeculi��C� . �
<br /> thereof to be Chef: . t'atuntary act and dced. ' , . ;
<br /> Witness my hand and'na�iarial sra)at Grand I�i�and � in�aid.�7:�;r�ary. ihr
<br /> I.
<br /> � date afores�id. '� � �
<br />� �`�y� ���" � ., �� . G�/'rXrt.. � %1.�;����. . �
<br />, L W �,a�,Z.►�n . .!.!..�. ...... ........�. �.. . ..... . ....... ......
<br /> �d� F� '' ` !v�,�;tr� {'��[•t��.
<br />; Ri�.OUI'.S'F i���EZ 8�E('O VI:YANCt: �
<br />. ���
<br /> ' •r��rtsutiri t ,
<br /> r �'�
<br /> Yf{C 11111j:t�1�!RCt! �ti t11C(II�ILICC ��T 4lie litile t�t �tl�ttti�t'flltf'EI I�L Ililt I7CtEI l�} I f4F�f. tiF'�ifl t�fr�E'frr qEtLl'�. lE��.Ctltt'F �� _
<br /> �cith aii�tfi�r indchTedr�=.c 5�<<ircii i�Fttiic i)�:CCi�f (rii�t:i�,iyc��cfr��:ii�v� �Utt. `���ii�Ii4.I1Cfl'hL[IlftiLC4�((�t'.lftli{��Il� -
<br />. /I(1(�' (Ir IIU�t�•illll� ��lIV ��C'll� ��f �f11�E.�4�ifl'�i il}'C t�l'�1�CICi��ll'iE'h'r. iiliff It� ft'U�Tf�i'�. '<<[1�1EtUi C�dPfilill�, if��1�1:C�td{C
<br /> R��w hcid bv ���u un:lcr Ein. 17ce�ii ni Iri�;t fn rF�c (��r,��rt +�r �,er.nn� i,�4�,�iiti t-ntttl�,1 rlic i.rt��
<br /> Ilntr . �
<br />