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<br /> I,iNIfORMCO«TiA:�FTS. BotrowerandLendercovsnani:an�:agr.�ea`.�`nt�i����;�,`'' SO��02� • � -
<br /> 1. Psyotat of Priucipa!and Intere�ptepayment(��i;atq��::, l��t;c;r���r shall pr�nmptty pay arhen due
<br /> the principal ofand interest dn tht debtevidenc�by the Airn�:���_�riu�p�Aumanr ani��lA9e chargcs due under the ltiote. •
<br /> 2. Fands[or7'ues aad Ieseu�nce. Subject to applicabt�a�lsc�Y,cirs t�y�wriltt;ni,N���+er by I,ender.BorrowershaU pay
<br /> to Lendes on the day monihly payments aze_dy�under the Note.unill;tll�t�i+�ht i�::�'aii!in full,a sum{"�unds"}equal to
<br /> r oar-twdRh af: (a) Yeariy taxes and ass��rt�which may gltaia;�rtndf��;�y�!��i�tis Security Instrument: (b} Yeariy� '
<br /> t teasettold payrrtents or ground rents'on the Property,�ifianu; (c)yearist•.�p:.afd�'�trsuraace premiums; and (d) ycariy
<br /> mortgage insuraitct premituns.if any.7'hese items are caliod:':escraw,item�;,"I��i�i�may estimate the Funds due on the
<br /> bassso€curreni data arzd reasonabteestimates of futnse escra�v",zte�n€: .' .�;°�'„';:,;,.:�._`.
<br /> The Fe�nds shall6e heid in an institntian the deposits ora�c�imt�ii�i14�#�fJ;�tqitrsnred or gQaranteed by a federaf or
<br /> state agtncy(including I.ender if Lender is such an institution?�;Lt�idar:�ifairisppiy tfte Funds ta pay the escraw items.
<br /> I.�der may not charge fot hotding and applying the Fuads;;�nn!}!zihi��6iia�Q.�eunt os verifying the escrow items,unless �
<br /> l�eader pays Bonower interest on thr Funds and•ap�licabtolalw perrqiiE�L�ender to make such a tharge. Borrowes and
<br /> . Lender may agree in wpting�thai intrsest shailibe.pai�on the Funds. Unless an agreemertt is made or applicable 1aw
<br /> rsyuires intecest ta be paid,Lender shall not be;re�quired to pay Bor�wer any interest or earnirtgs on the Funds.Lender
<br /> shall give to Borrower,without cUarge.an ann ua!accounting of the Funds shocving credits and debita to the Furtds and the
<br /> gurpose for whic6 eacb debit to the Funds was made.The Funds are pledged as additional security for the sums serured by
<br /> this Security Instrument. •
<br /> ,If the amaunt of the Funds hetd by Lxader,togeth�a+ith the Puture monthly payments af Funds payable prior ta
<br /> the due dates af the eurow items.shal!eacood the amount required to pay the escrow items when dae,the excess shali be.
<br /> at Borrower's aption.either promptty repaed to Eorrower or creditcd to Borrowet.on mont6ly payments of Funds. If the
<br /> amount of the Funds held by Lendsr is not sufficient to pay the escrow items when due,Borrawer shajt pay to Lender any
<br /> amouni IIecessary to make np the deficiency in one or more payments as required by Lender.
<br /> UpQa prayment in full of aU sums secured by thu Security Insirument,Lender shall promptly refurtd to Barrower
<br /> any Funds Tield by Lender.If under paragraph 19 the Property is sold or acquired by I.eader,Lender shall appty,no later �
<br /> ' than immediately prior to the sate of the Property or its acquisitian by Lender,any Funds held bry Lender at the time of
<br /> ' ,zpplication as a credit a�stst the sums secured by this Security Instsument.
<br /> - �'�: , ` • 3. A�pttcatton o��'apmeat5. Unless applicable law provides otherwise,alt�pa�ments received by Lender under � �
<br /> '" paragra{���:�and 2 shall be applied:first,to late charges due under the Note;second.to re a
<br /> p p yment charges due under the
<br /> ; Note;thir�,�a;amounts�yabte under paragraph l;fourth,to interest due;artd last,to principal due. • �
<br /> 4. ",�tg�.�"a�'s. Borrower shall pay all taxes,ass�.ssments,charges,fines and�impositions attributable to the � ` �
<br /> . Property s��e��� �ain prioriry.over this Security Instrument, and leasehold paymen�s ar ground rents, if any.
<br /> Borrower s;�.�.:s:,�°-�as+,,t:,�e obligations in the manner pravided in paragr�ph 2.or if not paid in that manner.Borrawer shall � :
<br /> pay them��E�e�,�ir�ectly to the persan owed payment.Bnrros�.r shall promptly furnish ta Lender all notices of amounts �
<br /> to be paid under this paragraph.If Borrawer makes these payments directly,Borrower shali promptly i'urnish to Lender.
<br /> receiptsevidencingthepayments. . ,.
<br /> Borrower shalI ptomptly discharge any lien whiob has priority ovec-this Security Instrume�t ciiitess Borrower:(ay ��� .
<br /> , , agrees id writing to the payment oi'the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptabte to Lender,(b)contests in goad `` '
<br /> faith the lien by,or defends against enforcement of the lien in.tega)proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to �
<br /> prevent the enforr.ement of the lien or forfeiYure af any part of the Property;or(c)secures Prom thc f�otder af tL-e lien an ' -
<br /> a�reement satisfactory to Lender subordinatir�g thr:lien to this 5ecunty Instrument. If Lender determines that any patt ef .i;:�'`�
<br /> the Property is subject [o a lien which may attain priority over this Security Instrument, L.ender may give Bonower a :
<br /> notice identifying the lien.Borrawer shall satisfy the lien or take one nr more of the actions set farth above within l0 days . � ;�
<br /> of the giving of notice. .
<br /> 5. �Iszard insutance. Borrower shall keep the improvements now existing or hereaftcr erected on the Property ,�
<br /> insured against loss Isy�rw hazards included within the term•`eatended coverage'and any other ha�zr•3s for which Lender
<br /> cequires insurance.Titus i��surance shaq be maintained in the amaunts and for the periads thar�der requires. The ',':��•
<br /> iysurance carrier prov�r��Rg the insurance sha116e chosen hc Barrower subject to Lend:r's approval which shall nat be
<br /> unreasona�2y withheld. �
<br /> A!E��ssirance polieies anct rezewals shall be acrepta��"�.to Lender and shall inc�cde a standard martgage clause. � � ,
<br /> Lender sh�i�sve the rigi:t to hald the policies and renewats.If Lender requires.Borrower shall pramptty give to Lender `
<br /> , +�,:�
<br /> all receipis of paid preicu:w�s and rettewal notices.In the event of luss,Barrower shali give prompt notice to the insurance ,;
<br /> carrierand I.ender.L�u;:rmay make praofaf 1au iPno!made promptly by Borrower. � .
<br /> Unless Lertder and Borrowe�otherwise agree in writicrg.,insurancc praceeds shall bc applied to rescorati.a��or rcpair .:�
<br /> o�the Propeny damaged,if the res,•raatian or repair is ecor�a�iaally fcasible and l.ender's security is not les.�+ened. If'the `
<br /> restoration ur repair is r.at econar:�:;aUy feasible or Lender's security woutd be lesseaeC.the insu��nc.�pr�ceeds shall be
<br /> applied to the sums sa.ueed by t::is S�curity lnstcz,ment,whether or not then due,with any eace�s�aid to Borrower. lf ' ��
<br /> 13orrower abandons tne i�`:eperty.or doea not ar.s��er within 30 days a natire Prom Leader that t��onsurance carrier has
<br /> offered to settle a ctairrr,ti�en t,ea�de��ay collect the insurancg�.raceeds.Lender may-+��:.:he proceeds to repair ex restore �
<br /> the Propert�°or t�pay sLms secncez�ray this Serurity Instnr,��t.whether or not therc��ee.The 30�day periucf+��i;l begin
<br /> ---- ._ . .. .wh�n�ths.noticeis.given_ . .� . . .. _. .... .... ... ..
<br /> Unless Lender�nd�orrower otherwise agree in writir;g,ac4 applic.�t:��n c�f proceeds to princr�t shatt e�ae�lt..°nd vr�
<br /> pastpane the due date c�f t�e monthly payments refened to in p�rsgrapt►s L:�t!d 2 or change the�mo�►at c�f lt���au�ents.If '
<br /> under paragraph 19 the l���perty is acquiret!by Lender.Horrc�n•�'s nght ta any insurance palicies and prnc„�erts r:suiling
<br /> from damage to the Prcpetay prior r.c zhe acquisition sha}1 p�:;s:o lxnder to the extent c�!'4he sums secured by tF�i35ecurity
<br /> • lnstrument immediately�r.iortothe��uisition.
<br /> 6. Prt�erv�ttoa snd:Nai�ie�tsiace ot Pra�p�a�;I.ea�eholds. Horrower shaq nn!de�stmy,d�m�ge or substantially '
<br /> change the Prnperty. aliow the Pr�e�sty to dr:pr,�rate or commit waste. If this Security Instrument is c�n a leasehold.
<br /> Borrower shal)comply witb the provas�ans�f'ihe lease.and if Borrpwer acyuires fee title to the YrnPer�y,the leatichold and _ - - -
<br /> fee title sha11 noi aterge unless lxrtdet agrees to the merger in writing. ' "
<br /> 7. Protectioa ot Lender's Rights in the Proqerty: Mortgage Insurance. If Bc�rrower fails tn perfarm �he
<br /> covenants and ag�eemems contained in this Securily lnstrument,��r there is a legal proceeding that may signifi��antly�ffect
<br /> Lender s rights in the Properfy(such as a pre�ceeding in liankruptcy,prnbate. fnr rondemnatinn or t�>enfi�rcc faws��r
<br /> regulations),then Lendet may do and pay f�r whatever is necessary tv prolect the value�f`1he Praperty and l.ender s rights _
<br /> � m the Pro�rtg. i.eridePs actions may inelude paying;�ny sums secured by a lien u�hicb h:,s pr�nruy uver th�� 5ecursty LL�'�
<br /> Instrument,appearing in court.pa�ying reasonable attarneys'fees vnd entenng on�he Proper�y ta m��kc rcpairs Althuugh �
<br /> � Lender may take action under this paragraph 7.Lertdrr d�not have tu dc�rc�. I
<br /> Any atnounts d�sbunrd hy l.eader under lhis paragtaph 7 shall hecamc�cid���emal cicbl e�i'H�•rrower�rcurcd by Hnc , ;�
<br />• Seeutiiy Instrumenl.tinless Hcrtr�wei aad I.cndcr agree tv other terms i,f payment,the5e am��unt�vhall hc�ir mterevr frunt l+• .
<br />. the date t�t disbarscment at the N��te ratc and shali tse payable, wnh mteretit, up�m nnurr fr�+ir► 1 e»der a� Nntruacr �
<br />. requestmg paymrnt '' • �%�
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