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. EXMMT A 200104502 <br />File No.: 96030547 <br />A Certain part of the North Ten (10) Acres of the West Half <br />(WI/2) of the Northwest quarter (NWI /4), of Section Ten (10), in <br />Township Eleven (11), North of Range Nine (9), West of the 6th <br />P.M., in Hall County. Nebraska, more particularly described as: <br />Beginning at a point: on the North line of the North 10 acres of <br />the West half (W1 /2) of the Northwest Quarter (NMI /4) of said <br />Suction 10. which point in 528.6 feet Weat of the Northeast <br />(NE) corner of the North 3L0 acres of the West Half (W1 /2) of <br />the Northwest Quarter (NMI/4) OF paid Section 10; running thence <br />South parallel to t#se East Line of the North 10 acres of the <br />West Half (WI/2) of; the Northwest Quarter (NW1 /4) of said <br />.Section 10, 330.0 FOet; ru=ing thence West parallel to the <br />North line of '.the Korth 10 acres of the WeAt Half (W1 /2) of the <br />Northwest Quarter (XWi/4) of said Section 10, 132.0 feet; <br />running thence North parallel to the East.*' l ine of the North 10 <br />of said Section 10, 330.0 feet, to a point on the North line of <br />the Borth 10 acres of the West Half (Wl /2) of the Northwest <br />QuaiEeir (NWi /4)" of -said Section 10; running thence East upon <br />and along the North line of the Korth 10 acres of the West half <br />(Mii /2) of the Northwest Quarter (IMP /4) of said Section 10, <br />132.0 Feet, to actual point of biginningj subject to one -half <br />of the county road- to the 'Sarth of said premises. <br />