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<br /> � � ' � � - .�f 4f 5�9 : �
<br /> , r � : . � . � �0--���n - , `; �
<br /> conveg, warrant, mortgage and confixm: unto Mortgagee and - its �
<br /> successors and assiqns, with power of. saE2e and riqht of ent.�r;a�ei. . - � �-
<br /> possession to the extent per�nittec� b� �a�, a mortgaqe lfeh up¢��anc��. - ` - --
<br /> securfty interest in and to aZI Mortgaqor's rfqht, titfe:.:a� � :' � . �
<br /> • : interest � and to the followfnc� E�ollectively, _�rl�iar�t�tg�:.- .:";:.:.- :� � �
<br /> Property"�, ��he� naw� owned o= h��c�.o� he�ea€��es .acquired�.=. � ,. . . � .
<br /> . � .�:;.;.:. : .,.
<br /> A. TYi� €e�.si.mp2� esta�;:u� the'��7tauzd�� describ�a7.; �1tt: :, ,. .
<br /> sched�.te , :�-1�qet.I�a�� wf� .��; and�. aw�� �asements, �i�hts-of-�ia�r� :-
<br /> � . sfi���ra�ksr�.:gares of land�; ,�ikL�e@tsr.. wP+kg.i:�.3lleys� passages, sewer
<br /> . � '�� _ � , rf9h"��-.s+at�rs! water coturses;; r�tat� r�ghts at�d powers, and a�l �. • � .
<br /> es��s, rights, titles, irt�es�s� pri�ileqes, libert�es, ;
<br /> ser��itiat�es� licenses,. teaeme�ts,. 'he�e8ftam�s anc� appuzteaaari�s . :". __
<br /> whatsoey�s, fn any way belongfng; `re�a�t�g or appertainfnq ttiereto, � � �
<br /> or aAy p� thereof, or which here�fter shall in any way belcnq,
<br /> rela�e.or.�-appurtenant theretos �id all reversi�,n anc3 revers�o�s,
<br /> . . re���er .�and remainders,� inco��; rents, issues, revenues and �
<br /> � � Pz'of�ts t&i�eof (collectively, ���,and^�; - • _ _ _
<br /> , , .. . f .
<br /> . ' H. The builvla�atgs, structures and other improvements
<br /> and at��. an� all alterations or acaclitions thereto now or hereafter
<br /> loca�� Qr erecte� on the Lan�I,, including, without limitation, �
<br />: pers�tal gro�aerty, attachmen�s, walkways, parkfnq facilities and
<br /> light sta�c�ns (collectively, ��Improvements��; togethar with the
<br /> Land, .��Prem�ses��); _ .
<br /> C. �'a. the, extent assignable, any and all permfts, �
<br /> certi�icates, approvals a�nd authcrizations, however characterized,
<br /> issued or in any way furn3shed, whether necessary or nat fo� the �' ��
<br /> a�ser��f�n and use of tAe Premises �or the operation oP Mortgagor�s � � .
<br /> busf.a��ss, including, wfthout limitatfon, buildfng peszaits, �
<br /> certf�ficates of occupancy, environmental certificates, certificates `�
<br /> of aperation„ _warranties and guarantees; : _
<br /> � ,
<br /> z
<br /> D. Al1 machinery, appa�atus, equfpment,. fittirg�, f.
<br />: fixteares, fmprove�aents and. artic�es of personal property of every :
<br /> kind and nature wbatsoever ztow ar hereafte� attached or afffxed to
<br /> the Improvements or the La�a� or tased primarily, from time to time, ; ;.'
<br /> fn connection with the use and e�ajoyment oP the Premises or t�e � �
<br /> maintenance or preservation thereaF other than motor vebicles �ic� � � ��"��
<br /> mob��e qoods (collectively, ��pers�a�al Property��); '��
<br /> ,:�� ,
<br /> � E. The Mortgagor�s estate, right, title and interest �
<br /> in all leases oP space, lfcenses, occupancy or aoncession '
<br /> aqr�m�ents (collectively, '�LeasesQ1; each, a ��Lease��) now exis�fng
<br /> or Itereafter enterea into relating to the Land or the Improverrents
<br /> arcd any and all amendmentsr modifications, supplements arid renewals
<br /> oP E�eases, whether now in� effect or hereaEter coming f�to_effect, ... _
<br /> . ._inc2�a�in _ . . ..._..- -- - . . ..
<br /> � g;- without�--limitat�ion; a�� rents;��aciclitional rents, cash
<br /> . or se�vrities deposited thereund�r to secure performance o� the
<br /> lessee�s obligations thereu�der, revenues, earnings, profits and
<br /> income, advance rental payments, payments incident to assign�ent,
<br /> _3-
<br /> �t
<br /> L � � _.J .
<br /> . �
<br /> . � �
<br /> � � ���
<br /> .�.
<br /> . - . . . . � a�
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