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<br /> � materfal fnrnis2aed, or o}���.�a�ion incurred by Mortqaqor upon �
<br /> � furnfshing Mortqaqee sec�rrit�,.asid indemnification satisfactory to
<br /> ` Mortgagee for the fina2 paym� and disc�targe of tha lien. In the
<br /> event Mortqagor otherwise suffers or permits any lien to be
<br /> • attached ta the Mortqaged Frogerty, Mortqaqee shall have the
<br /> � ' unqualiffed siqht, at its optioa, to acaelerate, the matnrity of'
<br /> the �Indebtedness, ca�asi�q- �h�e .entire �riacigal balanae and all .
<br /> interest accrued to. be iIIna�df�itely due and payabie, �ithont natice .
<br /> ` to Mortqaqor. ..__ . • : .
<br /> � Im the event of t��:'�t�sfer �of c+��sol. af Mo�t�gaga�c, , � �
<br /> whether by ap�ration o€ iat�',;;'�oluatatily, ar a�.erwise or a � -
<br /> _ contract to da any og tlne .�ozegoing,'� Mortgagee � shall have tl�e , .
<br /> ;: unq�alified �riqht, at its ap��o�, to acaeier��e the maturity Qf -
<br /> . _
<br /> �" the �rtaebtec�ness, - ��a�f�g�,:'��::=�n���ce- ��ei�cf�Y 3r,ala�c�.. a�ar�� - ; -
<br /> interest, and prepayment:;premii�m, if aa�y, � to be imtaediately due �
<br /> � and payable, wfthout notice to Moritg�c,�br. . Wfthout �imitinq tha.
<br /> generality of the foregoinq,�,each of the, �ollowinq ���s shall be .
<br /> deemed a prohibited transEez•h�seunder: � _ � � �
<br /> (i) �f I��fic�'3qor is a corporation, any sale, �
<br /> conveyance, assignment; or�.dt�er transfer of all or� a portion of �
<br />' the stock of Mortqagor, tttat.�results in a material chanqe in the
<br /> ~���` identity of the person(s� : o=.',rintities prev�a�s�.� in cantrol of �
<br /> ' Ziortqaqor cotporation; • , �
<br /> � � (f i} f f Mortqaqor consists ¢� a gz�atnershig or : :� .
<br /> . joint venture, any sale, car�vey.ance, assfqr►meEbtf or other tr��tsfer r. _��:
<br /> of all or a portion of the pas�nership inter�st of a partn�r of
<br /> � such partnership, or jo�.r�t venture interest of a joint venturer fn _ :�
<br /> the jofnt vEr�ture, that results in a m�terial change in the _ _
<br /> identity ai the person(s)� in control o€ suc�.partnership or jofnt ' -
<br /> . ' : venture; . ,..:_;,
<br /> � (iii) a sale, conveyance, assfgnment, or other � �� �
<br /> transPer of all or• any pprtien of the s�ock or partnership fnterest
<br /> of any entity directly o� indirectly in control of any corporation .
<br /> or partnershfp consistfng or included within Mo�tgagor that results ;
<br /> in a materfal chanqe in the fdentity of thg"persor(s) in control ;.;, �.
<br /> of such entfty; an�� .� �
<br /> . . .�:'-.
<br /> � (i�j� any hypothecatian. af a3.1 csr any portion of the . ;'�
<br /> • stock thereoP,; 3P Mortqagor is or inc�udes a corporatfon, or of . ; -�:�
<br /> � all or any po�tion of the partnersiiiga, in't�rest of any general �
<br /> partner thereof, if Mortqaqor is or i�cTudes a partaership, or of .
<br /> � � all or any portion of the stoak or pa�rtnershfp interest of a�y �
<br /> . entity directly or indirectly in control ot auch corparaticn or
<br /> partnership,� that could result in a material cbange in the fdentity
<br /> • � ' � � of the person(s) fn control of such corporation, partnership, ar .
<br /> � - - - --�� - �- -entity---directly- or--indirectly��in cont�oi -ef such aorporat�fon��or �
<br /> partnershfp if the secured party under�such h}�pothecation exercised,
<br /> its remedies.
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