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<br /> _' � . - � 's ...�.#'��;
<br /> : �' v �Q:-- 10156�
<br /> . � (With Power of Sale) , �
<br /> Amount oiFust instalmer�t S..360:�0 r amount ot ott�er instatment8$ 360_00
<br /> Tutal of Qayments 8 G�SOf�I':OQ; F«c[ns►almen:nue nate Anr i 1 27 isQQ.
<br /> NmnberofManthlylnstolrm�eaEa j��} FinallnstalmentDueDate Ma['Ch 2? 7b16..�j�5 .
<br /> , 1'HIS DEED OF TRIISt�'.msdr.,ttrit 22 day of March , 199.Q—,
<br /> ' ��n � Sondra R. McCoun and Martc J. NicCaun wife and husband .
<br /> w���;�g 8� ;� P.O. Box 195 Wood River� Ne6raska 6988� _ .
<br /> ���, Jahn M. Cunr�i� ham • ,
<br /> -.- - -cvho�e mniling addrer+a is- ....�.�__�tX._Z2$0 Srand Island,. N�racka 688QZ � `� _ _. , - __
<br /> as Tcustee. and Norvvest Fina+rceai %brsslca.inc., whose mailing address is 2337 N- We6b Raa�... � .
<br /> �
<br /> . P Q ��� '�373 S�rand Is �II�. ��e �^�s�� �ASO? � , as sen����;.� .
<br /> WITNESSETH,T�vstors�:e:ebg irravaca,hlY.grant.basAain,sell,and cqn��tr.•"Trustee in trust,wits��z�f sa:�,N'se foftowiag a��=:.•, .
<br /> scribed PropertY In � .
<br /> Hall ' +:,e�zy.Dlebrasks: r".:-:�'.`,
<br /> , , • , .'
<br /> . - ,. , . . • . :r>''
<br /> . Lots Eleven (11) and Twelve (12), �in Block `Eight (8) in �c��*t and �3hnson's� � � '
<br /> ' Addition to the Vi l Iage of Wood River; HaI2 County, Nebra��.a. � . '���'
<br /> . , ;
<br /> , , . •;:
<br /> . � : , ; :
<br /> � -����
<br /> 'Pogethee cPith tenements,hereditamentA,and appurtQnancea��unto belonging or in anywise appertaining and the t�,�sues and . �. =�,�;;
<br /> profits thereof. � � .i.;:
<br /> J ;E'
<br /> This canveynnce is intended for the porpose of s�au.*isig the pfi7rment W Beneficiary of Trustors'promissory note of even date in the ,•:.
<br /> � amount stated above as'°fotal of Puyments".Sai�s�::�of Poyments"is repayable in the numbee of monthly instslments stated alwve. � i.".'��_:
<br /> ,,; . ,
<br /> The amount oC the instalment paynettts due on saia j�ais is ststed a�ose.Tho frrat assd fias2 instalment due dates on eaid Toan are atated • +�� -•:
<br /> ...,,•�:
<br /> ubave.Payment may be made in advance in any amount at any time. Aefault in making eny payment ahall,at tha Benesciary's opt{on . .,;;_
<br /> and aatfiout aotioe or demand,�ender the entire unpaid balance of said loan at once due and payable,lesa any requiced rebate of charges. � -
<br /> � To pmtect the security of thig Ueed of Trust,Trostor wvenanta and agrees: ,� —
<br /> � 1.To keep the prayerty,in good condition end repair,to permit no waste thereof;to camytete any building,structure or improvemtmL•
<br /> being built or about t,s�built thereon;to restore promptly any building, etnscture or improvement theseon which may be dama�i:a7 .� •�
<br /> destroyed;und to coraF�s�:*.h all lawe,ordinances,regulations,covenants,conditions and restriMion9 affeeting the progerty. ;
<br /> � 2.To pay before del:a:�lant all lawfu)taxes and assessments upen the property:to keep tL;r:sopeRy frec and clear of�'.!other charges, t.
<br /> liens or en�umbrances L�,.airing Lhe security of this peed oiTru�t. � ; •
<br /> ' 3. To keep all bui?r�'gs now or hereaRer erected on the property deKCribrd herein conLir.�_.rLy �^s_na.a�ainst•losa hy fire ar other : '
<br /> hazerds tp an amounE not less than the total debt aecured by this I)eed of Trust. All pohcies s"ts�'.t!�ae�ia•�sq the Beneficiary, and be �,r r;.-
<br /> in xuch companies as the Beneficiary may approve and have loss payoble firet to the Henef:c�ary.as'::`.���lerest may eppear and then '� �•.`
<br /> to the ic,;.�wr.The amouat wilecte�3 under any insurance policy may be npplied upon any er.�ettedneas iereby necured in auch order as ��s '
<br /> ' the Serv-fi�.ary ahall determine. S�z�:applicat�on 6y the Reneficiary ahall not cause dieeuntrouance of any praeedin�s w foreclose thie � ,
<br /> Deed of i rast or cure or waive any 8eiault or notice of default or invalidate any t+ct done pureuAnt to auch rt:,tice.In ehe eveat of foreclosure„ . .�++��,
<br /> all righte oi'the Truswr in inyu�nnce policiea then io force ehall paa9 to the purchaaer at the Poreclosure sate. :s
<br /> • 4.To obtnin the written consent uP Beneticiary before selling,conveying or otherwis0 trs+a-9ferring the yroyerty or any part there�-�`�und
<br /> any such f►ale,conveyance or transfer withouL the Beneficiary'e written consent ehall constitute a dePttult under the terms!:ereoP.
<br /> 5.To defend Any action or proceedinA purpoRing to AtTect the eecurity hereof or the rights o.r p,.vers of Benefciary or ZrS:�f�:c�. ,
<br /> � 6.Should Trustar fai)to pay when due any toxes,nesexsments,iosurunce premiums,lier�.e:�c�mbrances or other chargee aRainst the �
<br /> aec�i d hereby,sr�.�ii�aa�io�nd become port of the debi.ecuned in thiv 1)eet!oP T�uat es6��LE��C•,l±awe rate set forth in the nate
<br /> ...._._.._. .__...IT[5 S�"G'FiJAL1Y AtiREF;U THAT:.. _
<br /> 1. Tn Ua-<�=r•��any Portion of th� property ic ts�ken or damaged in an eminent domain p*aceedin�, the entire ar,::�unt of the award
<br /> or such.r.�t.:{:'.hereof as may bo necesaury to fuUy�.�tisfy the�bliFation cecu�ed hernby. �d�n11 be paid to BeneGci�ry• to bc• appliEd to
<br /> enid u6ligation. �
<br /> 'l By accepting pa;^;ent of uny suire secsued h4reby n1tEr ita�uP dnte, Henefciary daes not waive its ri�At to rc�yuire prompt paymeri�
<br /> when due ot all other��ms sa secuced or tu declere default for feilure tU ao pay.
<br /> 3.The Tn�.ytee ehafl reconvey nll nr any part ot the pmpeKy envered by this 1)eed ot Truat to the pernun entitted theretv, un written
<br /> re�ueat ot'tho Teuatoz and the HenePiciary,or upon vat�yfaction of the obligation Rc�cu���d And vrrittrn requeat for rewnveyHnce made hy
<br /> the Beaeficiary ur the person entitled therew. ,__.______
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