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<br /> 94-��01538 � `
<br /> � If Leuder requirrd mortgage insurancr a�a condition of making the[oan secured by this Securitg Instrumen�
<br /> Bonowershall pay the premiums required to maintain the insuranc�in effec�until such time as the requirernent for the
<br /> insurance terminates ie aceordanct with Bonower's and Lendu's written agreemeni or appGcabk law. - �=
<br /> , &Iar�ection. I.ender or its ageqt may mak�reasonabte entrees upoa aasi i�peetioats of the Property.tertdei-
<br /> shaJ!giare Bonower notice at the time of or priar to an inspection sRerifying reasonable cause fur the inspertion. �
<br /> 9. Condemnat�oe. The proceeds of an}award or claim for damages.direct or consGquential,in connection with . �
<br /> any condemnatian or other taking of any pazt of the Property,or for conveyancr ia lieu of condemnation,are hereby
<br /> assigned and sitaU be paid to Lsader.
<br /> In the event of a total taking of the Progerty,the proceeds sha11 be applied to the sums serrured by this Security
<br /> jn,struntent,wttether or nat tken due,with any excess paid to Barroaer.In the event of a partial talcing of the Praperty,
<br /> unless Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in writing,thr swns secured by this Security Instrument shal!be redur.ed by. ,
<br /> the a�ount of the praceeds muItiptied by ttte foltawing fraction:(a)che total amount of the sums secured isnraediately
<br /> before the taking,diviaed by(bj the fair matket value of the Property immediatelg before the taTcing.Any balance shaU be �
<br /> paid to Borrower. �
<br /> If the Property is abandoned bg Borzoaer.or if,after notice by Leader to Borrower th,�x the candem.�:��i'�:[o �
<br /> malce an award or setfle a claim for datnages.Borrawer faiSs to respond�a Leadee�w+iEkin 30 d��,.fter the darEi�.tii�;tixe is -
<br /> given,Lender is autttorized to caltect and apply the proceeds.at its opticis,eiiher tn r�rnra.�a:i�g repair of tT�e£x�t:,�ty ns - - �'=�;r.::�%':
<br /> to the siims secured hy this Security Instrumen�.whether or not then due. � � . � - � -
<br /> � Unless Leadt�t aad Borrower utherwis�ets�ree in writing,any apglication of proceeds fit gr,�cip�l shall not extead or '�"����`��
<br /> posipotte the dae date of the monthly paymea�.referred co in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change tiie�iitount of such paymeats. �
<br /> � 14 Borrower Not Released; Forbeuance By Leader Not e Waiver. Eatension of the time f�r�ayment or " �
<br /> rnodi�c�iion of amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument ganted by Lender to an,v sisccessor in .
<br /> inier�s af Bosrower shsiil not operate ta relesse the�iability of the onQina!Bonawer or Barrawer's successots in intese�s. =
<br /> Lender sha11 aot be reqiured to comrreence proceedings against ar"ty�zccessor in interest ar refuse to extend time fair . �
<br /> payment or otherwise modify amartization of the sums secured by this S�ccuurity Instrument by reason of'any demanc!made
<br /> by the original Bonower or Barrower's successors in interest.Any forbearauce by E.ender in eaercising any right or remedy
<br /> shal!not be a waives of or preclude the exercise of any rigbt or remedy. '
<br /> 11. Suc�essors and Assigns Bound;Joint sind Sevenl Lia6ility-r Co-si�.' The ca�enants and agreemcnts oP .
<br /> tbis Security Instru.ment shall bind and benefit the successors and as��bf Lender and Borro�er,�vbject to the pravisions '
<br /> af paragraPh 17,�orcower's covenants and agreements shali be�e.irzt a�rseveral.My$onawer�:�o co-signs this SecuriEy: . �;""'
<br /> In.�irut�rer:t but does not exetute the Note:(a)is ecrsi in tt�is;�ara�:�- Instnrment onl ta mort � ''�'��'�`'
<br /> �' � � Y �8�Srant.aRd ta�vey;� , :����..
<br /> that Bosr�wer's interest in the Praperty under the terms o�'this 5,:,;rity�rutrament;(b)is not personally obtig,atad�tn pay � ' •
<br /> the sums secured by this Security Instrument;and(c)agrees thar[:ender and any other Borrower may agree tn.extencfi.. �� ,�
<br /> modify,forbear or make any accammodations with regard to the terms of this Security Instri���nt�ar.the,Nota�withous `
<br /> that Borrower's consent. .
<br /> !Z. Lnan C6arges. lf the loan secured by this Security Instrum:nt,is suEriaaeg taa ir�,w`�rhich sets maximum loan �
<br /> charges, and that law is finally interpreted sa that the interest or athec loan,ehk�r�e,S co�tected or to be collacted in
<br /> connectian with the luan exteed the permitted limits. then: (a)any such loan charge shali L�e reduced by th�amount .�`
<br /> necessary ta reduce the charge ta thepermittod limit;and(b)any sums already cellected fraur t3onower which exceedect
<br /> permitted limits arill be refuaded tp�pts[rower. Lender may choose to make this tefund by re�acing Ihe principal owed t�
<br /> under the Note or by making a ditect pa,yment to Borrower.If a refurtd reduces principal,the redaction will be treated as a `
<br /> partial prepayment withont any prepayment charge underthe Note. '
<br /> , � - !3,• I,e�lalation A}iectfng f.ender's Rigbts: TA��actment or eapiration of applicable 1;.•vs has the effect of .;
<br /> ' i , rendering any ptovision of'the Note or this Security lnstrument unenforceable accarding to its terms. Lender.at its oplion, �: �
<br /> may require immediate payment in ful) af aI! sums secured by this Srcurity Instrument and rnay invoke any remedies s -
<br /> permi�ted by paragraph 19.If Lender exercises this option,Lender shall take ihe step�+specified in the secand paragraph af
<br /> paragraph 17. ,
<br /> ' 14. Notices. Any noti�to Borrower provided for in this Security Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by
<br /> mailing it by first class mai!untess applicable law requires use of anuther method. The notice shalT be directed to the �
<br /> . � .
<br /> Property Address or any other address Borrower designates by notice to Lender.Any notire to Lertder shall be given by `
<br /> first class mail to Ler,der's address stated herein or any other address Lender designatcw by notice to Borrower.Any notice '
<br /> proviQed for in this Secnrity instgvment shall be deemed to hevc been given to 8orrower or Lender when given as provided
<br /> in thi��ragrAph.
<br /> 19• Goverrting(.aw;Se+rerabtlitq. This Security Instrument shall be governed by federal lAw and thc law of the
<br /> jurisdittifln in which ttte Fraperty is located. In the event that any pr�vision or clause of thi,s Sewrity lnstrument or the
<br /> Noto conflicts with Epp3iCabit,lawt.such con8iet shall not affect.�ther pr.�visinns.of this Securit�instrument or-the Nate� - �-- -- --- ��- - -
<br /> ��-����-� whiclt can be given effe+ct without the conflicting provision.To this end the provisions oP this Security Instrument and the
<br /> . Note are declared to be�everable.
<br /> 16. Borrower'��py�� Borrower shall be given one conforrued cc�py af the Nute�nd aF this Security Instrument.
<br /> . 17. Transtee of thb P't'operty ur a Beneflcial Interest in Barrower. If�ll or any part of'the Yroperty or ai�y .
<br /> inierest in it is sald odQrarlsfeneii fer iia ben��;ial interest in Borrawer is sc�ld or transferred and Borrower is not a nuturaS
<br /> person)without Lender's priot��ar.tten+:cnsent,Lender may.at its nptiun.require immedtate payrnent in full vf ali sums
<br /> secured by this 5ecurity Instnstn,�tt Hr_wever, this optinn shali not be exercised Fsy Lender if exerrise is prahibited by
<br /> federat taw.as of the date of this a�i:unty ic�strument.
<br /> _ ___.
<br /> � If Lertder exercises this opt:vn,I.ender.shall give t3orrower n�tice of acceleration.The natice shall pr��vide a peri�x! '
<br /> oPaot less than 30 days from the date the noti4e is delivered ar maited within whi�h liorrowrr must pay all�ums secureci by �
<br /> this Security lnstrument.Ii$orrower fails to pay these sums prinr to the expiratinn oPlhis peri�d,t,c�tdcr may invoke any
<br /> remcdies permitted by thisSecutity Instrument without torther notice or demand on i3�rrawer. � �
<br /> 18.Borrower's Rjght to Reinstafe. if Bonower meets certaiu ronditions.Borruwer shall have the right !a F��ve ;
<br /> - � cs��c•rc�c��t c��t,isSe�urity�nstramerit�iscantina�d at ariytime priur t�the earlier of'(a)5 days(ur surh uther periuci a� � �
<br /> 2pplicable law may specify for reinstatemenq befUre sale of'the Pr��perty pursuant to a�ny puw��r af sale contained in thie '!�
<br /> I Security Msisumerit:�r(b)entry c�f a jttdgment enfnrring this Secutity Insttument. Thure condittnnti are that Hurruwer:
<br /> (a) pays I.ertdet�ll sums whicb then w�uld be duc under this Security Trntrument and the Tiute had n<�ucceleratfon �
<br /> �x:CUttetl: (b�rures any def�ult of uny otFiet cuvenautc t�r agrerments; (c)pay��II eMprnres itfrurred tn r �orcin� thic t��
<br /> Security tnatrument. mrludmg.6ut n��t ltmited tu. reasemable uunrney5' fee�. and td)takc!.�uch attum u+ ,cnder u�,�y ' ���
<br /> reasnii�bly reyuire t�►a��ure that thr lien�,f Eh�s Serunlp Instrument, l.ertcter'c nKht.m thc Pr�tipert} and I�e,rr��ner'c
<br /> o6li�aa�an t�F pay the Sumti �ecuted by this ��cus��y Imtrumer►t vh:i11 c�,uturu� unchanfiecf t'pe}n retri�tatrnscr�r hy �� �
<br /> gt�€rnuet.Ih�4 tie�;ut�t�{nitr�ftn�tit�rtd the ohtrg�t�rrr�et[Ir��Ftp7e�i4'�fi511 rei�Wiit fuilr:cfTc�firc;ES tf nE��c�cfc���4�u►�1Fat! �
<br />- cKCUrrrd Ilctue�er.Fht�rtghi 4u reni�talr Shi�l1 n��t a�ply�n the c;fc;;e�f;►ceeletlit�cm isticfst�+�iragralsh:!=f�r 17
<br />: �
<br />