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<br /> UNtFORra Cuv�t�twl�t'ts. Borrowerand Ltnder coveaant and agra as folIoaarrss: . .
<br /> . L F�ymeat of P�inciga!asd I�Preysyment aad Lte C�uges. Borrawer st►al1 promptly-pay when due
<br /> - the principa!ofand intec�st on the de6t avidenced by the Note and any prepaysnent and Iate charges due under the Note.
<br /> t Fueds lorTues u�i t�+�.�+. Subject to applicab2e law or to a written waiver by L�cder,Borrower shal)pay � '
<br /> ta Le�zder.�on'the day monthly payments are due under the Nofe,until the Note is paid in full,a sum(•�Funds"f equal ta '
<br /> � " " one-iwe�of (a)yeaziy taxes and assessatents which may attain priority over thu Security Instrument; (b) yeacly '
<br /> Iease}iald payments or ground,rtnts on ttce Property, if any; (c)yearly hazard insurance premiums; and (d) yeady
<br /> �mortgage insuraace premi�tms�.if any.7hese items are calletl"escrow iterrES."Lender may estimate the Funds due on the
<br /> basis otcurrent data and teasonable estimates of fiiture escrow items.
<br /> � 'I'he Funds sha11 be held in an insqtution the deposits or accounts of which are insosed or gtearanteed by a federaf or _ ,
<br /> state agertcy(induding Lertdv if Lender is sach an institution). Lender shall apply thr Funds to pay the esc.row items. '
<br /> Lender may rtot charge for�oldiag and agplying the Funds.analyzing the account or verifying the escrow items,unless
<br /> Lrnder pays Borrawer interest on the Funds and appticable law permits Lender to make such a charge. Barrowe�aaa
<br /> � txader tnsy agree in writing ihet infcrest shall lse paid on the Fur►ds. Unless an agreement is made ar applicabte law . � '
<br /> requires intetest ta bo p�'sd.l.ender sh�ll not be required to pay I3orrawer any interest os earnings on the Funds.Lender �
<br /> sfutp�ive ta Barcower.withaut char�e,ae annua!accounting of the Fuads showing credits and debits to the Funds and the �
<br /> purpose for which each debit to Ihe Funds was rnade.7'he Fundc are�tedged as additiona!security far the sums�eeured b} � �
<br /> � this Security lastrument.
<br /> If theamount of the Funds hetd by Lender.together with the future�nanthly payments uf Funds payabte pripr ta �
<br /> the dae dates af the escrow items,shall excad the amount required to pay ehe escrow items when due.the excess shali 6e.�
<br /> at Bomnwer'a opiion.either prampily repaid tu Rorrower or cnadited to Bonawer on monthly payments of Funds. If the
<br /> amount af tbc Funds hetd hy Lender is not sufficieat to pay the escrow.items when due,Borrower shall pay tQ�Le�der anK �
<br /> amount nx�sary to maice up the de6ciaicy in one as mare payments as sequired by Ixnder.
<br /> Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument.Lender shall prom�tly refund to Borrower
<br /> any Funds held by Lender.If under pazagraph 19 the Property is sotd or acquired by Ixnder.Certder shall appiy,no tater '
<br />' thsn immediatdy prior to the saIe of the Prapetty or its acquisition by Lender.any Fun�s hetd by Lender at the time af
<br /> application as a credit against the sums secured 6y this Seeurity Iastrument.
<br /> 3. Applldttoe ot Payments. Uniess applicable law prov.ides otherwis�aU payments received by I.ender under `
<br /> par.tgraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:first,to late charges due under the Notr.second.to prepayment chazges due under tde .
<br /> Nat�third,to araounts payabte uader paragraph 2;fourth.to interest due;and tast,to�rincipal due.
<br /> . 4, Charge�L�ens. B�mower shall pay a!1 ta�ces,assassments.charges,6nes and impositions attributable te the.
<br /> , , Property which may auain priority o�r this.Security Instrament, and leasehotd payments or ground rents, if aay�
<br /> � BorraRer shal)pay these obGgatioRS in the manner provided in paragraph 2,or if nat paid in that manner,Borrower shjt�� ` . ,
<br /> ' pay them an time dire�ily to t�e persan awr.i paymen�Borrower shali prompily fumish to Lertder all notices of amaunts , ;
<br /> �'. , to be paid under this paragap�.LE Borrower makes these payTnents directlys BOfCORer sha11 promptly furnish ta F.ender
<br /> �. , receigt�evidencingthepayments. -- . . _
<br /> � � Sarrower shall promptty�s:�arge ang lien which has priarity over this Se;.:�ty lnstrument unless�nr=ower:(a) {._. ..
<br /> agces in writing to the paymtnt oF the obligation secured by ihe lien in a manner acceptable to Lender,(by cont�sts i»go�d � + ���•�
<br /> faith the tien by,or defends against enforcemznt of the lien in.legal prucecdings which in the Lender's oginion operate to , , _ ..
<br /> preverat�h�enforcem:nt of th�1i�n:ar,forfeiture of any part of the Property;or(c)se4:�ures ffam•the hnlder o£the tien an :
<br /> agreeai�t satisfaclory w Lender�suiinrdinating the lien to�tTrs Security lnstruirsea�L�nder deternrines th�c�:y part of ` : _
<br /> . the Property is subjeci�to a l��•which may attain priority�er this Security Instcs�-inent►Lertder may give Bonower a • � -
<br /> '" notice identifying tlrt Cixn.Borrowei shap satisfy the lien or taJce one ar mnre af the actiuns set farth above withia 10 days ' �:-
<br /> ; : ;s.
<br /> of the giving of notice. , .. ;a.;u
<br /> • 5. Huird Insurance. l��rrower shall keep the irte�s�4ements�ac�-ex�se�n�mr hereafter erected an the Property � � �'
<br /> . . . insured against tass by fire.haza��included within the ter�°�sended�:e�e��ge'a��any other hazards for which Lender �;
<br /> requires insurance.This insura�r�shaU be maintained in t�e amou��a.�:d fer t'���eriods that Lender requires. The .i.
<br /> insurance carrier providing the insvrance shall be chosen by Bonoa��-sutsject to Lender's approval which shall not be ' `
<br /> ` unreasonablywithheld. � �� _;�
<br /> Alt insurance policies and renewats shaU be accept2��e*�I.ender and shaIi�zclude a standard mortgage clause. . � � r � .
<br /> � Lender shall have the right to lt�7��he policies and renewaCs. g;Lender requires,L��vL?awer shall promptly gi�e to Lender ' � y�.� "•
<br /> all receipis of paid premiurns and��newa)notices.In the event of loss.Borrawer sr��:�give prompt notice to the insurance . "�
<br /> carrier and Lender.Lender rr�ay 1r3ke proof asloss if not made promptty�y Burrower. , ,:,�,,,•.
<br /> Unless Lender and�rtpwer otherwisc agree in writing,insursn:.�praceeds shall be applied to restoration vr repair � �
<br /> of the Property damaged,if t�te r�storation or repair is ecnna�mically Eeasible artQ L.�:der's security is not lessened. lf the -
<br />� . rrstoration or repair is not ecarr.:�ically feasible or Lender's security would be les,�:�d.the insuranre praceeds shall be
<br /> applied to ihe sums secured by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due,s:::?�any excess paid to Borrower.lP '
<br /> Horrower abandons the Propetty,or does not answer within:�da;�s a notice from Lender that the insurance carrier has
<br /> , otfered ta settle a claim,then Lender may colteet the insurar.ce�socee�s,Lender may use the praceeds to repair or restore
<br /> the Property.oe�ta pay sums secured by this Security Instru:�.nt.whether or not then dne The 30-day period wil!begin
<br /> • � � when the notice is given. , ,
<br /> --- � Untess Lendet and Borrower otherwise agree in writing;any-apptication�uf`pruceeds toprincipal�sh�ll noi extertd br �- - - ��� �� -��-�� �
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 ar change the amoent af'the payments.lf
<br /> under paragraph 19 the Propeny is acyuired by Lender,Borrower's right to any insnrance policies and proceeds resuiting
<br /> , from damage to the Property prior to th�acquisition shall pass to I.end?r to t�e extestt af the sums stcured by this Security
<br /> lnstrument immediately prior to the acquisitinn.
<br /> 6. PreserraHon�nd M=idteeance of Property;l.caseholds. $c�rruwer shull aat destrny,damage crr substantially
<br /> ehange the Praperly,allow the Proptriy to deteriorate ar commit waste. lf this Security Instrument is an a leasehold.
<br /> Borrower shall cc�mply with the provisions of'the Ieasc,artd if Borrower arquires fce title to the YroPerty.tfte leasehold and
<br /> fee title shall not merge unless Lender agrees to the merger in writing. � - --
<br /> 7.. P�otectian o!Leeder's Rtghts in tbe 8`copee6b: 1�ioMg,yge Insurance. IP Borrower fails to perform the �
<br /> covenancs.and agteements cnntained irtlhis Securats��Enscr�.c-�ent,or there is a tegal pr�9ceeding that may si�n.�fr.�;antly affect '
<br /> Lender's ri..�hts in the Property(sueh as a praseecling i.,^,�ankruptsy. probate:�cr��ndemnatian or ta c-:`c.:e taws vr °
<br /> regulatie:s�,tL�fl�cd�s c��p�cffl:�nd pay for whatevet is necessary M�*4:�ect the v;;.;:aPthe Property and L�:3er's rigl:�s 1
<br /> , ,.
<br /> in�he Psc�erty. �Let�d'els��'.�s:�:�may iziclude paping any sums scr:ured h�r a i:e�e��irh h:�c�tinritp�ver k�ti�Secvrit�` ' �. ..._.. ...
<br /> � , Instrument.appeanng�n cour�.�ayiflg reasnnable attorneys'fees and entering on ti-•Proprrty to make repairs.Although ' �
<br /> L Lender m�y take aciian under tttis paragraph�,Lenderdcea not have to dosn.
<br /> Any amountsdisbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become additional debt nf Horrower secured by this
<br /> Security instrument.Ualess Bonower and Lettcter agret tnother terms�f payment,these:�muuttts shaY1 be�art intcrest Prom �
<br />_ _ Ihe dsite�f disburscmem at the Note rate and shall!+e payable, with intcrest, upon not'rce fram Lender tr f�orrower ' ���
<br /> requesting payment. �
<br /> , r �-`
<br /> � . .
<br /> �. . . . , �
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