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<br /> Uniform CoLenaat Z 5 of the Security tnstrument is arrccnded ta read as foIlows:
<br /> � 15. UaEfocs ae�rlry[estrmntat;Gareratag Lw;ScPesahflity.This fotm of Security Iasuu�es�t combin�uniPorm�covenants fos nati�na!usr
<br /> and naa-uniform cavtnants with linited variaaons by jurisdiction co constitute a uniform security instrument cavereng rql psoyxrtu.'i'his
<br /> Securicy Instrummt shatl be govemed by FeQeral law and the law of the juaisdiction in which tht Propesn,Is tvsatr.d.In the event that any
<br /> proviseoa or dnuse af this S.-curity tnstrurri�nt or the Nate ca:�flicts with appiicabte ta�.such conftir�shati not afP�ct other provisions of this
<br /> Sesvrity�nstrument ar the Note whirii caa be given effect without the confliriing provision.an�to this estd tfie pravisions of this 5uurity
<br /> • Instrumettt and the Note are declared[0 6c severable.
<br /> Uaiform Covenant 17 of the Sccurity Insmimsnt is amended to read as follows_
<br /> 17. Tnatfa ot t!e Prope�ty or�Benedidd Iifarest in Borra�vtr.If a11 or any part of t6e Propettl or aa interest th=rein is sold or transferred
<br /> (or if a beaefcia!interest in Boaawer is sold or uaasfcrced aad Borrower is aot a a�tural p�san)wiihout Lender's prior written constnt,
<br /> Leuder may.at Lender's aption,deetare all the sums secured by this Security Instrumcnt to 6e imma�ittely due and payable.However,thie
<br /> opiion shall uot[x exercisu:by Lender if�ercist es not authorized by Fedesnl la.w.Lender may wai�e thr ex�cise of this option if:(a)Eorrower
<br /> causes w�e submitted to Lender informauon rezluired by Lender to evate�ate th�intendad traacferee as if a new toan�rt•tre being made to the
<br /> aun�f�a�•attd(b)Lender reasoaably determina that Lender's security wi11 not be impaired by the Io�n asswnptfoji a�that tbe ricic of the
<br /> br�^..�s Rt rtny cavenxai or agreanecacc in chis Security lnstrument is acceptable ta Lender.
<br /> T"u,e3e a�tent p�ffitted by applicable law,Lend.°r may eharge a reason�i�:f�as a con�dition to�e!s�'s cor�ent tu the loan assumption.
<br /> Lr�drx+a*..3y also icquirr ihe transferes to keep aL�i-.Uromises an�agreem�is-FS�rs�.in thr ATnts and in this Security Ins�ent.
<br /> "!t Lrades exerrises such optian ro accelerate.Lender shal!�ail Boaowcr ir�ticr::�f�;�:deration in aecordance�cif�c g�sragraph 14 hereof.
<br /> Such natf�;x shall provide a psriod oi not less chan 30 days from the date thr auuc�u m�it2d with'sn which Borrower ma:Ery the sums declazed
<br /> ' due.If Eorrower fails to pay such sums prior to the expiration of s�ch peri�3,Lender may.withaut fuaher nouce or demand an L�ar_*ower,
<br /> iavoke any remedies permitted by this Security Instrum:nt."
<br /> "Notwithstanding a sale or us�nsfer,Bonovrer wii!contiau¢to be obligatcxf:in3er th:.Itiote and this Secusity Instruinent un}ess Lei►der has
<br /> rdea�ed Bonower in wrifirtg."
<br /> [� LOAN CHANGES ,
<br /> � If the loan sec�:red by ths Stc�uity Instrun�n���subject ta a!2w wh::�sets rnaximum loan charges,d:d that law is finally interpreted so
<br /> chat the intertst or oiher loan ckuEr�c.�;ltetrl or to tv.col':cs�i in:or,r,:ction with th_loarr exceed permitted limits,uen:(I)any such laan
<br /> charge shull be redueed by the am�unt r_•xessary tp zadax th•.cr�g�to ths p:rmiatcd limit;an�(2)any sum.s already c�:.°rted from borroa•er • -
<br /> which eaceedtd pe�rtr,'_��d limits will be refun3ed co 8urrov�er. Lsn�:t rasy ct�v;ae to make this refund by reducing the principal owed underthe �
<br /> Note or by making a d�,�xK payment to Barrower.Cf a resun�:edu:e�,prinsip3l;th:reduction will be treated as a partial prepayment under the
<br /> Note.
<br /> IAi WITNFSS WfiEREOF�R47TA1Y[f�i9('YCCUttd QhI9 Adjustable Rue Rider.
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