_ � _ _ �
<br /> iy � ��l'! �- �N":1^ }' �:.�i ' �J�\` ' K�.' n 1 - ' J"�'t:"_-Y�..._ � ' \ { '�.. !(�. lS� .a__-
<br /> �w.c_.; Y,�-•s i.�s�`k��� c3C3.' '�a% e :a' • :.v.,• y,i�' �� e zz*� �-. r � t �.< -_
<br /> qL���� ) c+. 4 •..;-�;:-.,,�„ �` �:" tt:.t.<<oJ£ c� Llf�'4X-'%��'o��{'y»�:r �,c ���11�� y}+�.;4��.C� ,ar��.,1`�.�y. '�^!j'� ?�t.. � c'd�-�-
<br /> Zvne�{fli4'ir3?i�C4c�5 + �i11;�-�� ��� •,:� ,���LLQlAe-��- hi��e��7��I�N`.��ki7�L�dLMS��3�lti c .__ -.
<br /> �`�•YIR�Y4)S"i'Q- —_
<br />___ ._ . �_�- � �
<br /> rTort-UtctFOttty CovE�v�'[s.Barrowcr and Lender further cavenant and agree as fottows: 9�—'7.V 1�1 Q
<br /> 19. Acseteratfa� Itesedlss. I�esder a�all ahe nodce w Borrower prtcr to seceteratiaa fupowiag Barrowe�s
<br /> 6re�b ataay co�seant or a�eee�eet�a titk Steariqc Ia�trusent(6ot aot driur to#sc��era�oa�_r p•sega�s t3 a.�d 37
<br /> uaka a�p�i¢a�te liw pro�ida ot6erwfsel. 19�e eetke sb�a!!s�ecefy:(�� tbe defsul�(b)t6e actfoe required to cure the
<br /> defiut�(N a date.not[eis tWs 30 d�ya ftom the date the natfce i��iTee to Borrawer.by w6icb thr detault must be curcd;
<br /> aad(d?Nat fitEun to care tie defiYlt oa os 6eforr the due speciAed In the notfce a�y res�tt in acreleration of t9�e sams
<br /> � seeured bY t6is Secnrity Ies�rumeat aad sal=of the Property.7�e eotfce s6aU further inform Barrower oi the�ight to
<br /> rejnatate aker icceknt€oa and tLe rigbt to 6ring a rnurt actton to assert t�e non�e:istence of a defeult or any other
<br /> defease of Borrower to s�cetent#on�ad sale.It the definft ts eot cnred an or betore the date s�xiRed in W e aattce,Lender
<br /> at its o�tiar eny require Immediite p,�yetent Ly i�lUof a11 sams secared hy this Secaratg� Insttr�ment without further
<br /> demaaa aad may iaiofce the power of salc aed any other r�tes�n[tted by appficable[aw.Leader shali 6e entitled to
<br /> coltect a!I`e:penses incuned ia �ursoieg the remedies pro.id�d tn this paragrapI� i9, iacfudFag, b� not IImited to.
<br /> re�wesb[e attoraeys'[ees aad costs of title eridente.
<br /> � Ii tAe power ot sate is iawtced�Tnistee s6a11 reoord x notfc�of defsult in eatb rnunty in w6Ich any part oi the
<br /> Property is located�nd s6a11�matl cop[es of sucb natice in the m�er presaribc�b�appiica6le Isw to Borrawu aed to the
<br /> athsr persons prescrt'bed by apPlipble Isw.Aftes the�e reqaired by applttnble fa.v,Tr�s�2ee s6a11��e pu6Uc rcotice ot
<br /> saie ta the persoas and in the m=nau preseribed by applicable taw.Trusiee.without demand on Eorrower,shal!setl tAe
<br /> Property at pabltr auction to the 6ighest btddEr at the time and place and under ihe fer,�ss des��nsied in the notice of s�le jn
<br /> oee or more pucels and in any order Trustee determiae�S Trustee may postpunes�le of all or any��9 aLthe Property by
<br /> pu6lic anaaoncement at tlie tfine aad ptace of any pre�iously scheduted sat�.I.eader or fts desi�a�snsy pure6ase t6e �
<br /> Property at any sate.
<br /> Upoa receipt of paymeat ot t6e prfce hld,'�rustee s6all d�tii�s tn t,tie pnrchaser.Tr,ustee's deed conveying t�e
<br /> ' Praperty.T7ze reciWs in the Trustee's deed shsii be prima facfe eccs„�ur�af the trmRh of t6e statemeats made therein.
<br /> T�=�s��iRRlY�e praceed�of the sile in fhe following ardu:ta)to all tz�ases of the sale.incinding,but not limited
<br /> tn.Tru�sta's tees as permi�;�by applicahle!�w artd reasonible attorney�fee�(bf to all sums secured by thIs Security
<br /> Iustrumee��nd tc1 any e:ce.ss to the pesson or persons lepllq entitled to it.
<br /> 20. Lender in Passession. Upon acceleration under paragraph 19 or abandonment of the Property. Lender(in
<br /> person,by agent or by judicially appointed receiver)shall be entitled to enter upon.,take possession uEand manage the -
<br /> Praperty and to collect the renu of the Property inctuding those past due. Any renu co1lected by Leadtr Qr the receiver
<br /> shall be applied first to payment of the cosu of manyenrtent of the Prapeny and collection of rents,inclading. but not
<br /> limited to,receiver's fees,premiums on receiyer's bonds and re�onable attorneys'fees,and then to the sums secured by
<br /> this Security lnstrument.
<br />- 21.Recoareysnce.Upan paytrtent of all sums secured by ttus Security Instrument,Lender shall request Trustee to
<br /> reconvey the Property and shall sunender this Securtv tnstrument and a11 nates evidencing debt secured by this Setunty
<br /> Instruttsent to Trustee.Trustee shall reconvey the Pr�Pe-;y withaut watrant�;ird without charge to the person or persons
<br /> legally entitted to it.Such person or persans shall pay��J secordation costs. �
<br /> 22.Substitute Trustee.Lender,at its option,may from time to cisne remove Trustee and appoint a s�rccssor trustee �
<br /> to any Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which this Security lnstrum.�t�s recorded. � '
<br /> Withoat conveyance of the Property.the successor tr�sr�e shall succeed to z1J r.he title,power and duties.conferred upon
<br /> Trustee herein and by applicable law.
<br /> 23. ReQuesi for Nottca. Borrower requests that copies of th�nQtt�uf default and sale be sent to Borra�c-�s
<br /> address which is the Property Address. ,
<br /> 24.Ridera to tbts SSocurIty Insirument.lf onc or more riders are eaecuted by Borrower and recorded together with �
<br /> this Security Instrument,the covenants aad agraments of each such rider shaLi I�e incorporated into and shall amend and �,.' :!lf-.`
<br /> supptement the cavcnants and agreements of this Secunty Instrument as if the nder(s) were a part of this Security '.s'�J{
<br /> Instrument.[Check applicable boa(es)] !�
<br /> � � Adjustable Rate Rider � Cc�ndominium Rider � 2-4 Family R�der ,�
<br /> ❑ Graduated Payment Rider � �fa:.�ned Unit Devetopment �tider ' .'•;-`�
<br /> •:�;,.:
<br /> � Otha:(s) (sg..°rifyj Acknowle:dgment �- �
<br /> BY SIC'�[�G BELOw, Borruwer accepts and agrces to the terms and covenants contained in this Security
<br /> lnstrument and in any rider(s)executed by Borrower and recorded with�t. �
<br /> ....................... ............................................................. '� ...... C���, . 11�-t---� c.��.�Q
<br /> �.,�. . ................................................. .�s�i�
<br /> Martin P. Wiedel �0"0t"�'
<br /> .... . ........................................................... ' 1
<br /> ................... .. ....... ,. ....•'"•"�•....' ... .... . .........,..(Sea)
<br /> t'1� J��L1 —BOIrpM'!I .,
<br /> STATE OF N�6RASKA. Cuu»ty ss: t��ij.J
<br /> GJn this 13th day of Marc!� ,19 q0. befnre me, the undersigned. z Notary Publi.
<br /> du;q cnmmissioned and qualif:ed far�::�rounty,personaily came Mar tir� P. ldieclei an�l tfary J.
<br /> Wiedel, husb��nd and wife , t��me knoan tu he rhr
<br />: identical persan�sl whose ^a�ne�s) arc wb5crihed ro the forrgainK intiirumem and acknowledged rhe rxrcuru�n '""-^ "`
<br /> thcreof to be their vc�luntary act and deed. '
<br /> Witness my hand anB notarial scal at Grand Island, NI� in said reuu�ty, thr '
<br /> date aforesaid.
<br /> .?y�t3iriiri�`sSiUtr rn�irrs: .�nne 2"l. IE�J? '�
<br /> � ��C.
<br /> f�l�+�llN�1i11Y .. .... ..�.� !'.ff f.-,'�.:`a�. .�"�/:??.:'.�:��'!. . .
<br /> � CYNif11AZ4ill�f: `",'.,�, t''�t•��. Cynt h i�� S. Ahr�•ns
<br /> ���E��ttt� �2EUUEST Ft)it EiEC'(f, YEYAyC'E
<br /> ���r
<br /> �
<br /> w
<br />: lhe unetersigned ic the holder uf ihe ne,�r n� ncitr; �t,;�irc�i t�y thn l)ccd �,f I ru�t �.nd ui�te��r nnt�•�, r�„�rthri . �r�
<br />_ with aU��ther,ndehtcJnc�ti�ecured h�ttm 1➢ccd c�t 1 ru.t, h:�cr h«•n fi<�id�n tuEi. Y:�ie.uc he•rf�h� c1Eec�;eJ tc��.�r�crl.,iiJ .
<br /> ri��te or notec :fnd e���. Caeed �►f Irtt4t, ::h��li asi• cfelitr�rd tterci���. ,it�d t�� rer�,nsr:, .�,rhinit .�,�rr,i��t�.. .�ti ihc .�!.,,, ..
<br /> rn�w hcld !�v �ou etnJer thi� f)ced e�f Tru�t tn +t,r �trr���tc �,r �rr4�m� I:•f��r{iti r•,t�rir�� •hc+;•r„
<br /> 1)�te
<br /> �
<br />