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<br /> �nsu�a�+ce piem.ums, ground�rents,ant!a/l other charges whatsasver ieveed upon or assesseC.p►aced or made against the Tiust '
<br /> � Property. frustor fuRher agrees, upon viriRen reauest�y Beneficiary,to prompfly delrver to Benefic:ary al!rece�pts for the payment ot
<br /> � such charges. Trustor liker�rise agrees to pay al!taxes,assessm,enis artd aiher charges levred upon o�assessed.pfaced or made
<br /> C5�.� against,or measured by,th,s peed ot Tiust or the recordatron hereof.
<br /> 1�;�5.:AppGC�tron of Payments.A!I payments received by Beneficrary as ta any debt,liabiliry or oblrg�6on owed to Beneticra►y by 7rustor
<br /> �` may Ce a�iplred by Beneficiary to:he payment of the lndebtedness or to any suci►other debt.Jiabiliry or abligation,in any order or
<br /> � �:. manner ot appllca6on uvhich BenBhciary,in its absolute discreUnn,deems appra,vriate. Unless otherwise etecfed by Beneticiary,any
<br /> � � such payment shall be desmed applied�r5t to the payment o1 any deb!.►rabllrry or obfrgatiorr ofher than ti�e Nofe.
<br /> 6. Charges:Liens. Trustor wil!keep the Trust Property free lrom a/l lisns and encumbrances which in any way may,in Ure�udgment of
<br /> Beneficiary,have proriry over,or impau the secunry of,this Deed o1 Tiust but Trustor nQed not d�scharge any such lien so long as
<br /> Q 7rusto�shalf agnee,in wriang,to pay[he obfiga�on secured by such tren in a manne�acceptab/e[o BeneTiciary and shail in gond faith
<br /> C� cor+tesr such lren by appropriate legat proceedings effective[o p�event the enforcemeni of rhe t'en and tire loss ni any interest rn or
<br /> part oI the TrLSt Properfy.
<br /> 7. Hazard lnsurance.Trustor shal!keep[he buitding;and other rmprovements novi existing or hereafte�erected on the Trust Froperty
<br /> : insured by insurance carrrers satistactory ro Bsneficlary against loss by fire,hazards included in the te�rM"extended coverage"and
<br /> such othe!hazards,casualties and contingencies es may be required by Benefrciary,in such amounts and tnr such periods as may be
<br /> reguired by Bsrte�ciary.The policy of insurarrce shalt be in form acceptabTe to Berreficiary,provide that the same may not be
<br /> carrcelfed or modified uvlthour lifteen{�5)days pr,or wrinen notice tv Beneficiary,anB shalt have loss pa�ab/e provisions in tavor of and
<br /> in fom►accepiab!e ta Beneficiary.Alt premiums on insurance poficies shaA be paid rn the manrrer provided under paragraph 4 hereot
<br /> . or,if npt paid in such manner,by Trustor makirtg payment at leasi fifteen(15)days prior to the due date, directly to the insurance
<br /> carrier. Beneficiary sha!!have the right to hqtd the�c.',cies and renev�als thereot and Trustor shall promptly fumish fo Beneficiary all
<br /> rerrewal notrces and al1 pair!premium receipts recE��Ed by;t.In no event shaf�8eneliclary or Trusiee be held respunsible for faiJure to
<br /> pay insurance premiums or for an�1�cs.�r damag=arising out of a de%ct in ar.y policy vr arising out of any failure of any insurance
<br /> . company to pay tor any loss or dar-�?c�:nsored against o�for fait�re by Trustor to effect tf;e insurance required hereunder.In the evenf
<br /> ailoss, Tiustor shall giue prcrn�:r_`_��y rnai!to ihe insurance carne�anr�9�^eficiary. Bsr.efrciary may make p�oof olloss if not
<br /> . �i^ade pramptty or in precFS form by;a:stor.All po;,cres oi insurance and=:�•�-�alt refur.ds of unearr.^d premiums are hereby
<br /> .i:sigrred to Beneficiary�s add,fior,at security far the payment o/the Inde�t��ress.ln the event of B�r:ef,'„iary's exercise ot the�G«�er .
<br /> �f sale coniained herein,or in the ev�-!ot fnrec%sura,a/1 right,tit/e and inter��t of Trustorin and to�r/i^surance policy then in force
<br /> shall pa&s�,L"�e purchaser at the tru��:s's sale or forecfosu�e s2"�.!n case of any loss,ft.�insurartce prxeeds m,ep et tha option of
<br /> BenefrciGr�. na applied by Beneficiar,�,:�on the Indebtedness,o-any paR thereof,and in such ordgr and amour.t as�eneficiary may
<br /> d2.tem:ir,�,:cr s�id insurance proceeds,at the opGOn ot Benefrciary,may eithe�be used in replacing or rE_.*onng the Tiust Properry
<br /> a��li�•c°a��!�}•d.sf�ayed to a con�ition satisJactory to Beneficiary;o�seid insurance proceeds,or ar�ponion thereof,may be
<br /> °�leasEd:n��stor.Unless Beneficiary and Trustcr othenvise agree in writiag,arry such application of insurance proceeds sha!!not
<br /> extend or����*poRe the due date ol ih.e Note,or a����nsta!lmen's ca//ed for therein,or change the amount of such installments.lf the
<br /> Trust P�opEr`j is acquired by Benef'c:ar�pursuant to the exe�c:sc a!the power of sale or other foreclosure,ap right,title and interest of
<br /> Tiustar in and to any insurance proce��s payab/e as a result of u�.-age ta the Tiust Propprfy p�ior to the sale or acquisition shal!pass
<br /> . to Beneficiary and shal!bs applied first to tha costs and expenses,rr,clud�.�Q�omey/ees,tRCUIIed i�'�C:r:.e�fing SuCh p/OCBBdS, tiren
<br /> %n fAe manner and in the c:�ar p�ovided herein. �
<br /> - � �reservalinrr and Mainte�:ance ol Tiust Pioperty. Trustor sv�q keep:�e�.:..��^�„a�d other;mprovemer,�s^��or h,e�v_�er erectE�0.7
<br /> the T��st PropBrty in good repair and conditron and will not corrm.�c-�e,.:.,�u.��s1e, w;:�ncra!ter the design or sf2ct_-= �haractet
<br /> constituting any building now or he�eaher erer.ted on and const�:..:i�r�the Tr;;$;?ropeRy��'�i�out the prios wriften ccns�.�rr of
<br /> Benelicrar�r,wi11 not do any act o�thing which woutd unduly impa,r or deprec:a�e the value ol the Trust Properry and wiil nof abandon �
<br /> *he Trust Property. Trustor wi11 not remove any/ixtures constituting the Trust l�roperty un/ess the same are immediately replaced with
<br /> ���;e pr�peny sub�ec!to the lien and securiry interest of this Deed of Trust and of at/east equal value and utility. Trustor viill comp/y with
<br /> all present and luture ordinances,�egulations an0 requirements vf any governmental body wh�ch a�e applicable to the Trust Property
<br /> . and!o the occupancy and use thereof. ll this De�d ot Trust is on a�nit rn a condominium or a planned unit development, Tiustor shad
<br /> perform all bl Trustor's abligalions under the declarabons o�cavenants creating o�governing tha condominlum or the planned unit
<br /> development.the bylaws and iegulations of the condominrum or planned un;!developmeni,and the onnstituant documents. .
<br /> 9. lnspection.Bene/iciary or its agenfs may,at all reasonabJe t�mes,�nter upon t:te Trust P�operry for the pu�pose of inspection. �` ;
<br /> Baneficiary shall have no C�h�to make such inspecnon and shal!not be liable to Trustor or to any pa�son in possession if it makes or � �`-'
<br /> fails to make any such rr.;r;=ct�on. :�
<br /> 10. Protection of Securiry. It Tr�;to�/ails to pertoim any ol the covenants and agreements cor.ra,:�ed m this Deed of Tre:^,t,or if any action �
<br /> or proceed,ng rs commer:r-.7 which aoas or may adversely alfect the Trust Properry or the�ntorest nf Trustor or Beneliciary therein or �,
<br /> the t�tie of�iustor the�eto,�;:en Benefrc�ary,at its optron,may perform such convenants and agreemerts,meke such appearances,
<br /> delend against and investigate such action or proceeding and take such othe�action as Beneficiary dre.r.s necessary to protect its
<br /> . interest including,but not limited to,disbwsernent of reasonabla attorn0y fees end entry upon the Trust?roperry!o make iepairs.Any '••�
<br /> amounts disbursed by Berteficiary pursuant to thfs paragraph ;f, with inie�est thereon,sha11 canstitute lndebtedness of Trustor
<br /> secured by this Deed of Trust Unless Trustor and BeneGc�ary G,�:��to other terms ot payment,such aMounts shal�U��ayable cpor.
<br /> notice/iom Beneliciery to Tiustor requesting payment the�eo%a^�shall tse2�rr�ferost liom the date of C.sbursement at!he defacit r,�'e,
<br /> if any,set lorth rn fhe Note.or othaivi�se at the hlghest rate permitted by lav�.tJ�?hing cnnteined in�his paiagraph shaH�equlre
<br /> Beneliciary to incur any er.�pnse or tal��any action hereundei. Trustor irrevJc�biy aulhorizes and empowers Beneliciary to enter,,pon
<br /> the Tiust P�operry as Tr�s-oi's agent and,�n Trustor's name or otherwise to pe�lo►m any�!r.�ap covenants and agreements to be
<br /> performed by Trusto�as herern provided.Benohc;ary sha/l,at its option,be subrogated to ar�encumbrance,hen,claim or demand
<br /> and fo ali rights and sec��•�ies lor the payment thereof pa+d or dischargod by Beneliclary ur.C�i t.he pr�vis/otts hereol and any s.c,^
<br /> subro,qation rights shal;�E•�ddit�ana!and cumulalr:o sacunfy la rh,s Desd o`'�ust.
<br /> 1 L Condemnation. The proceeds o!any aUrB�d or ciG:r.�!or da�nr�yes,drrect or c�r-sequenhai,ln cannectr�ir}eii!h any condemnation or
<br /> othe�taklny ot thd t�ust Prpperfy,or any pan lhe�e:',or Jor conveyance in lieu ol or in anhclpatron o1 con�ei»nallon,bre hnreby �
<br /> assigned to And shaU�ie paid to Bene`^tary. Trustor uvdl tilo anc'�r�s�cute,in good laith�r�•rir!h due diligence.its cirrlm lor any sa�ch
<br /> award or paynrent.and will cause fhe�,�.^�o to be coilectQd�cC�a,d to Benahciary,anC, sh�utd it�a�!to do so, Trustor�nevacably
<br /> authorizes and ompoviers E�enQlicrary, rn th�namo o!Trustar ar otn�rwisH,!�blv,pros�cuto,settlo a�ccmprarn�su any such cla;rn��ru!
<br /> to cotlec�,rece�pt lar and retain th�proceeds.N tho Trust Property is abandoned by Truslor,or,altei noUce by Benelrcra�y to Tn�stor �
<br /> that the condemnor olters ta make an alrard or sattle a claim/or dr,�nayes, Trusb�faUs fo respond to l3enehtruy w�th�n thirty(301 dayt:
<br /> afte�the date such not�ce is mai�od,Bengl�c�aiy�s aulhor�zed to collact and apply the preceods m the manner ind�Catod 1T�ro�n. 7ho
<br /> proceed.s of any award or claim may,afPer deduct,ng a!1 r�asonable costs and expdnsos.�ncludinq attornoy/�E�s, which may have
<br /> been incurred by Banolrciary�n fhe colleChvn thareol,at the sole ci�scret�on al Bent�/rciary, be�o/eased to T�usror,a,�pbecl ta
<br /> rostor�t�on of 7rust praperty, or Jpphed to thp paymeM o/tho lndebtadnoss Unloss Bent�hciary anci riusror othc��w�so�r�iee rn wrrbng, � �
<br /> any such appUcatron ot pror,eods fv Indebtadness shnll riof extend or postpone the due dato or tho Ncrte ar tho payment o�any
<br /> mstallmants cailed lor fhoroundor.
<br /> 12. T�uslor Not HQt6esed Exfen5�on o!the hmo la�p��ymenl ar moddreaUan ot any amorhzat�Un ol thc.�Inclebfeclness[�ranlFrl by Hpnehaary
<br /> to any successor m interest al Trustar shall nat Upe�ate fo reloasU,m any manner,tho Iiab�Lty ul T�usto�and irusR»s sur.cessois rn
<br /> mfe�est BenpfrCr�ry ShElll/tOf bB IefjU�/Q[I Ifl C0I►7I11BJiCE p�OCBBdI1J,qS FIfj8//1Sf SUCh SUCCBSSOI vt ICd1�:fT IIJ HY1FYfl�IrMp(nt�3�lI1�Rf Qt �
<br /> c,frf�rwise mddrfy amomzanorr��ll�►v Iricfebtodnvss by�c���svrr olarry demand mttdo Gy 7rustor�tnd Tie�stor'�succccsu�s dN
<br /> �n interest.
<br /> � t�. Frnanc�al InlarmaGan U��n ierryuest r,t Benehcrc��y. r•��srnr vnn p�vvrc�e to QenehC�ary, vidhrrr nmE�ry IJ01 dr�ys of I�rF���ose�u1 r�u h l�sr.;�r �`�
<br /> yea�o!Tiusfur, fht�cansal�ri�ifud ba►ance sh��t E�ma sltttE�tnnnf ot ri��iitmq�:of Trusivr and_alry ttnri,�l!`�t�ar<���tr»ti ot t�re lndr�htr•dnt��.�. r�'
<br /> ssr.urvd ht�roGy.�l trny. ;�nd cv�Jl prnvi%!n,7iit1 duAVE�r t0 E�r"in/�cr,uy sut'h nth�r hnancrF�l irrft�rn+,�t�on ti��cl�n�.uc h nr�rrner;i.`t�rvmhr�,��p� �`'�
<br /> �ru�y r����,�m,�bly rt�qtlH5t llCttt►lrpll t0 f�l�I�� �tt)�,
<br /> fd f,»t�nr.�(�1(:nfEm(�htL; �n ti'Idrh�,n t�,;�rry r�ihfv hn,tnc•�d!r,nvf�n,intc��f Ir��:lr1�rn�tdc irr.�nV t,!h8��rqn,�.��,,.��! �.r,l.urnr:n�„� .1�y u•:•��nr "�
<br />� l�N`.fb/�.h�l!!{rynt(�I�rVi!iT(f��!1'.h��/I r dlr'.n:IhV�iq};Ill(;IIiIIJftJpt;:til l/IH lt�l�r1�1��t1��[��.= �.r�� 1,Irr}(�.�r�•(.,• ! ,{.�rrr!%'4".S�fr• .�• r�f, �. -
<br />. r:rmL)�i�l7Ch l�flll_ /lui l�ill�,,,yu���lrr�,l�i�.t.'!!e.n;�•ti.�ttl'• t/It�;(t-ffrifJf.1(II�I1�4lIF�p,r�J�,r•lr,e rn;,r-�n:ln�;�l�l�! �.��,�:,,•,•..rr•n�. .�'C" �.:,��1
<br /> 1cJl(!r f;prt•r/i 1 .
<br />. "� '.'IIrNIHht�d(�•.�•,n. ✓r''/lil!�IV7(F(��t.1�'.,d/rr /i�ii f � ,
<br /> 1 t lNnr 'rc;�.t-��;h.r�� 4r„�•h Ir f�s rrnt� . . -
<br /> � . •,r�, r , , � ��� . . , , , . . .
<br /> �rh fl��ic•.y.. . �:!r�u! It �':i I r•�j N�fy rv .rhy 1�r�th.r:r lhrltr,�il i/'�1.l�lr.•,� r�..�,�,�.�. r�.,.,
<br />_ !ry:u�,i�l�.., . �`�.�..�f�f 5,1�•tl lI fL�l�1��l•i f r; • , „ .� �� �,• �. . , , - � �... , .. „� • .
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