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<br /> TRUSTEE'S DE�L� R� Pdcn������ctirc �Q.— 3.0�503
<br /> ..,
<br /> - ard Exta�ia,P�ts
<br /> NINEREAS, a2 i of �he indebted��ss sgcc�r�rt �• the Trust Oeed�executed
<br /> by Jm S9. Zajir�ard Lym E. Zaj�c,H.sta�d�-d��'e,
<br /> to Ais�d R e B�dc, Attor�ey �
<br /> � Trustee, for the bene€it of NOf4E FEpER.s'�4 S IFdrS �1N� LOAf� ASSQCIATION OF �
<br /> GRR�iD I��AtY�, «E6Ri�SKH, inP be eFi�ia���named tih�rein, date�i Ju,e 3, 19�, 7an. 24, 1989 &
<br /> Fetrr. 26, 19 9D , and r�cce�de�i �. �fi,'�?�9&F�r. 27, 'l9�I in the Office of
<br /> the Re�ister of Oe�ds of f�all Cc�untU, ��N.Y"d5ka, as Instrur.oer.*. ftnmber 88-102�c, 891mf�03&
<br /> �-�� , t�as be�n �aid, ae�d saic� ���r�fi�iary.has requested in airi�;inr�
<br /> tha t thi s D�ed c f ReccnvEyartr_� �� execut�d and d�l i vered:
<br /> . NOW, TF�ERE�ORE, i r�. •-�rsiderati vrt ef such payment in ��cordance wi ti�
<br /> the re�uest of the her���i:�;:iary named th�rein, the undersig�r�, as Trustee,
<br /> � � does by these presents,. �i-a�T�, p P_I'ilt 5@s release and reconu!�.� to the person
<br /> . or persans entitled tF*.Frr�o al� i;l�e infierest and estate de°,rTVed to said
<br /> ` Trustee by or thro�gl� s�a_� 1'rus� C�ed �n, the follo��inc�-de��:.f�;���ed T1i'E'1915@5�
<br /> but only as to such pf-r:,�.:�;�;; . � , . ,
<br /> , See A:`.taat�,F�' Exfi�ibit "A" �
<br /> �
<br /> � �
<br /> - ,�E
<br /> ':.,•---
<br />,
<br /> ; :
<br /> together �vitPi a?S buildinqs, ,fixtures, improverients znd ap�urtenances � �
<br /> belonc�ing to such pren3ises. :�
<br />�. � Dates this 9th day of t�tarch , 19�90.
<br /> ' ,e. ���
<br /> � T stee
<br /> STAT� OF ��EEiRASK/1 )
<br /> � ss:
<br /> COU�ITY OF Ni�Ll.
<br /> On this 9fh ciay of rfa.rch � 29�i�0, ��Pf�re me. the
<br /> �nrlersigneci, a Natary Publ ic d`u�y co��n ssioned and qual i tied for in said �---=_
<br />, Cc�unty, personal ly came Ar�T� F,. P.��c�C , Trus*ee,ta nte known to '
<br /> be the identical persorz tio n�S se nar�,e 1s suTis riLE�d to �he foregoing Trtistee'S
<br /> tleeei uf Reconveyance and �cknuwledged tFj� exec�itinn thereof to be his volun-
<br /> tary act and deed. i
<br /> 4litness aiy an�i anc� Wc�tariai Seal the day and ye�tr last �bove 4iritten.
<br /> 7
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