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<br /> 4
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<br /> f -`� LEASESAND RENT
<br /> �
<br /> . �- � go-lo�50�
<br /> This Ass�gnment,made this 6 day of March , 19�� by and
<br /> betwsen Tfmothy C. Pla.te_.a sinqle person _
<br /> ('Assignor'�, and NORWEST BANl� NE�RASKA,NATlONAL ASSOClAT101b' ('Assignee"t. .
<br /> lrVtTNESSETH:
<br /> lt�s ag�eer[as Iolfows.
<br /> , 1, DefrniUons. As asec.�iri rhisQyreement:
<br /> A. "IVlortgage"shai!mear,[hvxcertain Deed of Trust rn the principa!sum
<br /> of� 20.000.00 dated March 6 , �g 90 ,
<br /> executed by Timothy C. Plate� a sir.�Ie person,as Trustor,ro NORWEST BANK
<br /> NEBRASK�, NAT/ONAL ASSOCf,qTIQN,as Benefrciary,upnn tl�e real estare and improvements
<br /> desc�ibed in�xhihit 'A'; wi►ich rs s�n�ttarb�k�ana'by rhis reference incorporared herern.
<br /> g�ov e e ow
<br /> B. 'Wata"sha/l-m�an that certain nnte seeured by the S 20 000.00 �
<br /> - Deed of Trusr, executad cc�ntemposaneously therewith 6y —.�i�oth�v___C- Plat� a sing e �erson
<br /> _�._____ ` as maker,and lllORWEST BANK NEBRASIS�4,
<br /> NATJONLiL�SSOCIAT/C�N,as p�yee,and secured by the��ed af Trust.
<br /> G "!aan"as he�einafter used,shall irrean the loan�r, the amount af�?0.[100_C(�
<br /> _ _ __as evidenced by the note an�f sesure��y r:�e Deed of Trust,as wel/as any crher
<br /> securing ivr��Flrnents. �
<br /> NOW, TNGt�E�ORE, for and►n cons;de�ation of the making and fundi�rg afsaid Loan,and far
<br /> other good a�d valuable r,r�nsid�rat�cn, the receipt whe�eof r's hereby acknowledged,Assignor, far itsalf; ; �
<br /> rts successors,���sona/represer�tarr'ves,heifs an�t assigns,has bargarned,svld,transferred,assigned,
<br /> conveyed,sFt�.:r and de;rvered,and by rhese presents dvr�hereby bargain,sell, vransfer,assign,and
<br /> conveyas��c,���ty for the repaymea�%.��f the above describ��;ndebtedness and the Faymentand p�r•
<br /> fa�mance c�::� of the terms and cc�rdrtions of tire Note and Mortgage evidencrng the same,and any
<br /> and all a.�7p��ments, extensions and renewa/s t/�srn_of,all/eases now or hereafter executed affecting "
<br /> the Mongivr��Pre�nises,ar.d all rents.�ssues,ur,:�:ts and-ncome and sums af money which n•ray n��v •; ,����
<br /> or he�eaf,:er:�e or Becane due and+��•�'ng c,r��'Er�rrL n!� ��;:�1e of sai�/leases, it being the inrc-rt�on '
<br /> - hereby tQ:.=:s�=s�ish a complete trans'er and�<s�^��nr rr-,:e leases hereby assig»ed and all��a s�r�il:�
<br /> there�nder unto rhe Assignee, r"ts successors���a'�;signs, rcgether with the right,but withnuc r��e
<br /> abligation, to coJ/ect all of the said rents,issues,pro/its and income arising or accruing,or wnich may
<br /> become du��*arry time durin,q the lrf��of this Assiynment. Assignor further a,qrees,upon demand `
<br /> fhereof, ro��:.iver to and deposit sa::�leases with Assigne.�. ' �
<br /> Asslg�:r hereby designates,constitutes and appo�r�ts Assignee,its successors and assigns, with
<br /> fui!pcUrer cr substitution, its true ar�d lawful attorney N�ith pow�er for it and in its name,place and
<br /> stead, �or.r. ���e name of Assi,qnee, tu ask, demand,collECr,.<<eceive,receipt and g;ve full and com- �
<br /> p/ete acr�urt«.�ces for any and al/rents, issues,proJits ar�� -,.:ame hereby assigned which rnay becar�c
<br /> due and payable hy lessees o�vrher occupants of the Mortg�,�.::�-c�ises;and at its discretin�� to fil�
<br /> any claim or take any oth�r act+on ar��rocee�d-�Tg Co make�ri,�;��tlement of any r.laim,eiJls�;r in its
<br /> own narrre or in the name of Assrgnor,or otherwise, which rhe Assignee,or any successor may deem
<br /> desirab/e in order to collect and enfiv•r,e the payment of any and all renis,issues,��rofits and income
<br /> herein assigned. The lessees and occupants of tHe�Mortgagef/Pieinises,o�an y part hereof,aie hereby �
<br /> expressly authorired a�rd dr'rected to pay aN renis ancJ sums herein assigned which U✓ould be payai�le
<br /> tn Qssrgnnr,exce�t foi this Ass�gninent, io the Assignee,and ta transmit�nd d�liver suCh p�yment
<br /> ta the Assignee vr such nominee as rt may desrgndre i�� vrr;t�ny, ael�vered tv and received by such
<br /> lesseo or uccupant, w�lv rs express/y relieved of any anri all duty, liafi�lity or uhhyaiiun tU tl)C
<br /> ASSiyn[»i►r reSpBC!Of ttll p��i�rr�nts sv i�rade.
<br /> ASS�ynee Sir�N he,ai�r/hereby+S, vested v��th full power ro use t�ll such rr�Er►sui�S. Ivqal�rnci �--=-_,----
<br /> equitnf�tc,as in�ts di�r.resron�nay 5�tleemed necessary ni prapor ia enfvrce ihis AyreE�nrent ar�d .
<br /> fo callect the rents, issues,profits a���incarr,e�ssigna�f h�reunder, including thr rrght to ente�e�pon
<br /> the premises and ta fake passessrc'� ��'p�e�f,�nc>Assiyrrr-i�e�et�y gra+rrs full nv:�.?:°and authvr;ty
<br /> ro the Asst,n�e tp ex�icis��ti/l rryh�; ,; „%!r:i::rnd per.Frs here�n granted at ar•� :�:d al/ t�tl�es here
<br /> ff�ttll, IfJ/!�lf:�d t 1!!lIfC�E tti�O�Srjiiiti, .•.• ';��f rrr��(,:%vc'j i�!i�=�v%�ff i3jij�iji$�i���t�ir IFiii.i iSj(IEi,y�r'7�iiS a�'� �� .
<br /> i�tCtlme ttt,-E:r�,�ss;yned ra tht.�iu.ry.,�,�•rrts of��ny intlebtc�'+':�:s or ti,�l��/�ty nl thr�L�ss�gncu tt�tht� N
<br /> � L3ssiynee, in st�r.h ��rc7t��as Ass�qirec rn,�y rlr�tc•rnrrnt�.
<br /> ��
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