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<br /> i�4e� ' ..f.F.i.a:. `��'.. a,..r• -\itiS .4� �:3L1S. `.r•...P.: �A= c� - c, ��t� - �;,�:_,v� •t:�tGyr`:''4�;ic „"�-� ii:�:>.
<br /> �::�ty' ��� �.�s���x�= ''�+ a r� c�: '� �:.� _��:;�.:�;._ �,�:;.� �rf'° 1=; s�•- _ � �. o ��; k. �;,t�' c���:ye
<br /> �A��� . ���4f.L�' �:.q��`'� y''w.rV�t� •_�c.�',ti'y��E+F��=;C.��t�Y� a ��� 4 �= ., ;�':. ..GE•4< .�` ".3�
<br /> 1 .:.[r' � �.f.Y��7Y1. F •t :u;;'r.---' `� s.c� -�'F���_ P4 `'�y,,,. •`.t'c�' y�e�'�.�,Gr� �u.t���4'>{,_,..aZG�``.
<br /> ---�-��-_Hre;.t kc�"__.a...�e�ey���f - _ aic�iR1������Y��,.:.��vC.
<br /> � — ..._ . � ' ' . �
<br /> . �� Deed of Trust
<br /> � � qn�..� � n� �.s� _
<br /> � 7HlS DFED OF TRUSTrs ad t �s 6 a o March , �g 90 ,by and between ,
<br /> Timothp�G. �'P�ate , a s�i�g�le gerson whether one or more,(hereinafter called the"Trustor"),
<br /> whos8mail�ngaddressis ��512 At�antic AvenLe,�g��na N� uel�,�alifornfa 9267Z ,
<br /> NQAWFSTBldNK Nebras��Ittationa2 Assaciatinn (hereinaftercalfedthe"Tiustee'),whosernailingaddressis
<br /> P.O. Sox 1768`Grand Is].�n�, NE ,andNORWESTBANK Nebraska. IVational Association ,(hereinafter
<br /> caJtedthe"BeneTcrary'},whosemalingadd�essis p-n_ �ox 1768� Grand Icland� NE 68f�t?2 ,
<br /> WNERFAS Tiusfor is�ndebfed to Benefieiary in tlre principa!sum of T�NTY TRaUSAND AND Nd/I00 -- ---------
<br /> Dallars(S �0.Q00.00 �,�,yhich indebtedrtgss is eviderrced by Trustor's prom;ssory nofe dafed arc , �g ..(�e�inafter
<br /> called the"Note'),payable fn the order of Benefrciary and having a matuirty of A�ri 1 1 , �000 ,
<br /> NOW, THEREFOAE,for the purposs ol securing:
<br /> (a) payment ottfte Note,rogcthsr with inferest thereon.��Li:��rarges,p:e,r_aymeett r.���altiss,any tuture advarrc�s.�d�::"�_s°':.^sions.
<br /> , :nc4��rcatians.substrtuutiart���-d renew�:'s�ereof.
<br /> (�) �`��^'a'Rt QPcz'l[C%a`T@f SilR'::.���GT Ch��„<<'w. :,�.C:'3'yl'�:"'FZ5`�'?ci_�-. ��13.' __:,^,prcr�r°c�e secur,y of ttis�P�fet,��c.�i.� '
<br /> - i'�=�rfarmance nf the ccs;.:;�^`s._C�?r�..=�5.^.�`T J3'�r,��;r��„��. ,.. ..�t s�.f�"� �,�r�
<br /> , Gt.�✓�:r^flBACB,dischar e c'�;a�,T..�r't;�3.iG:rrY;;'BvC- " ,COV ftallf. !,%^ I.� � _ '?=."'v. ..:5•'��• � .. ...
<br /> g " . :� '::"Y e ob �GLLJ_: C��C� l�-wt-- .�.�,�ntained herein ar
<br /> i.��.rr-orated by ieference�r:.-y�-rs�sr;,�r..y�r,s_�r^��-�at anytime giver.:J 57.�...Z.�,�e.�'�.s �°� �
<br /> �r,� *-�r.��ymemofallothers��sorfu,�r��jvances.c�rr;r.eresrtherean, w�:c���ayheretc�:ahave.�E.����hereafterbeadvancc-:f " .
<br /> ��B��efrC�ary to Tr�si�•o•T.�ustor's successor in�^`nres�or!itte,
<br /> alf af u�:ci:��;s re-�:aa+��•e�,;ecb�ety called the"lndebtedress'. Trustor�rrzvaca�:y granis and transfers to Tru�~=�,in trust, W/TH POWFR
<br /> QF SA��r.�se fcG�a�i.^.g cescn�_�'propefty.•
<br /> Lot Nineteen (19), fn Block Three (3}, in Southern Acres,
<br /> an Addition to the City of Grar�d Island. Hall County, N�braska.
<br /> togEfhet with(�)aU buildings,structuros,adddrons,enlargemer►ts,modrficahons. repairs, replacemenis,and�mprpvemen/s now or heroafter �
<br /> loCated the�eon,(ii)a11 equ�pment,machinery and hxtwos(+ncludmg, w�thout 6mitation, all hghhng,heaGnq, ventdating,cooling,air
<br /> conditioning,sp�inkling and plumbing l�xwres, wator and power systems,engmes,bade�s, rangas,ovens,d�shwashe�s,m�nors and m�nteis, •
<br /> ca�peting,lurnaces,oil burne�s,elovators and motors,ret�rgeration ptants or un�ts,commun�cation systems, dynamos,tianslormers,electiica!
<br /> equipment,storm and screen w�ndows,0oors,awnmgs and shades}now or here�fter attaCheal fo,or buiit in, any truildmg or improvement
<br /> now or hereafter locafed theraon,(�ii)all easomeMs and righ►s o/way appurtenant thersto, (�v),a111aasehoJd estate,�rght,title and interest of
<br /> Trustoi in a�d to all(eases,whether now o�he�e8fler exlsbng or entered into(including, wifhout l;mitation,al!cash and security deposits, �� ,�.
<br /> advance rentals end deposits or payments ol a similar natu�e),perfaining thereto, (v)all rents,issues,prolits and lncome the�e/rom(sutrlect �
<br /> to the right o!Trustor fo CoHect and apply such rents,issues,profita artd income as they become due and payebla so long es no ovent of ', '��
<br /> de/ault exJsts he�eunder),(vi)a//royalties,mine�aJ,oil and gas rights artd probts, water, water rights,and water stock,(vii)a/l tanemenls,
<br /> hereditamenfs,privi/eges and appurtenances belongin�,used or enlayed in connechon therewith, and(vrii)all proceeds of conversion,
<br /> valvniar.�or lnvofuntary,of any ol tho faegoing into eash or liqvidated c/aims(incJuding, viithout lim�tation,pioceeds ol insurance and
<br /> conCamnation awerds),all of wt�ich,s he�emafier coHechvely called me"7rust Pioporry".
<br /> 1. TitJe.Tiustot covenants. wanants and agrees vath B�r.eficrary,rts succossois end assigns,that Tiustcr owns the Trust P�operty Iree � •
<br /> frcm eny piior Iren oi eRCUmbrance, that thrs Deed of Tiust rs and will remain a valid and enlorceable/r�st lren on tha Tiust Properry, �
<br /> tt�at Tiustoi,at its expens�, wiJt presanie such!,�'e and arrt!marntern thrs Qsed o/Tiust as a first and paramount lien upon thc Trust
<br /> Property and wil!lorever wanant and de,'end the vai,yity and priaity of the lien hereof against the claims of a/l pe�sons and paRies �;•
<br /> uvhamsoeve� Tiusiar,at Its oxpenso, w::;cause this Deed ol T�ust,and each amendment or supplemertt heieto,to be(rled and '
<br /> reco�ded As a mongage of 1hu T�ust P�oper.y in such manner and in such piace and wip take such acdon as in the opinion of Tiusfee
<br /> ^����bo iequi�ed by any presen!or luture law in orCdr to poAect,maintain and protect the lien of this Deed ol Tiusl,as the same may
<br /> I�.�amended a supptemented hom time to time. �ru�tar wiJl mako such IuRhei assuiance or assu�ance9 to perlect its titlo fo the Trust
<br /> Propetty ds may be requi�ed by BsnoliCiary. Trustor heieby relinquishas aU right of dower end hontestead in and to the Tiust Property.
<br /> 2. Payment of lndabtadrtess. Trusto�shalJ puncluel/y pay tho prrncipal ol and interest on the/ndebfednoss secured hereby.
<br /> 3. Construction o!Improvements. Tiusta shall cvmptete in gat�d and wv�kmanlike manne�any buildings,�mp�oiements or repai�s rolabng
<br /> thereto which mAy be begun on tho Trust P�operry o�contemplafed by the loart evidenCed by the lVoto secured he�eby,to pay when
<br /> due aU casts and 6ab�frties lncuned therofore,and not to peimit any canstruction lien&galnst such Trus►Piopsrry.In the event
<br /> consiructron o!6uild�ngs,imp�ovements or repans are contemplated, T�ustar also agreas,anythinp in this Qeed ol Trust to Ihe cont�ary
<br /> norivithstanding;(a)to prompt/y co�rrmonco any such work and lo comptato tho proposed improvements promptly,(b)fo complQte tho
<br /> s�:ns in acCOrd�n�s svittt tha pfans an�t�pseiJ�cat+4n,�s approved X�y Ber�eGc;a,y,(c)tu cvmply witi►all titv lorms of a bu�lding loan
<br /> a,qreemont,il any,botwden Trusta and Benedc,ary,the terms of which are rncorporated horein by reference end made a part hereof,
<br /> (d)to allow Benofrc►ary to rnspect tho 7iusf Property at alt limes durinc�canstructron,and(e)to replaee any work or matv�rals
<br /> unsatisfactory to Benetic�ary�v�th�n hlteen(15)days atter written nohce Irom Benehciary of such lact.
<br /> 4. Furtds far Paymant o!Cha,ges.Sub�ect to appJicabls taw or to a written waive�by Benef�cia�y. Trustor shall pay tu FJa»ofrr,rary on tf�e
<br /> lirsf dey at Hach month,or such othe�dete each month es may be specilred by Benehciary,untd the Indebtednoss+s psid in lull,a sum
<br /> (herelnalter c�1!:d tho"funds")oqual t;7 12th oJ tha yeariy foxos and assessmenfs whlch may atta�n pr�or�_ry over rh.:s 4Qed oJ Trust � �T�
<br /> arrd gro��~��er„s on the 7r:�st Piopeny.�t any,plus' F2th ol the yearfy premlum rnstaliments lor hazard r-_•:ranco,p:JS t-t2th of tk�3 �
<br /> ,�:3�.y��e�:^:�rm mstaHme:�:s'C�mo�yay°,nsuranCe. :f any,aU as reasonab/y es!t.;aled/nitia/ly and lrom Lr^�r�t;rr,e b�Bvnelrc.�r,;c�z
<br /> �no Gas.s c�assessmer�s ar.��„'s ar.d�easonab/a esfrmafeS fherect The F�1nCS shal!be h��7 m an��s::'::�::,n. rhe d��,-_�.s��s or
<br /> BCCpur,�,�!�r;�rCh OrA msurod 4r gu�:c,r.ced by a l�deral or sta!o�,�ncy incluymg 8en�'�� :;/ Ber.S�`C..;;/Sh.�'I?.�,:�'y�:9�ures ':�
<br /> �'3�S81�!;.'�"w. "�.SSC�^.31SSL'1!(,^.,ttiafitv,�..`.�✓,-8!l71Ui775 oi?C�rGU!1Cf i"�r'`j alirrt/r�rii�y 5iidi/llDt✓'�'�.,�U/�6TQ t�.7:��/ Jfl/S.'r31 3.'f/111�9/DSi�' "7��
<br /> earnrngs on rno Funds.Barteficiary shd!!g;ve to T�us�,-• v,•.thout cnarge,ar�an^�al accaunbng of Iha Fu��:s show�ng croo�ts t+na � G
<br /> dQbits tD the Funds end Ihp purpose lor wh�ch each e�G�t ta the Funds wes r���e. The Funds ero plor.'_;a w�s ndditiona!secunry+-�• ����
<br /> 1 tno Mdebtedness securod by this Uaad o!trust I/G���amount o!the Funds he/d by Benefrc�ary,tagathcr�vtl,Iha lutur�monthty ��iC�
<br /> L instnllmonts at Funds payabia prioi to th�i dua datos ot taxos,assQSSrnenfs. msuranca p�ernrums and g�ounU►ents.shFill L'XL'Elbd►hFl �,
<br /> amuunf►t�q�rtod to p�y safd taxvs.�ssnssmurrts,msuraneo prorniums und ground ranls as f/rc+y 1<7N due,suc��excoss�h���l be. ��t t�-�
<br /> Tructur's opban,aill�u�prvmptly�opald to t►c�sto�o�crud�tad to Trusta�ug��nst;uturE�moathly�nstttlfinenls of Furtrls I!Ihe ttrnounl t�f ���
<br /> ftro FunUS hDlrf by Honn/rc�ttry si�all no!h��suHrcranf to pay f�ros,assessmen/s,ursuiarrce prr�m�u�ns arrd grorinri�c�nts c+s fhay t;rn di,�.
<br /> Trusto!s!7al!pay ta HOnc:i�Ci,�ry uny��mvur+i neeessary tn int►kv t�p thr�dafrC7oncy vr�lhm!�vrty derys l�om 1he d�'+te nnhct��s m1tdP�Uy � '��
<br /> !�£11�p1iur,�ry tf�1rU3tat�t�quo5fir+q�a�m�'nt tir�r�r�i Upon p�ymnnt rn fuiJ oi<�t!tntle7�htr�tf�r�'St. (.fP�if�frc�ary slrJll prorrT��flk relurt�f tv _.
<br /> rrusfu!(��iy FunUs hplcl t�y Rnnuf�a,�ry !I fhu liust I�iopeKy�s srrirf urirlt�r�h��l,n:ye�r u�s:rlc c,�'i,c• T�(t5t I�•!�J�PrtV�s othnnv,4c�v��u�rt�ci
<br /> �,�(jt�nplr�;�iily f39hU�iC4iry shalt:if,��ly, unrnedrtt!�11y f�rtot fu ti�ft s(tic��d fhr• tIU',1 F'rt�tt!•/i•r tn�t':.�[(Jf/�S1�J(7'i f;y(;e•rr�hrr,�ry �tn�I u�7�s
<br />_ tu_�rrl hy F3f�ru�tu,.,(�ry:it�f,F�l�rnU u1 ct/il,bc�+Gr,�r t,;a c a_rrht ar:/.`rm^!th�s 1nUo,�tnrf<<n..� tt j1Pn�,f,, �,.��y r•.��r i�f�s�r .r.d�E�n,:a��;:,td 1ru�R�•�,
<br />: '!'��IJURhrtS u!i7.fl'�irU:/!R•�7!j�i)�l!1 Q Try�'.lnf r�»r�rt7l�i;7+�tf Uy�hr,,,t�!/r�t� j,f:�,rre�rt:n,.7mr•(�1�;iu•ip(I(�r,.u1N�•�d ��u l,�a(•,, �r•,11'1.tirn�,•,�; �
<br /> • - .� -a-•s . .
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