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<br /> 90-� 10149�
<br /> A'o�•II�If ott4t CovE:�,n:�t5.$o�o��er and L.enaer farther cotenant and agree as follows:
<br /> ��. Acr�lFSSti��; �x�1i��, :�;,da;s�sl;:�g� un�e-�to Sareo�er prior to scceterativn follaweng BorroRer`s
<br /> breach of any cavenant or agrePment dn this Seeusaty Instrument Ei.iut noi psior to ucceleration under paragraphs 13 aad 17
<br /> aeless applicabie law provides aiher�vis�el.The rtot�ce 56�11 �pecify:(aT ehe defani� (b)the action required to care the
<br /> default;(c)m date,aot tess taan 30 dAys irom the dnte the natir�'�is gi�en to�nrEOrc�r�.by v�hirh tiie defaalt must be cured;
<br /> r aad(dD tfittt€ailnre to cure the defaalt i1n or hefore t�e date s�si8ed ir�the notic4 tn�y result in acceleration of the sums �
<br /> secared�y t�fs Security[QSirement artd�nle.of i�e Proper3y.�he notice shall PorsHer inform Borrower of the rig�t to
<br /> reinstate Qfter secelention and t�e�egt►c 4s�br'qg a court acttan to assert the noa-esistence of a defautt or any other
<br /> detense of 6orrewer to accelention and itle.IP tite default is not cured on or hefore the date specified in the notice,I.ender
<br /> at its optfon may eegnirs immediut�payment in futl of nll sums secured by this Security Insteument without further
<br /> demaad and may inYOke the pnaer of s�le a�sd aay other remeslies permitted by applica6le Iaw.Lender shall be entitied to
<br /> coltect all expenses incurred in pnr��np!6e remedies p��vi�e� tn thts paragraph 19, �ncluding; 6ut not limited to,
<br /> reasonubfezttorneys'fees�nd cosl9otti��.e�,tdence. �
<br /> If dse power of s�le is ineoked,.�'rusie�sball record a aotice of default in each county in w6ich any part of the
<br /> Pcoperty ts iac�ted end shail mai!eop�es of such notice in the manner preseribed by applicabte!aw to Horrower and to the
<br />_ atlter persans presc�ibe3 hy applicable taw.Aker the Hme required 6y applfcable law,Trustee sball give pu6lic Qutise of
<br /> sate to ttte persans and in the mnnner prescribed by appliceble taw.Tcnstee,c�ithoat demand on Borrower,s6ati se�l the
<br /> Property at publicauction to tho�higbest bidder at the tlme and place and uader the terms desi�uted in t6e notice of sale in
<br /> one or mare parcets and te an�{order Trusiee determines.Trustee may postgoae sale of a11 or any pareel nf the Properiy by
<br /> �uhlic announcement st the.ttrno.nnd place of any previously scheduted sale. Lender ar its des3gIIC-g aTay p*�rchase the
<br /> ; � I'reper�y at enJ s�te� �
<br /> TiJppn.rEce�pt flf A�yme�►t vf�the price bid,Tnistee s�� deliver to We purc��Tnu*.Qe���d sa�egiag the ��
<br /> �Gperty.'f���rECItDIa tn�the Trustee's deed s6aU be prima fasie evidertce of the truth of the s4at�ents made 4herein. �
<br /> Tc�;�e�s6a11�pp1!,s th���r�ceeds of the sale in the foltowing ord�r.(a)to sill expenses uf the sale,inctad�ing,but nat�imit¢d
<br /> � to,•Trw�tce's fer�a,s�S�iMed by applicable Iaw and reasonable attorraeys'fees;(b)to all sulns se¢ured by this Security
<br /> Instrument:and(c/any�xcess to the person or personsle�alEy entitled to it.
<br /> ZO.�t.ender in Possession. Upon acceleration under paragraph 19 or abandonment of the Property, Ler,der(in
<br /> petson, by agent or by judicially appointed receiver)shall be entitled ta enter upon, take possession of and manage the
<br /> Property and to c�llect the rents of the PropeRy ineluding those past dua. Any rents callected by Lender or the receiver
<br /> 4Y.�,1!be applied 6rst to payment of the costs of management of the Praperty and coltection of rents.ineluding,but not
<br /> Iimited to;receiver's fees,premiums on receiver's bonds and reasonable attorneys'fecr..snd then to the sums s.cured by
<br /> thi�S�r�r.t�dnstrument. •
<br /> �Y.L;eeonveyaaee.Upon pay crc�:t of all sums secured�q this Securit� lnstrurr_ent,Lender shall requcst Tnl�tse to
<br /> recnn�ey the Property and shall surrender this Security Instrument and af`.r�tes evi�encing debt secured by this�c-c�rity�
<br /> Instrumert to Trustee.Trustee shall reeanvey the Property wit��;s;wanar.cy and a;e;�c;ut charge ta the pers.�n ccre.sons
<br /> legally enutlr•.�to it.Such person or persons shall pay any recor�::s^costs. '
<br />, 22.S::bstitute Trustee.Lendet,at its option,may from ttme to time remove Trustee and appoint a successfr r.rustee
<br /> ta any Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which this Security Instrument is recoPded.
<br /> t'✓ithout eoreveyance of the Property,the successor trustee shall succeed to all the title,power and duties conPerred upon
<br /> Trustee herein and by applicable]aw.
<br /> 23.Request for Notfces.Ciarn3wer requests that copics of the notices of default and sale be Sent tu fi^rrower's �
<br /> a�dress which is the Property Addr��. , �
<br /> 24,Rtders to thf�S2eurity Y:-strument,If one or more riders are exe:�ied by�ccra.�er and n.,.orded tcr�::l:�°r with �.,-��
<br /> this Secunty instrument.c!;e coveriants and agreements of each such rider�:-3J t,e in�erFr..rated irt���^d st�ai�z-es�d and ';
<br /> supplement the covenants and agreements of this Security Iz�trumec:t e�. sf the n:�er'sf were a �art ef t`.�,s Securiry
<br /> Instrumen[.[Check applicable box(es)J '
<br /> A�u�tabte Rate Ridcr ��,
<br /> -- ❑ 7 - [] Condominc.::n Rider `j 2-�i Family �?ider _ �
<br /> Q Graduated Payment Rider [:, Ylannetl Unit Develapment Rider '��
<br /> �}Other(s) [speciPy]
<br /> $Y SIl;NihCi BEl.ow, Aorrower accepts and agrees to the terrzs and rotienants contained in t?:cs Security �
<br /> Instrument and in any rider(s)executcd by Horrower and recorded wiU�it
<br /> ................................................. ....... ................. ..,...... .. ...�/,:t!`1'.-lt'...'�: . ..�.!�.-l�%e�............ . .(Seal)
<br /> P4ona l. N�iller -Bo`•°"`ef
<br /> � 4%�%W�`u`�' (Seal)
<br /> ........................................................................................ �:........ ...... ...... .........................................,..,
<br /> -F lOy E. Mll�.BT —Borroucr
<br /> Sr,�ii�c�� N�i�F:ntih,�. Hall t�,umy�s:
<br /> On this 20th J<<y ��f t4arch . 19 90 , het�ac �nr. thc undcrsipn�d, a Nntary 1'uhli�
<br /> duty rvtnnti�sian�d and yualificd !'i�r.ai�i cc�unty,prnu�iall< <,n,►�• ttona L. �4i11eL'� and F1oyd E. f4iller, ��- °=-
<br /> each in her and his oam right. and as spouse of each othPr . �������tisu�«��r��h�• �hr �
<br /> idcnli�al pcc��qtl�) �►hc�.c ❑atncl�l �ue �nh�crihett t�� thc t<,rt•t�i��n�• m.trutnctn ;�iiJ acknE�«Iriltc�il Ilic c�rrutirm
<br />; thcreut tu(�c hBT :nluntur� ait .ind clrc�l.
<br /> 'J�'►rnc�ti my hancl and nutanal �cai at Grand Island, NebrBSk� �n�:ii�l��,untti. �hc
<br /> t=�fr ni�rtc��ttci. ��
<br /> `/`Ei� � � �
<br /> � L�Y ��!�I111I11ti4t(NI c�r�r�5:i `, � /J ��
<br /> �r���� �c�/�.�--L �'� !.. <� ��C- . . .. .
<br /> �A��� �' �.,•.�.. 1'.,;� �
<br /> �d■iaf�,Mw�.t� 1't ti1 t i,K ttf r ct�:�l '4 -1ti[ ! ��
<br /> ���
<br /> (a� (�:� �ii �
<br /> ��I!'Ulf.irhea'l�i��t �. t�i� ia.��l���� ��� SII!' Il��L• .�� !:u1C- .� tt::'E� � . ':n. �/�:�c� ,�I i �!r t �n,{ rn�7�' : •-t�t��., r�,��,�.�� r _ .
<br /> v.�fh���1;.ili. F �i�,�ci,crift�:•-, .�.�i�:�'h� tlir.(Y.�r�! ��1 �t��•'.��.�. 1- r �� , , ,
<br /> ��.��il��� tvi; ti r. •tht ,f�t . f ' . ii�.,� r.'
<br />- If�ili'i�J nnl! ,ii�el t�ll. �i._-i.l .i �'�1�1, �,{��t�'� �!'t• .��'!� . �'ti , .�I'• i: i ' � . n.. , , . . n . • ,. � �,
<br /> i�,,.ti t�- .! ��. .n�, u•iit� r v!ii It .:i ��t (. . . ��� �i�, � � i �:n ,�. � . , ,. � . , .
<br /> �"�'� �
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