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<br /> : RE RECaRD�D
<br /> � ��"'-101492 _ 89- i��.2.5.� -
<br /> • r n�ade ,hati bc.:ddcd tu the pnn.i�:�l .um ����m�r nn th� ahutir 12. The Borrouer i'u�ther agrees that should this instrument and
<br /> � nate..hal1 he,r�ured herrh>. :+nd thait hc.+r antrrc�t .�t thr rate�et the note secured hereby not be eligible for insurance under the Na-
<br /> forth in the Said nute. unui paid. [ionai Housing Act.��ithin eight months from[he date hereof
<br /> ��►rittcn statement o€any officer of the Department of Nousing
<br /> 7. That the 6oru�uer herchi� ass�gn., tr.tn,tcr.cuid �c�. u.�r to and Urban Development or authorized agent ei the Secretary of
<br /> thc Lender. �u br applieJ c�►��ar.i dfe�.►rmcrt ��f�hr ncxr;�nd aU Housing and Urban Decelo�ment dated subsCquent to the eight
<br /> sums secur�ed hcreb} in.ase of a dMault m �hc�cr�urn�auce uf months' zi.�ze from the date of'this instrument,declining to insure
<br /> any of the terms and cor.�litinn� af ttu.iaatrumem ur the tia�d said nate a4�-kis mortgage, being deemed conclusi�•e proof of
<br /> note,all the rents, recenueti anc! in;ome eo hr�ierned �remi the +u,h ineli�5�,:.�_?-Y,Lhe Lender or holder of the nore ma}•, at ?ts og-
<br /> said premises durine tiuch[im:ati�he inQchtednr.� tihal. remain tion,deciare�:ur:s sac::re�hereby immediately due and p2sab:�_
<br /> unpaid, and thc Lender shalk ha�c pcu+cr cu sp�ui[ en}• egenc or tiotwithstanding:�ie�aerz��iag,r�.is a�:i��may not be exe;cisa.' . .
<br /> agenu it may detiire for the purpotir oi rcpa�ring +�uJ prcmitic, :md Ny the Lender or the hol��r c:i-�.^.�tz ti�'`�en the ineligibiLn� s�r
<br /> of rentine the same 2nd coltecting�he rentti, rr�cnuc�anJ incomc, insurance under the Natio:�a:, I:`ens:::� Att is due to che Ler�°i s
<br /> and it may pay�out of said inr�mes all rrpenties o1 rcpairiuk said faiture to remit [he mortga7e irs::rance premium to�e��aa�-
<br /> premises and necessary commissinns ancl crpcnses mr<�rrrd ��i �rn�- �rient of Housing and Urb�B:tieopment.
<br /> ing and managing the same and of collc�ning rental, therr►rout.
<br /> the 6alan:e remain�ng, if any, to be app;ic�!tuti�ard tlir d�.ch.a�e 1?. �'hat if the Borrotce.2ait� ca make any payzrtenu of inene�F.
<br /> of said indebtednr.�ti. ��hen thc same becQ�n�due. or fai:s ro conform to and comgly
<br /> «itt►an� of the eona�ions or asreemeats contained in this instcu-
<br /> R. That the Barra«er �tiill {,eep the impro�riucnt. nou r�i�cu�� nunc,ur thr note�tihi:�it secures.chen the emue princigaJ s•zm
<br /> or hereaftrr erected an en� praper[p, in,urcd as ru.sy hr �ryuiFC�l and a�c��ued interest s:�al�a[ on:e bec�:ne due and payab:�_a� the
<br /> f'rom time to time b�� [he Lender aeamti[ totiti by hr�ar�J utLer rlecnon c�f the Lende:.
<br /> hazards, ca,ualties and rnnnngrn�ir, in�uch aniount+nnd f�u ,u.h
<br /> periads as may he reyuired by ttic t.ender and«ill pay �+rum�dy. I.cndrr sha�! giti�e ncnne to Borro�ti�er�rior to ac�eleration
<br /> ��•hen due.am•premiumti cm.ueh incuran�r pr���iv��n���r pa}ment IUII�I5�II1L B�rre���er's b:eacfi of any� cotienant or agreement in this
<br /> of which hati not becn madr hereinbcfurc. :�II mtiurance +h.�(I hc m�ei umctti Ibut not prio-*_a acceleration under paragraph 12
<br /> carrieJ in companieti appro�ed hy thr I.cn�ter �nd thc p��licic� c�nd unlc+.arpl��abte la�s pro4�ues othen�ise). The siotice shall specif�:
<br /> reneual4 thereof shall be held b•, the Lrnder anJ ha+r att.rched 1.�1 �lir dcfau(t: (bl the ac�z.:r�Fequired to cure the default: (c) a
<br /> thereto loss papable clause+ in fa���r ot and in tvrm a�ceptahl��u d�cc, u.�t Icti, than 3f1 daS:s-om the date the notice is givrn to
<br /> the Len:fer. !n r�•em of los, Borr�x�er ��i8 g��e immediate nini�e linrrm�rr, hti ��hich the default must be cured; and (d)that failure
<br /> by mail to the Lender. «ho may make prout at lur+ rf noc ma�l� �n�urr chr detaut�on or b2fore the date specified in the notice •
<br /> promptly b�• Borro��er. and each mturance�ompany :un�erneci n m,i� re+ult w a���teratiort of the sums secured by�this instrumenc '
<br /> hereby autharircJ and dire�ted to make paymcnt f<�r tiuch I��„ ;uid .alc u►thc Propcny. The notice shall further inforrn Sorrower
<br /> directl�� ro the Lend:r imtrnJ ul tu the Burru��er and th� I ende� ��t thc ciF•ht t<� rcin.tate after acceleration and th:right to bring a �
<br /> jointly, an3 the in�uranre procrcd., ur any pan thereot, m:q hr <<}u:� a:ui�n tn ati�crt the non-e<istence of a default or any other �
<br /> applied by� �hr Lender at itti option rither c�� �hr rcJu�uu�� .�l �lic �Ictcmr ��t H��n�n�cr ea acceleratian and sale. !f ehe default is not .
<br /> indeb[ednc,s hereby securcd ur �o ihr rc+corahun ur rc�•a�r �+► chr �u�rJ ui� un c�lorc the da�e sperifie� in the notice. Lender at its
<br /> \ propeny damagcd. tn eccnt uf fureduuur i�l Ifuti ultitruntcnt nr �q,c���n ui,iy rcyuirc imm_diate pa}�::nt in full ot all sums secured
<br /> other trancfcr of title to the martgaged pr����rn� iiti r�t�n�ui�h�nrn� I�� ihn �n,trumcn� �.ithout further�emand and may invoke the
<br /> of the indc6tcdness sccured hcicby, all right, u�l�and incrrc.c ut pc���cr�+t ,ale and any othcr rcmc�ies permitted by applicable latic. .
<br /> the Borrou•er in and to any� in�uranre puhcie+ �hen ui f�u�r.I�.�II I e���lrr .h:�tl be enneled co coltect all expenses ineurred in pursuing
<br /> pass to thr rur�haticr �r grantcc. thr iemcdic. �uu�idcd in thi;para�raph 13, including, 6ut not _
<br /> Inu►red tc�, rcasonahlc attontey� t'ces �►nd rosts of title evidence. �
<br /> 9. That as additional and r�llatcr.�l tic�unty lur Ihr �,a��urut u► �.� ;a-,i
<br /> thc notc dcsrnhcd,and all�umti t��hc��,in���lur un�l�r thi,iu�,Uu ft ili�• E+�,nc� �d n�l� i. in�ol:e:... 3rwtcc Shall rccord a natic'c of
<br /> ment,the Hntruwcn c�rchy astiigns tu thr Lrr�let ell prut�t,, �Irt..�ult iu r,�.h .uunty in a•hi�h a�y part oi'the Property is I�:ated
<br /> revenues, royalt�es, nghts and henctn�accruing in thc N�+tru+,rr un�l +h,�lf m:ul �opic� �t ruch noticc in thc manner pres:ribed by�
<br /> under any and all oil and gati Ica+e+un�.►id prrmireti, ��ith ihc ap��hr:+Mu I.��v iu[3orrenccr and to the ottter persons precrib:d, by
<br /> right to receice and rrceipt Ic,r �he tiame and appl�• tlicn► a�..�ul .���{�h..ihle I.��� :ltter tlie time required b}•app'.i�able la�v. Trustee .�r.
<br /> indeb�edneti�a. �ce11 before .+ti after dcfaul► in iLe���ndu��m. ut �li,�ll��i«•��uhl�. n��trcr��I �ale u�the persaas and in che manner '
<br /> this in��rumeni. and the 1 ci�der ivay dem:md. �uc Ior and re<<��r� �ac��nh«I I,� ,q,��li�:�ble Ita�. Irutitee. «ithou� demand on Bor- .
<br /> any such payment5«hen duc aud p��yahfc. I�ut .hatl m�t h� rr iut.r�, •.Ir�ll ,rl!ihe Pn�perty at puhke auctic�n t�the hiei:.? hi�- ' '
<br /> yuirtd so to do. lhi� attiignmcn! i� tc�t�rouuatc;m�l hccumr null �Ic� ,�i thc t�r�c .�ud pl.��r and undcr thc tcrm.s dcsignated in the
<br /> aud vuid upan rclea�e af thiti instrument, n��u�c ��1 �.ilr �n vn< <�r in��rc����rcel� and 'In an5 osder Truster ;:...r,:
<br /> �lc�a•tinntr• I�u�tr� nc��. {�uy:puitc�ale af all t�r any parccl of thc � -
<br /> 10. That thc Borrawcr �ti•iU krcp �h: huildmg, u�+c,u�aiJ ��rruu,c. fh„pcii� by ��ub6. aun�unirrntcnt :u �h;time an:! placc of any'
<br /> in goud repair. and neithcr eommi: nar permir ��i,tc u�n�r� �:ud �n�•tin�u,h �.hr�lulc�l .,�Ir 1 rn�lcr �,r it�cic�ienec may p�uchatie thc
<br /> land,ntrr suffcr thc�aid prrn►itic� tu bc u�cd fc�r auy un!a��lut !'r�,pcit� ,it ;ui� �,�Ir
<br /> purposc.
<br /> t'p�ni tr,r�s�� ui ��e�m�vd �4 thc pri�r bid.'1'tu�i�r sltall dCfi�'c'
<br /> !J. That if thc preniiscs. or any parl thctcut. hc cou�lcninrd t�� rhr ��nr.h.nri iru��cr'� itccd :��nccy�ing thc F'r•�,��er��. Th= .
<br /> ur.der th:power oP eminent dc�main.ur ucyuircd fur ci {,ublv: ���r, ir�it,�l. n� thr liu.�rr'�dre�i,h.�U hr prima facie:�•;ci:nee o1 !tic
<br /> the da.^.:ages awarded, the prareedti �(�t l�Il' lilkltl!! (��.ftf 1�11' iNll 11i�lli��I Ih� �.S.�l�•InctiS', It14��1'I�ICtc'111. rfUtill'L'��I:t., a,*.;.'.� the pra-
<br /> sidc�ati.R fGI SUl'FI 8Cy111tiIlIOI�, tu thc cttrnt ��f �I�e IuQ atnvutrt �d .cr.l.��t �lic �nlr u� thc tull����iiig��r�lcr. �a)to all ct.?�:r.�cc oS th°
<br />. 112U:trf:�ness upon this imtrumcnt illl(�111C IlU1t '.��II��I 1� 1�f 14CI1 f�+ �.,IIC. Itl4(Il��lln•. �41! InH Illtl�t('1j T�l, i�[USICC�t �Cl'�i1ti oV^rC1'1..Ci �+}'
<br /> .c�ure remainiri� unpaiJ,are hereby a�cigneQ b�thc 1le�rro��cr tu ,q�j�licahtr I,n� .inJ �c.����ti,�ldr,��tuiu�5�' frcti; �N)tv :::'.tii;::.
<br /> thc l.ende►. ttitd �h,�ll be paid furth«ith t�•���id I cu�ler tu bc ap �c�utr-.) hy !I�« tic��nrt� Itnuuu��•ut: dnd(rl�n} e��ess;.: tttC per-
<br /> p)ied by the latter on account uF�he rieat m:�iuriuf; imtulhne�th�,f .��u nr �r�,•r��m+ IrE�.rll� ri���ilrJ i��ir ,
<br /> �ttch indehtedness.
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