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<br /> � by such owners, certi�ted as to a�curacy of survey by a registersd land surveyar, and to
<br /> contain a dedication of easements to the use and benefit af public service uti[ities forever,
<br /> and of the streets to the use of the public forever. In cansideration of the acceptance of the
<br /> plat of FISHER SUBDMSION,the Subdividers hereby consent and agree wit�i the Ciey of
<br /> Grand Island, Nebraska, that they will install. or provide at their expense the folla�vin�
<br /> imprwem�IIts:
<br /> i_ ��v� . The Subdividers �vaive the right to object to an� pavin� districts of ,
<br /> Schimmer Drive w�re it abuts the su6�i�risian and agree to pay for such speciul benefits as
<br /> accrues to the su(ffc�i+,�ision whea due �� �irectsd t�y the city council in.#�t� saii�:e manner as
<br /> if the costs were ass�ssed �s a paving district within the cnrporate limits of the City.
<br /> 2. Wat�r aad Sa;�itary Sewer. Publir.�v,�ter service and sanitary sewer service are . ,
<br /> not ava�a.i��te �o t�e subdivis:�ri; therefore, th� Ciry authorizes the c�nstruction of privats�
<br /> wells an��:�t;.c r.���cs for each structur�: (CCated wit�in said sul�division. Th� �ubdividers � �
<br /> agree not to pr�te��the creation af an}�water district�c�r sanit�r}r sen�Fr districts within said � =
<br /> subdivision, and further a�ree to connect an>> and all structur�s tn any water main and � _=
<br /> � ": .�
<br /> sanita�� �wer main abutting the lot upon which said structur�s are located within two `
<br /> car�strr.tct*on seasons after completic�n af said m�ins. If and when water and sewer services
<br /> are cor��ructed and made available ta the subdivision, the Subdividers, ar subsequent lot � �, .
<br /> �l
<br /> owners �i.tall pay for such sp�c�al benefits as accr�e to the subdivisinn in the same manner � =•
<br /> �
<br /> as if said water and sewer fines were constructed and the costs were �ssessed ��s a wat�r
<br /> main district and/or sanitary sewer disti ict within the carparate limits nf the City.
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