.-� ;:- . .:, �.�:a� .. 'A; a
<br /> ft, t^''� ...7•. d.i�::..i.i;4i;d�:. ..�,p:.�i:.=y}:+.i: � ?�'S - � -^;..'��_ ,. 'i� - %Si e r:7M.�:.�•�r :v.�r a\..-.
<br /> -- '?• `R.'ce,�:i�..�c. .� �.� ^u - :i,^-ae 4-;`0, •�":�l�"- :fir''< Ze.. r• .f. '`i:.� Y;ti �v.._�_3`3�' .
<br /> �:k:��i���f+�.�.�'xi��i�'�911�8}-°�.�:' .�•�°�;1-�� � .,q.,.''•'.(�. c r:�•�'�.�,��d,,�v.:i<i._�'4,� �k'. r_riz' [�c'�.�;''�i'��::` . ..t�"';.�vi�.rys..,r:`�°��� '�r: "'�„1��.����$t#�i,R`al�t�'x;='='-
<br /> -� _-= �°— �,:.��7i�t����'S'�'��sa `���� F s ,` •,�4- .t:i�asl's:4y�s� __ ,�� � , H. , Y'` ��� _---
<br /> - --- -— - - �s- �^-� sb,s.a � .)g: g - — f -� .L`�t, i ��-w�-� _ --
<br /> - — _�.�_� ..an�s,t��c w�'o� �.��..'� .uv(1i"�,-�-------�.....___�_.
<br /> � � _ . . � ._.__ �
<br /> t -
<br /> � - � 90-= 1�144(1
<br /> ; .
<br /> � ' � �;� �
<br /> Fartn Credit Bank of �La. foxa�erly The Federal d.,and Bank af Omaha, a corporatiai
<br /> arganized anc3 existing under the laws of the f3ni.ted States, GR�i�YI�R, in
<br /> � � adnsideration o€ ,
<br /> Thi=ty-nine Thotxsand Fi� Hundre�3 Dvllars arsd Lvl�Jtents (39,500.00) , .
<br /> Leslie L. Kenry and Ita�ren IC. Earl, Joint Tenar►�s with Rights of Survio�rship.
<br /> aoarvey$ to GRA.YlLE, the follawing described real estate sn Ha11 Camty, Nebraska, �
<br /> (as defined in Neb. Rev. Stat. 76-ZO1):
<br /> A tract of land in the Southeast quarter of the Northeast '
<br /> 4uarter ISE 1�4 L� 1/43, t�re aa*-t-;c�arly descrihed as
<br /> t2uarter (I�tl/4j�, said the �ast Ifne af said Nart�ceastL . .
<br /> point b�:�� 278.5 fe�t No�:h.of .��
<br /> Sattheast Carnex of safd A,vrt�e�..� Quarter (I� 1/4), thence.
<br /> Northerly alasig Yhe East line of said Northeast Quarter (L�
<br /> 1/4) a distance of 391.85 feet, t�ence defZecting left 900 00' � .
<br /> and rutu�ing Weaterly a distance o���91.0 feet, thence
<br /> deflecting left 9d° 00' an�d nuini.ng Southerly a distance o€
<br /> 391.85 feet, thence deflecting left 90° 00' and running � � �.
<br /> Easterly a distance of 191.0 feet to the place of beginning in
<br /> Seetian Ten (10), Townshi.p Nine (9) North, 'Range Tr-�. (10),
<br /> ��test of the 6th P.M., Hall Caanty, Nebraska.
<br /> ExemFrt frcm Tzansfer Tax, Nei��ka Code, Section 76-902 (2) � .
<br /> . , . .��r
<br /> ' GRA.�e'�R oovenants (jointly and severallc, if mc�re than ane� with G�P,Ni� tl�at . .
<br /> GRAN'.IjDR: i. . .
<br /> (1) is lawfull� s��ed of such real e��t_e arid that it is free fran I . ^
<br /> enc�mibz�r��es e.�u�t subject to existing eas�ents, rights of way,
<br /> restri.ctsons anc. =e3ervations of re�rd; reservati.ons in United =
<br /> , States and S�tE �atents; and the rights of the pu�lic in all , .�f�
<br /> highways; "
<br />� '.�
<br /> ��,
<br /> ; (2) has leqal power a.�d lawfuT authority to can�rc-� i-I�r �ame;
<br /> � �
<br /> (3) warrants and wil.L 8efend title ta �he real e��tate ugainst the
<br /> �awful clafm� af all persons clai�zng the same ar any part trhereof '
<br />� throu�h.b ]a� ar under Grantor; and
<br /> '�+
<br /> (4) has oompZied w�t}i the applicable provi.sions of the Agricultural
<br /> Credit Act A£ 1�C�. ','�'
<br /> �C. , r i�'�''�i�;�;/',Gf� Q'/J` , 199fI. ...
<br /> ' �e'cb���a�uyo(�a�o.1%p� ��s� . .
<br /> � �) 4� t�f O�� ����p0 �
<br /> . - 4. o' CA '�tF°o✓,"• �'Ait1.'9 �:REDIT BF1P]IC OF QE1P.E�A, forntierly
<br /> � `�,/G �j �O�s
<br /> o �
<br /> The Federal r.,�nd Ban1c of O�ia
<br /> . . .. '', ���� P�s . , . .. .
<br /> � ' ° By Federal �.�r3 Bank Assqciati�ri af
<br /> ��v
<br /> � ' _ 'Y� a 4'� the Mic3lands '
<br /> � '� °= Its Agent and Attorn -Pact
<br /> - r, .. ,, �" � 7
<br /> �At�sst:� gS,_ �% �,��
<br /> � _ xY .A.
<br /> / ' ed ProPertY
<br /> SI'ATE OF NEBRA.SEiA ) :-__ —
<br /> �6s�•
<br /> aa�rrrY oF ar��v ) .
<br /> (h� this °�f''� day csf _ ,�„r y� . 1990. Y�fore ine, a Not�try Publir iti artd '
<br /> fbr sai@ County, �essortally appe�red �RUGOP.Y A. IE;AQi, to me p�rsonally knoam to be
<br /> � tt�e ic3entirat person whr� executec3 the fnr��oinq instrexrt�nt, cuho heing t+y me duly
<br /> s�aarrt dic� say that t�e is Assistant ViCe Presidexit/Acyuirpci Property, af the
<br /> abov� n�ur��c3 F�r3er�71 is-�r:�3 RFll'lk ASE'.t�CY.�tiort: tihat s��id instrurr�nt was �icp�Ed anci ti
<br /> ee=�led hy him �� �!�ent �s►d attnrr:e -in-ract on t�ialf c�f ��nc.3 �� a vo2un�ar act �ua1
<br /> Y Y �y;�
<br /> c�ce�3 t?f patm C're�3y t B'ut1: df Ch��h<<, fc+:�r�rly 't'he Fecier.aI f K'7F1� F?llliC c�f C�rzt�lia, �i ' �
<br /> c�r�x�r�f.irn� �r�ar�.ir.e►.i r►nc� F_xi�tir�q UZIC�CY' t�fe law� �f tt:e t;�,1tc�� �:tatc�;. �- ��
<br /> • . . . �:d�.;,'A�Y;�c!ydrl;�;; - c �� 1� "�. r,.�.ct Cc: �
<br /> l�N�hialt 8.f{Alt1YWJEp :•� ,•� � • � �•: �•
<br /> ...��M�hlla L��re!f.fM� �--
<br />,:.
<br />