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<br /> Zthis Li�cense A4zeement is made by and between the CITY OF
<br /> GgAND ISLAND, NE�RRSK�► a Municipal Corporation, herein referred t�a
<br /> as the "City" an� N.- �E�JNIS NOFI2IS, hereinafter referred td as the
<br /> "�,icensee". �
<br /> 1. ST.A'T�t�J$NT �F PURI'OSE. The purpose of this license
<br /> agreement is tc set forth the terms and conditions under which the
<br /> License� m3y can�truct, maintain, repair, and utili2e the following
<br /> descrihed i�mprovement which wiZl infringe upon real: estate owned or
<br /> contrc�.Zed by the City: '
<br /> A vinyl and aluminum awning l�cated at 17.5 East
<br /> South Front Street, Grand Island, Hall Ceunty. Nebraska,
<br /> extend3ng three (3) feet over the publia right-of-way.
<br /> 2. DE3CRSPTI6N OF LICENSEE'S REAL ESTATE. The Licensee owns '
<br /> or controls th� following described real estate adjacent to th�
<br /> City's real estate to which this license agreement shall apply: ,
<br /> Lot 2, Block 54, Original Ta�rn, Grand Island, Hall
<br /> County, Nebraska. �
<br /> 3. LICENSEE'S DUTIES AND RIS�• It is underst�od and agreed ' .
<br /> that the Licensee �nay construct, �aintain, repair and utilize th� � ,..
<br /> above described improvement at the Licensee's sole risk. The ���r�:- `
<br /> Licensee hereby waives any claim for damages against the City, its �' .�
<br /> officers, employees, agents and independent contraetors for any _
<br /> damage or injury that may result to said improvement. If the City, .
<br /> in its sole discret�on, determines that any part or all of the �; �
<br /> improvement �r�s+� he removed or is damaged by the City, its �
<br /> employees, agents� or independent contractors working for the City
<br /> during the coursa of their employment or duties with the City, the
<br /> Licensee agrees to assume and pay all costs relating to the
<br /> replacement ar repair of the improvement.
<br /> 4. E�'FECTIVE DATE. This license agreement shall take effect
<br /> ��,_.
<br /> on the date it is executed by the Mayor of the Cit� of Grand Island . ;�
<br /> as dated below. It shall continue for an inde�inite texm until �.
<br /> such time as it is terminated as p�ovided hereafter.
<br /> 5. TERMINATION. This licen�� agreement sha11 terminate upon
<br /> one or more of the following occur:�ences:
<br /> a. The service of sixty days writ�en notice af
<br /> � intention to terminate by any party upcn the othsr party.
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