,N; r . .. ,51�?7w°' ::.r'>f c`� �:;iat`i_;�r'. `s� ` �:aa_.ii.A�.. ':2_ rak.�� J�' ,5'i:.co:.^' r';.
<br /> �.i ti; -:.t ati ,f ar�,�..., i% 6 S.Y '� �L�. `' '�'�t�'�rt�l2�r-^�.�:i`s1;�r t .�, � c.;.-
<br /> ,i o � ,ti 3as:� '� *-,i:::�'.i e�r: "�Itti� �. •:'E •;�:'�<t��cf��S':+�x.'�'���"r�ec.�.�. —
<br /> 'rt$�u4'�i��]��� rk�L_'i,(f�i�:�- -'c��?•� .ia� �I� ��i1.C�:=--�__-: — —
<br /> �,_._. .��� � �.
<br /> t
<br /> � C��t7T�UATIO�! AN!? 90�1014�7 '� --
<br /> RF�+IFT�i. AI�_F.}�VSIQ�] C1F F�1AiWCII�FG STA�'P
<br /> � IQ�l04+T AI�L !�'�Id BY �5E PRE5�f15: `
<br /> That I�we Oelmar L. Garre�ts and �dona A. Garrelts. husband and wife of
<br /> Kuester Lake. R.F.O. #3. Hall Countv, Nebraska , DIDZ�OR(S), and The Equitable
<br /> Buildfng and ?�oan Assxiation o€ Grand Islanc3, NebYaska, S�O[JRF� P14R�'Y, do by
<br /> these presents agree as fol lows: - �
<br /> l. �e Ffnancing Statgrn.nt given by the Debtor f s) tc� the Secut�ed
<br /> Party undex date of Marci� 13 , 19 85 , which an
<br /> the date of March 18 , 19 85 , �ras filed in fhs � �r•,:'�
<br /> . officQ of the Caunty Clerk of Hall Cauity, Nebraska, bear�ng re- , �
<br /> . wrding No. 8-6430 , and � the date of March 18 _
<br /> ,
<br /> 19 85 , was recorded in the office of the Register of Deedg af
<br /> � - Hall Oounty, Alebraska, bearfng Docimr�nt i�o. 85-QOI268 , , � . .
<br /> i3 h�ernby renew�d and extended from thi_s date. .
<br /> � . � 2. S'�ch Financinq Stat�nent secures a bond gi��en the Secured Party .
<br /> � dat�ed March 13 , 19 85 , in the origi.naZ amount of . � " �
<br /> � �, 40.000.00 , and the property given as security is a dwelling . . _ �
<br /> i�.4ilding, toqether with all welis, aut buildings, attachit�ents, a� '
<br /> c-:fiixed equiFnent, located on �
<br /> Lot Seventeen (17)� having a lake front footage of Qne Hundred �
<br /> Ten Feet (110')� situated on the West side of the East portion
<br /> of Kuester teke� and being oR a part of the E�SW� in Section �`�
<br /> Thirteen (13)� Township Eleven (11) North, Ran�� Nine (9j, �� �
<br /> West of the 6th P.M. , in Hell County� N�braska.
<br /> ;;
<br /> � .
<br /> L��
<br /> L1ATID this � day of _l►),��r F� , ig 9u � ;_
<br /> Z� D,'X�1?�BLE Il�IG AND IAAN ' .
<br /> I
<br /> .
<br /> . .�r�ssoc�.�oN aF , ���%�i�tl�L�:l ,.fl��u'� . . :
<br /> ,
<br /> elmar L. Garrests
<br /> ,
<br /> � L���CC.�� .���. .� ,/�;- .
<br /> . lson, President/CEO � D,�c�TpR(g)
<br /> � t4 n
<br /> o a A. G8x`TelY.ci
<br />: C� N�RASKA )
<br /> : ss.
<br /> � �i'Y OF HRTZ ) �
<br /> . On tihfs � day of ��'�ff�l,/ , 19 �o , before me, the undersic,pied, �
<br /> a Notazy Public wirhin and�or safd eounty, personaily carne Delmar L. Garrelts
<br /> end Mona A. Garrelts, h�sband and wife, �
<br /> Debtor(s), wlyo ere� knc�um to me and kncxan to rt►e to be the identicai persnn(s)
<br /> wtx7se r�tne(s) are affixed ta th� faregaingt anr� they 7ck.n�xa�e�ne� the exe�� �
<br /> � tton therevf t,o be th, eir voluntary �ct anc9 deed. �4
<br /> Wihiess my hand and nvtarial sc�al thn d�te las�t abave written. �
<br /> � �.�
<br /> �.,.
<br /> � , ,� �
<br />" f''-� ' <,+ /�� �"�
<br /> '"�-;.J �b , � ! < .z ! IL'Otc3Z]I Pt1I)I�.0 -r
<br /> - a" �,
<br /> � �. -
<br /> ESy CaRTrtlESiOrt ex�+9L'�s_ �! .=,'t - r�i , /�� yryy��yp��
<br /> - __ �'^--^`T,«+��-..n�.�✓.ww� ���iI�M►�I�MZ���JIG]L
<br /> NANLY L.G15i'ER
<br /> a_ Wl►f�.E�lWv.l�1991 �
<br /> -----_- � �,�.,,-�_ — _ _ ._ . .
<br /> -w,�,._: :.,�..,.�, ._ _ .��•n:���.m_..-_
<br /> _.-_ . --�- ,.,., _ . .. � �. . _.. ., ,'�°�" ... ,.. . . -. -:.
<br />