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<br /> � """ ' �
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<br /> - � 9�--�01416 � .
<br /> I�IAN-UNffOItM CUI7ENAI�3'i'S.Borrow�er and I.e�du F�N�et mvenant and agrtc as f"olluws: r :..
<br /> f'�.�arariudm�e�c.'s��:t:�aqu�res ui�r gaynitn[ist ius uni�:para�4. !.�ler ss�;irvs�stm�M of<..�2e _ .
<br /> and.anyr othcr�esnedies per�ittad bY aPPliCable Iaw. Lender shall be entiUod te colLect all expet�ses incurced in�+usuing the remedies
<br /> provide�in tIasparagnpii 1T.iaciudiag.but not l�ited co,�rason�Qla anwraeys' fas and casss of attc cvidencc.
<br /> Itt�e pQwer d.saie is i�ncd�ed,Trastte sbail aec�a'd a aotiae ad ddsult in eac�h oa�ty In whish aay Qart of flse PeopertY ts located -
<br /> s�nd iaU aa�it c�rpies of svch�in tbe moanet pre�e�d by spp[icabk h�v to�iorrower aod to the ath�pesong pcessribed
<br /> � by�ppiic�it��+r.A�ttie time�equtred by�ppdabie la�v,T�stee s��v+e P�btic mtjcr at s�ie to ths persa►s nad in We
<br /> �pK+�*�d b9�ppiicabie la�r.Tro�ee.wk�ut de�d cn Barmwsr.sm9�dl tbe�opa ty�t pubtic a�ectloo to Yhe bi�t
<br /> 63�13a'at tbe t�e�d pitx wd�e[d�r t�e t�de�ed ta tbe ootitx at a�le ia�t Qr mote p�'�cels aad[e�ny artks Tne�de
<br /> 3eta�mLoes.l�tee rns�Pastpooe saie ot�ar aay p�scd d t�Pf�opertY by�1ic�o�oe��t the time 9nd piac�d tmp
<br /> P�'�'�Y��s�ie.I.end�or its der�poec may pm�se tbe PtopMy at any�te.
<br /> UPoR eeoeipt d paymat d tbe prioe bsd,Tt�utee s�Y dc�va to the pcu+chas�T�1ee's dad aouvsyeng tJ�e H�pertY.Tbe
<br /> �u
<br /> recihis det�t limtee's deed s�6e prim�hcie evIdmoe af tr�oth o(the stit�s rnde tLereJn.Trnsta sh�appt,►tLe prood�s
<br /> d Uic s�it fmi tlrt ido�io�ader:ta)to a0 eapea�es a[tbe ssie.iodu�qS,6ut aot Wadte�tn.Trasiee's[ees as permkted by s�
<br /> pYrable Vw aod rwo�ble�tio�ney�'fas;(b)to�U sa�os sec�+cd by t5is Sec�rKy I�:xwl{c}a,ny escess to tbe pn�on
<br /> qr pasa�s IepYp aotkied to il.
<br /> �.'g�y�•UPo�Pey�erII af aU suras secusor!try.�rs Secu.•itv Instrument,l.cadet shall roquest Tnrsite tn ccconvty tt�e Property
<br /> ras
<br /> . �shaiI�der this Securiry Instrumeru a�3 all naes es=:�.::szg�►ebt secured by this Security Instn�m to�'nrstee.Tivstce shall
<br /> , r�avey the F�cy without wananty aa�Ri}!sau charge to�e persoa crc peisoas tegal3y endtlad w it Such petsoa ot petsons shall
<br /> , pay atry toocr�Zr�casts. �
<br /> ` 19.�e'�rustee.Lend�r.at iu optioo,may ftvm tiuee to time temave Trustee and aQgaiz�--�successor uustee to any T�tstee
<br /> ap iafled herct:�:er by an in5m..^sxnc cecarded in the wun_�}r in�vhich this Securiry�ns�ment is ree�rdtd.Withau cunveyance of tttie.
<br /> Pt petty,the sua,�essot uvstee shall succeed to all the tidt,power and duties oanfer�u�an'�'r�her�ein and by applicablt law.
<br /> ' ?A.Rupest fc�Notkcs.Borrowu rrq�ts that oopies of the notices of defauIt md��e:�t*.v Eorrower's address which is the
<br /> PropertY Ad;tt�s•
<br /> B�airower agt�ees d�at sh�xdd this Security/nstrumtnt and tlse note secured thereby not he ei��"�i�f�r ias�...��anoe under the Natianxl Ha�ing
<br />. Asx:�::.3�in 8 n�ont hs fmm the date herevf.L�der may,a�its c�p6�m a��w=''���g anylhing in�arsgraph 9,raluue —
<br /> � ar�arc paymeut in full of all sums secured by this S�s:q Cnstrument.A wriiten st��tt of auy a�thorized agc�t of the Socretary .
<br /> . dat�3'ss�...�'-s��s to A fIi0I1�hS from the date t�f.declinps tn incure this Secarity instrument a�the aote senuad '
<br />" �.�I�c+.�med caictusive p�oof af such ineligibiliry.Nahwitf�tan�n�.ttae fangoing.this optice may not be exerrised try t� .
<br /> Kt�'j+^x �ut�-:lability of insurance is solety due to l.ender's failu�ta rem►t a maegage insurance piemium to the Secretary.
<br /> ,
<br /> Kidtrs 10 this 5ecudty Instrnmsnt.If one�r more,ti�efs at�e e:ecuted by Borrower and reeo:�ed togethcr w ich this 5ecurity ,
<br /> [ancusene, the eovenants af each such rider shal�he.inc�rporated into and shall amend and supplement ih�e covenantc and ' ,_
<br /> � ag:eemtnte af this Seearitp Instrument•ns if th4.side�(s)were in a parr af this Security Instrument. (('heck applicable bo+cles►�. ,
<br /> •��y.
<br /> L� Curu1�>m�n:vm R�der �_ � Ad�utilabte Rate Rider �- _ 1 Gr��wing tiyuity Rider ,
<br /> :�
<br /> LJ Pianrpd Uni;.E)eveiupment RiJer � � (iraJuated Payment Rider ._ _� Ofict � '��
<br /> ; •,,.
<br /> BY S1aN1NG BELOW,Borrawer acce�t�aod agree.ta thc terms contairted in this 5rrurit} 6rz•-:rument and in any rider(s) ,i-
<br /> ¢keeuted by Barrower and recorded with it. -�
<br /> W' s: %r �
<br /> . � ,.•J � " f .�
<br /> �
<br /> / ,� ' �.
<br /> � «'" —`���--•- �- - �•''�.e' �� f...1�1��,,.�— I Scal) "'�
<br /> ��RS��i FREECEN� u ;. a�. ;>..F�.
<br /> _� .
<br /> -- -- -- - - - -� - � ` �- -- --�� f Scal) � i,�_
<br /> PAULA J F ELE �D ������„�,,<<
<br /> .. .__..__ _ lye�ill
<br /> B�•r .�u
<br /> (SCd�1
<br /> . - - �y�Arn»�r
<br /> S'TA?E OP uk1?£�'.ASKA. County ss: HALL
<br /> pn� 15th �y of Mat'Ch , 19 Qa,befure me,the nndersigrkd. a NWary Wblic
<br /> duJy cammissi�a�i qu�itied for saiA an�nty, persunzlly came NICNULAS R FREELEND AND F�AULR J FREELENb
<br /> Filj5BA1�iD �ND WI�E . c�rr�e known to be ihe
<br /> identical person{s)whose name(s)ste subscril�ed to the furegoing insinnr.ent and acknawicdgCd the ezecutirn�there�f tu be
<br /> t1lB�T voluntxry act and deed. %____—`=
<br /> �,yjr„�•my h�d and notarial seal aZ Gf2AND 15LANU in said counry.thc '
<br /> due afcxcaici. ' . )
<br /> /��'• % ���,
<br /> � : s
<br /> Riy Ccnnmission aspire._ _ t.J_ ,� f.��,� _�:/l• ✓ �� � L'�- __ _ .
<br /> Jlll� -�`�� ":•.-`.'" °•••' �Totary blic
<br /> ►1 G�,�'g1A'r.(5!,�;e,t C'�•'z:,'��
<br /> ��
<br /> �B�D_F1TA L.�E�D R08ERTA L RE�D �
<br /> � �.;�_:"', y,.G;., E�U l,;r 3Q��g �.
<br /> � tu:t,uc.sr roR Kt:rc��v�HVahi-�
<br /> �71�e utdt���p,na1 c�;the tx�Qtr uf tt�nute ur ncRes sccurcd by thts taecrl nt"I rusa S;�J rtc�te ur iu�tr�.[ugrther�Udb nIJ uthet irxicbicdnes� i��'J
<br />� secutCCi bp t�ts F)ecqf of Tru•.t,t�orre heen paid in ful} Ye�u are herehy dirertect tn car�ei�uJ n���e,�f rs+dec;i�t llisr Ik�tY}nt�l rust,whuh .�tt��
<br /> ztc�Is.acd hrrchv.cu�3 b�rcum�cy,wiftu�ul��arranty,�Il Ih�c!�tatc at�y f�rld by ynv w�r th:=ik�r,i ot inr.t n,Iti^��f.�,a i�t�rta+tn . ry-
<br /> ?='pi:lty c0!ttt.t�li:titu� . '9 .'
<br /> F►a!r .
<br /> .. . . .. , r �
<br />