� �
<br /> ���14140�
<br /> rEf l,ender required mortgage insuraczse as a condition of making the loan secured by this Security Instrument.
<br /> Barrower srial!pay the prrmiums reqL�red ts msintain the insurance in efTec:t until such titne as the requirentent fos tPtt
<br /> insurance terminates m accordan:e aiSh Bosrower's and Lender s wntten agreement ar applicabEe laa.
<br /> S. Inspectfon. Len�ez or its agent m�y make rasonable entnes upon and inspections of the Properry. Lendet
<br /> shall give Borrower notice at the tir�ts of�r prior ta att inspection specif}�ng reasonabfe cause for the inspection.
<br /> 9. Condemaitian. TEi,•p�osetds of any aaard or claim for damages,direct or consequential.in conncction with
<br /> any condttsfnation or other talang of any gart af the PraFerty,or for conveyance in lieu of condemnatio�,are hereby
<br /> assign�a��sl�all bc paid to i.endn.
<br /> Zn th�event of a totat ta6cing o€the Propert}�. tA.r p*oceeds shaU be applie�to the su�s secured by iti,s Secarity
<br /> lnstrument.whether or not then cdUS,with aa�y eacess paid to Borrower. in the event of a partiat taking of tRe Property.
<br /> untess Bonov�rer and Lender oth.rarise agrce ir.�writing,the sums seccred by this 5ecurity Inst:umtnt shali be redueed by
<br /> the amaunt of th:procee�s mutii�l,.�by tlse followiog fraction:(a)the toial amount of the sams secured immediately
<br /> befo*e th�:t..kang,dir•ided by(b)tP;,:f2�r market value af th:Property immediately before the taking.Any balance shall be
<br /> paid to�flzrower.
<br /> If th:Prop:at}-ds ab,�tts�o:t�d by Borravs•cr,or if,after notice br Lender to Boriow•er that the condemnar offers to
<br /> maice an aw3rd or settie a cl�im far da�ages,Bc,rrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date the notice is
<br /> given.Lender is authorizod co colixt and apply the proceeds,at its o�tion,either ta restaration or repair of the Progerty or '
<br /> to thesulas secured by this SecUritf�.Instrument,whether 4z not then due.
<br /> ; Untess L.ender and Hosrawer oshprw[se agree in writing,any agplication of pr�ceeds to principal shall ne*entend or
<br /> postpone the due date of the rrtorz!h:y payc^r.n•s refened to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such pay�szents.
<br /> 10. Borrower NoE Re�eased; F'ozbearance By Lender Not a W�iver. Extensson of th� time faz pay�en� qr
<br /> modification of amonization of th:sums secured by th�s Security instrument granted by Lendr_r to any successor in
<br /> interest of Borrower shall not��+erate to release the liability of the original Harrower or Bonower's successa�s ir.ir�t,rest.
<br /> Lender shal! not be requi�ed tp cr,mr_►ence proceedings against any suceessor in interest or ref�se to extertd tirze fa
<br /> pay�er�t�r otherwise rer�ify amp.tiz2.tion of tF:e sums secured by this Secunty Inatrument by re.-f,�c�n of any d�rnartd�r..ad�
<br /> by the original Botro i�er�ar Horrower's successors in interest.Any forbearance by Lender in eaerci�sna any right or remedy
<br /> shall not be a waiver of or prxiude tt:e exercise of any nght or remedy.
<br /> 11. Successors and As�i�Bouad;Joint and Several Liabillty;Co-signers. The covenants artd agt�ent,.of�
<br /> this Stcu.riiy�nstrument shall birtd un.��benefit the successon and assigns of Lender ar�d Borrower,subject ta�hc�r�visions
<br /> of paragr�t 17.Borrower's covenacts and agreements shall be joint and several.An�f;otrower who casigns this Secucity�
<br /> Instrument but daes not eaecute the I�Jote:(a)is co-signing this Secunty]nstrument only to mort�pge,grant and conve��
<br /> that Borrower's interest in the Property u,nder the terms of this Security Instrument;(b)is not pe.*smnally obligated to pay �
<br /> the sums seeured by this Secunty Dnstrument;and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may agree�o eatend,
<br /> modify,forbear at make any accammodations w�th regard to the terms of this Secunty Instrument or the Note without
<br /> that Horrower's consent. �
<br /> 12. Latn Cdarges. If Ihe loan secured by this Secunty Instrument is subject to a law which sets maximnm tapn
<br /> charges. and that law is finally interpreted so that the �nterest or otl.ter loan charges collected or ta be collected in
<br /> connectiar► with the loan exceed the permitted limits, then: (a)any s.:ch loan c.harge shall be reduced by the amount • _
<br /> necessary te reduce the ehatge to the permitted limu; and(b� any sums already c�'fected from Horrower wUich exceeded ' l-�
<br /> permitted limits will be refunded to Borrower. Lender may choose ta make th�s ref4nd by reducing the prsr�c:pal owed �
<br /> under the Note or by making a direet ps�yment to Borruwer.If a refund reduceti principal,the reduction will be treated as� •
<br /> partia)prepayment withaut any prepayment ch.:.r�e under the Note. �
<br /> 13. Le�islttion AReeting Lender's R��lfts. If enactment ar expiration of applicable laws has the effect cf
<br /> rendenng any pruvision of the Note ac zhi5 SeCUrity Instrument unenf�rceahle according to�ts terms,Lender.at its option. �
<br /> may require immediate payment in fuf� of all sums secured hy thiti Secunty l��strument and may inv�ke any remedies .
<br /> permittod by paragraph 19.If Lender exercisM.rhis option,Lender shall take tlie cteps�pecified�n the second paragraph of
<br /> paragraphl7. '
<br /> 14. Notices. Any n�tice tp Bcrra-�er�;rovided far in th��Security In�,trument shall he given by delr.ering it or by
<br /> mail'eng it by first class mai! unl�.s appluable law requires use uf anather methad. The nc�ticc shall be dire}:ted to the
<br /> Property Address or any other ad:.f;ess Borrower designa�e�,by noticr t��Lender. Ar:y�notice tc�Lender yhall be given by
<br /> first class mail to l.endtr's address stated herein�r any ather addresti Lender deti�gnates by noticc to Borrower.Any natite
<br /> provided for in this Security Instrument shal!be deemed to have been given t�fiorrower��r l.ender when given as pravided
<br /> �n this paragraph.
<br /> 13. G�erning l.vw;Se�•er�6ility. This Stcunty lntitrument�hall be g�wernc�� by f'ederal law and thr I�w of'the
<br /> jurisdiction in whicb the ptopetty ts lacated. In the e�cut tl�at any provitiion c+r clau�.e uf'this Securny Instrument or thc
<br /> Note conff�cts w�th applicable law,such confl�ct shall n�yt;�f3ect nther provi5ionti of'th�s 5ecurny Inslrument e�r the Note
<br /> which can be g�ven elfect w�th�ut the cc►nfl�cung�rvv�5�on. 7'�this c��d the pruv�tiionr uf thir 5ecurity�lastrument aud the
<br /> Note nte declared to bc severable.
<br /> 16. BorroWer's G�py. Horrrwer shall he given arie cnnfc�rmed cc�py uf the Nnre and��f tbc Securuy intitrument.
<br /> 17. Tnn�ter of the Propetry o�fl Heneficial Interest in Norrower. If ��I!nr any parl �,f the 4'rnperty nr .�ny
<br /> intere�t�n u is sold or transferred Ic,r�f a heuehc�al interetit�n)3��rre�acr�ti�nld��r trui��errcJ and[l�,rn�wet iti u�>t a natur�l
<br /> prrsun)wuhe�ut Lender's pnor wrnien cunsent, I,ender may, a1 it�upnon,reyu�re immediate payment m full of all sums
<br /> sccured by this Security� Instrument. �lawever. th�s uphon s1�aU ne�t be exerci�ed by 1.cnJer if cxercise �s proh�h�ted by ;___ __ ..
<br />, federal law as af the date of Ih�s Secunty Ins�rument
<br /> If Ixiider exercisec th�s upt�cm,!_ender shall g�ve Hnrr��u�et nc+ttce of acceietatton "I he n��tiee shall prc►vide a pencxl
<br /> c�f nnt less than 30days f'rum the date the n�t�ce��dehyered�x rnailrdµuhin w}nch l�urruucr nwtit p�y ail�urnti�r�ured hy
<br /> th�s 5ecuru�Insuument lf Bottuwet fa�ls tv pay these tiwm�nur t�.the cxr�iruuun�if lh�ti peni�d, 1 euEic► mny mw�kc any
<br /> remedies pernntted by this Secur�ty Instrument w�th��ut further not��e��r den�nnd��n Hu�n�wer
<br /> 18,BbrrOxer's Right td Fttinst�te. If lturtat:er meets cen�t�n rrn�d�tiouti. N��rn�wer�h�lt hatir�hc nFht t�.havc �
<br /> enfurcement of th�:SCCUTII�If1:IfUitlCllt(jltitieiRllttUti�df 8t1}11rTIC�lttfi!'in[I1C Ci�1'I�l't ut (e�S day�tur such�rtber pen«d a. �E
<br /> L �pp{tcable law rna} sprc�fy f��r rein5taternrnt►hrfure salc o6 the Pr<rpeEty�urs�anr. t���n� p�,��es c�t�:�le��m[ained �n thi� �t
<br /> Secunty tr�strumeut.nr thr er.tiy c�f a}ue��n�riit enfi,rcin�thn Se�uri�c lii�trumcc�t Thutir c�,nd�n:•m are th�lt Ne+rr��wer �•.t�
<br /> 1a1 p�ys LCnd�t �311 aurn5 �.lti�ch ¢her. win�l�:� I�e �lue uitdet tl2n SeEten�� Itnttument .�nd thc ti�,tc had n�� �«rtesaU���i r��
<br /> cxcr�rred. (h►iuret at�y eicfeuit ��f�any e�;hez �e�:eu�t�i���r :��;rectncsit� 1�r ��ay� all c•+t��ctr•e� u�i urre�i rrr cnt��►.in�! thir t��t
<br /> � 4�cunt} Imtri�urent. �ntitul�►,g. ►��►t n;�f itm�tes# t+,. rea�nn:�>,te ,:ttr;;r,cy= tce= .�nc;�dr takc� ti���i� �:.u��t� .+� !^ndcr ma�• ��
<br /> re�um;fhly rr,�nrre t��.t�QtIFC Fh;tt !hP ��ef��,f 11ti�. tiG-e uri4} liz;trufr�Petr, !rr�elrt � f��N�3. �n Sfir E�!��(�cfS► ����! �[:��[��.�cz ti .
<br /> r�bli�at�r�n t�� p�� �tti� .cetri. �«urC�! i�� Itu� yt�.unty (n.trt.mrn� �.i�:�ll c„��rii.�.t� ur.�'si.�u:r��,f ! j:,m tru�.t:�temrns hy
<br />.. 11utt��wet.!T��,Sr��it�tti t���lt��►t�!'ufnl:i3FI�C��h1;�,?��U���c�.�.t�iatr�iltcteh: �i�alf �cn�.jn�t�_i1,. �•flr•,a��r����tri� ,�,i:ft•t.�h,m i�,i�f
<br /> �,i.:itt�c3 H��c,r�rr �hr.riQh? fu(rfll�liFSPlll.t){u�.r a�;�:ly in tlie _.r•.,•t .t.:r1�-� �!: �, w,�.:��t ��.�r_s::s ��,�,�. i �,:� 1 .
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